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    • Btw, you're a child as well.
    • "Maybe I should keep a running tab for everything I break down here." Thessa responded to the walkie before heading forward. There was enough light to at least make out a path and that's all she needed. As she was Thessa wasn't worried about being caught unaware so she continued to boldly advance forward. There were doors to the sides, leading to computer labs apparently, but they didn't hold any interest to Thessa as she made her way through. She eventually found her way into a large gymnasium full of various equipment resembling an obstacle course. Multiple robots were currently running through it. The lights here were brighter but as Thessa walked in she saw them flicker. As they did some sort of...ghostly thing would appear behind the robots. "Oooh spooky." Thessa said. She imagined they wouldn't just let her pass by but, in order to get to the door at the other end, she'd have to go through them anyway. In particular there was a balance beam with a couple bipedal robots grappling each other atop it right in front of her. Off to the side there were various other robots standing by or using gymnastic bars. As well as a few dog-like robots roaming the outskirts. Without hesitation Thessa took a running leap which would have taken her all the way to the door at the opposite end except that one of the robots on the beam grabbed her ankle as she passed after being launched upwards by the other and she was pulled down onto the beam. Thessa reached back to grab onto the robots arm and crushed it in her grip. Then she stood and grabbed the robot and launched it at the other one. Then she hopped off the beam to keep going towards the door. And then a klaxon sounded and the lights went red. A very classic alarm situation. The apparition she saw flickers of before appeared in full now behind each robot as they all turned towards her. Without paying them heed she went over to check the door she had been heading for and found that it was simply a supply closet. "Well, that tracks." She said as she turned back with the intention of going through a different door. However the robots appeared to be moving towards her in a much more hostile manner than before. "Okay fine fine, I get it. Scary security robots ooooh." The three dog-like robots came in first and the one in the lead shot out what looked like little tasers from the front of their body. Thessa sidestepped this and brought her leg up to kick the robot in the 'chest'. As it was just a robot she didn't hold back and her foot went right through the thing's body. The other two had circled around by then and launched their own tasers. These Thessa simply took dead on and felt the tingle of electricity but not much more as she darted to the side and grabbed the left-most dog. She then spun and slammed the robot down on the second dog and destroyed them both together. By then the six bipedal robots had caught up and one of them tried to reach for her. Only for her grab it instead and fling it into the opposite wall. The remaining five seemed to be somewhat more clever, perhaps given where they were it made sense for the robots to have combat awareness, as they didn't come at her right away. So she launched herself at them instead. She swung her fist at the middle one and it raised up its arms in an attempt to block Thessa. Unfortunately for it her strength was at a level that she simply broke the thing's arms and continued forward with her punch to break the rest of it. Two more came at her from the sides, much like the dogs had, but they seemed more alert as when she moved to do the same move they backed away to avoid being grabbed. So instead she stepped forward and swung a kick at one of them, shattering its middle and cutting the robot in half. Then she grabbed into the upper half of the robot and tossed it through the chest of the other one. She felt one of the remaining robots grab onto her arm and she could tell it had a powerful grip but it didn't stop her from slamming a fist down onto its head and crushing its head, along with much of its body, in one swing. The last robot was in the middle of charging at her. Perhaps it hoped to land a blow before she could react but it was far too slow and Thessa simply threw a straight jab as it approached and punched a hole right through its middle. She then finished it off by grabbing on either side of the hole and pulling the robot into two pieces. With all the robots gone, and the apparitions gone with them, Thessa shook her head. "Caesar better have a good reason for wasting my time like this and not just coming out to greet me himself."
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