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Everything posted by LordCowCow

  1. Been two weeks now, if either of you want a 5th go for it And anyone who already put 5 down can put a 6th (though not until these two have either given a 5th or declined) but we're not going past 32 I don't think.
  2. Hmmmmm I do like this name in general still but I suppose the one downside is the roblox guy who used this name and I always wonder if people think that's where I got it So I suppose maybe I would and it'd probably be my favorite animal because why not 139
  3. Hmm it starts good but a bit dull by the end, 6.5/10
  4. Fun but not really something I'd wanna listen to more than once, 7/10
  5. Is good it also kinda gives the vibes of "its ALMOST there" for a lot of it, 7.5/10
  6. I was 6 when this song came out and have heard it hundreds of times my entire life I've always liked it though, 8.5/10
  7. Thessa arrived just in time. That is to say the boost from the time she had used was wearing off so had she not gotten there before then it would have taken more time, one way or another, to get to her destination. The building itself wasn't much to look at. Certainly not a place that lived up to the "Battle" part of its name. "Labs" was still fitting enough she supposed. Still if that was where Caesar had gone she could forgive the boring exterior. Her information must have been good after all given that there was a large amount of people gathered outside the place. Apparently they had found out where he was hiding as well. It was a bit weird they hadn't gone in yet but maybe they were waiting for something. She frowned a bit as she listened to Roy and Lachesis speak and explain the situation. Apparently they had tried to go in after all and just failed. From the sounds of it she would have to use some more of her power to get inside, maybe even before meeting Caesar, which she supposed had its upsides as well as downsides. After all lately it seemed that she was being challenged, as in people trying to fight her not that they were hard fights of course, more often than she liked. Having to waste her time like that was starting to be a bother. Perhaps if she made a show of it today that might shift a bit. Like an investment for the future. It seemed that Roy was about to head off. Before he did Thessa spoke up. "Honestly didn't think there would be other people here. I was just gonna go through the front door." "You're not the only one with a bone to pick against Caesar," Lachesis said, smiling a little. Sarah added, "Director Sekelsky's call was for two locations, the other one a bit more obvious as to the scale of the fight. There are any number of reasons why a cape might choose this one over the other." But Roy was firm in his conviction. "I'm not sending another team in the front door when there are so many other possible options. We just have to pick the right one." It didn't surprise her, really, that Roy would say that. He was cautious. Which was probably good for the many lesser heroes he had to manage. "Oh, there was a call. Guess that makes sense then." She looked over at Roy and giggled. "Oh, silly boy. I never said anything about a team." She began to walk in the direction of the main door. "I'll go myself." In response to her words Lachesis looked at the other two capes who had just arrived and back at Aeon but said nothing. Roy sighed. "Take a walkie talkie with you at least, so you don't miss another call. Not that you tend to listen. Sarah, do you have a spare?" Sarah hesitated. "They're all.. by the main entrance, actually." "Aight Roy Boy I'll pick one up on the way then. T B H I'm glad you guys are here, it's a long time coming that you actually see what I'm about." She waved and started picking up her pace. Lachesis waved back, Roy did not, as she headed for the door. She noticed a cape handing out walkie talkies on her way there and called out to toss her one. She could at least carry it with her, though it was likely to get broken at some point during combat anyway, to appease Roy. It wasn't as if she hated him, or at least she didn't think she did, and it WAS on her way anyway. She continued to the door. It was a revolving door, which she vaguely remembered enjoying using as a child, with one handicap door on either side. A sudden urge to see how fast she could make the door spin came over her but she decided against it and simply pushed her way through it and into the building. "Honey, I'm home!" She called out as she pushed on the door.
  8. Only 4 more nominations needed for this


  9. 7/10, it started and ended kinda slowly sadly but there was neat things in there
  10. Adding a 5th of my own Lufia & the Fortress of Doom Which puts us at just 5 away now
  11. The Mute and The Quiet “One of the reasons I came back up is because I was hungry, and I still don’t know where the best places to eat are. I don’t have… a lot of money, but I do have enough, I think.” Natasha nodded in understanding and gave a soft smile. She put a finger to her temple and closed her eyes, giving an exaggerated but clear symbol for "I'm thinking". Then she opened her eyes and nodded. Melissa would notice her eyes seemed to be sparkling with a sudden childish excitement. Natasha then typed away on her watch, having to restart a few times because of her haste, before showing Melissa a message. "There is a newer place I have wanted to try. Will you go with me?" Natasha then led Melissa over to a taxi and, after some trouble, set the location for them. There was a short trip where Natasha was, as always, silent but she kept giving Melissa an occasional look as though trying to let her know it was okay to speak if she wanted. Eventually they reached their destination. A restaurant called "Eating For Two". As they approached it Natasha pointed out a sign near the door that seemed to establish some "rules" for the place. Customers must come in a least a pair Customers must each order at least one item No refund and no take home boxes Serious eaters only If Melissa looked towards Natasha she would see a determined, and excited, look on her face. She looked over to Melissa and gave a firm nod before stepping inside. The interior was softly lit but seemed rather cozy. All the tables had cushioned chairs in front of them and each of the tables were spaced out with plenty of room between them. They only saw one other duo there but they were at the far end and it was hard to make out what they were eating. Though even a brief glance could tell them that there was a lot of food between them. An employee approached them and smiled widely. "Ah, Natasha yes? I see you got someone to come with you this time, very good. Sit wherever you would like someone will be with you shortly." They then looked at Melissa and she could have sworn they had a doubtful expression before they turned and walked off towards what was presumably the kitchen. Fen and Kelsey One-Two Punch "Thank you for the match." Adonis seemed to be quite literally wobbling as he raised a fist up in the air towards Fen. "No problem....I went easy on you this time after all....next time I'll...I'll..." then he toppled over. A couple other boxers came into the ring and dragged him off towards a bench before approaching the ring again. Clearly wanting to use it next. Kelsey gestured at Fen to follow her out of the ring. "Glad you liked it! Yeah it's pretty fun to knock that guy around isn't it?" She paused. "Well I guess you mean in general, not that. But gotta admit he's a lot more fun to hit than a punching bag." She stretched a bit before looking around. "It's a pretty slow day here. Wasn't any events planned or anything so we sorta have the run of things. If you wanna get back into the ring in a bit, or try something else out, you just let me know okay?" Kelsey seemed to think something over then, "if you wanna leave too that's fine. Just make sure to hit the shower first....Not that I'm saying you smell or anything, you smell just fine! I, uh, assume that is." She gave an awkward laugh.
  12. So I'm not very clear on what the RP is, uh...meant to be? Or what the characters would be doing I guess.
  13. It's rare that I enjoy when songs do that thing where they have long stretches they slow down/barely do anything and this is no exception I'd like this more if it was shorter but I feel something also would be lost but I don't care enough about the song for that so I will rate it as I feel and I feel its still 8/10 cause the first few minutes were real good
  14. Been a week so anyone who wants to go to 5 nominations can do so now
  15. Shiki listened silently as they drove while Brian and Carmen answered. Only after they both had finished speaking did they say anything. First they answered Brian's own question. "Relationship Values are generally hidden numbers that reflect how much party members, npcs, or love interests like you. These values can be altered by various means included but not limited to choices made, events, gift giving, and actions during combat." Once more Shiki grew silent for a few moments as they took a turn. "We are glad to know that the value is raising. Bonds between people is sure to help when more difficult entities begin to appear." More silence, another turn. "Be careful not to raise it too high and trigger the confession event." Another brief silence and another turn. "Unless that is your goal." The next silence was longer and, as Shiki took another turn, the duo might realize something. They had been driving in circles this entire time. If asked why Shiki would simply reply, "we were not asked to go anywhere in specific." --- Eventually they would arrive at whatever destination they wanted and, before the first of them got out, Shiki would tell them that they would not be messaging tomorrow, "unless a world ending calamity falls on us" and to make sure to have a nice day.
  16. Team BQN The marshy area around the statue was wet as expected. For those who knew about marshes it might seem odd that only a patch of the route was like this and the rest, while windy, seemed to be perfectly normal. Even the areas on the outskirts of the marsh was dry and allowed for easy passage around it if desired. There were plenty of Pokemon that made this marsh their home but notably many of them didn't get too close to the statue in the middle. Only several types of Psychic Pokemon stayed near it and as anyone got closer they would have some idea why. Once they got within a couple dozen feet of the vaguely squid-shaped statue they would hear a ringing in their ears. If they got closer the ringing seemed to grow louder. Despite this they felt an odd compulsion to get closer still to the statue. Something about it drew anyone who got close's interest until they felt a strong urge to touch the statue. Any Pokemon they happened to have with them shied away from it once within ten feet even if their trainer got closer. Yet at that distance the statue started to feel important. They had to get closer. They had to find out what it was. They had to know what this whispering voice in the back of their head was saying.
  17. I liked it at the start over time started to wear a bit, 7/10
  18. Is hard to rate this stuff cause I can acknowledge its good and sounds nice but doesn't mean its interesting for me to just listen to normally 7/10
  19. hey so got a SNES poll tournament going, game nominations are up atm would like a couple more people if possible


    1. Chiri Bedhead

      Chiri Bedhead

      Should I nominate FE05 (Thracia 776) even though I've only at most finished chapter 4 (so far)?

    2. LordCowCow


      If ya wanna go for it

  20. I like this a bit better than the previous one, and doesn't feel it overstays its welcome, 8/10
  21. I found a shorter version but in the future don't post such long ones please Anyway listened to shorter version, was pretty good a bit TOO intense I guess? 7.5/10
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