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  1. 3 likes
    Here's some spooky doodles. Nice Shore . ..
  2. 1 like
    Episode VIII had its problems but I still enjoyed it a lot, and maybe it's just because it's Star Wars but I can't help but get hyped. Seeing Lando again is great, and the Emperor's laugh at the end honestly gave me chills. I'm also curious to see how things go now with J. J. Abrams directing again instead of Rian Johnson.
  3. 1 like
    Graveyard of Lost Souls Team Karaoke Lok grimaced as he saw the ghost taunt him, and dived to dodge the Shadow Ball, tumbling and scraping on the ground. He slowly picked himself up, clutching his arm as he kept his eyes on Raphael. Gwen had his attention now, which was good for him, but he wasn't sure how long they would last if things kept going this way. He watched as the Godslayer swatted away the leaves, landing on top of a tombstone behind him. He started boasting at them, talking about the tombstones that littered the graveyard. He got an idea, as he saw Kayla strike Raphael in the back. He raised his arm, ready to fire another hex at one of the tombstones. As he tried, however, his head started pounding at him, the flame not forming on his fingers. To make things worth, Raphael had struck Kayla, her blood splashing on his face. He clenched his fist, his legs starting to move forward on their own. A bright light started shining in his fist as he focused all his attention on Raphael. "Leave her alone!" He shouted, firing off a Confuse Ray towards him. Temple of Time and Space Team Showdown Scarlet, seeing the Armaldo approach her, darted towards him, pincers ready to strike. Scarlet barely managed to sidestep the Water Gun, the splashes of water sprinkling on her shoulder. Both of their claws clashed, Armaldo's Dragonic Claws met by Scarlet's Bullet Punch. She grinned as he cringed a bit, staring him dead in the eyes. Her eyes, however, drifted to the side as she saw Armaldo go in for another swipe. She jumped back, dodging the attack, before darting right back in, aiming a Bug Bite at his shoulder. Instead, she was greeted by a Water Gun aimed right at her face. She let out a grunt, but kept going forwards, not deterred. Her pincer flew uselessly over the air where her opponent once was. Armaldo had ducked down and took advantage of his position, firing off two Metal Claws at Scarlet. The first Metal Claw struck her right in the chest, as she let out a gasp in pain. Acting quickly, she darted back once more, sparks flying as the tip of the Metal Claw scrapped her chest plate. Scarlet let out a growl, eyes focused on her foe. This was going to be tough than she thought. Squatting down slightly, she sprung up into the air and towards her crouched opponent. She landed on top of him, slamming a Bullet Punch right on him. He managed to block the attack with one of his arms, the room echoing with the sound of a bone cracking. Not wanting to let up the assault, she launched another Bullet Punch, striking him once more. However, she had failed to notice his free arm, which struck her with a Dragon Claw that sent her tumbling to the side. The Armaldo stood, breathing heavily as he stared her down. He was looking beat down, but not out, as his armor seemed to harden once more. Scarlet started to pick herself up as Armaldo slowly walked towards her, his claw burning with dragonic energy. He raised his arm, ready to strike down onto Scarlet. Scarlet put her arms up, trying to block the attack. And then a Thunderbolt struck him on the side, knocking him out. Isole glanced over to Scarlet. "You were taking too long" She muttered. Scarlet simple laughed, slowly picking herself up. "You can't rush a good fight!" She brushed herself off, turning to the knocked out Armaldo. "Nice shot." She whistled, before turning back to Isole. "Sure... thanks." Isole responded, averting her gaze. Scarlet smiled, turning back over to Taiga and checking out how she was doing.
  4. 1 like
    Cranberry Rage Oregano Octogon Pancake @radio414
  5. 1 like
    Always been a fan of those 16-bit style games in terms of art style, especially the gigantic boss sprites:
  6. 1 like
    Do anime-only cards count? Because, if so, I have the most reckless possible decision. I'll guess 1.
  7. 1 like
    I have to rep anything Star Wars related.
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  9. 1 like
    So I found this here adding it to the stuff radio found we've got
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    Never fear, Uncle Death is here to save you all from your conundrum! With this mighty card that I found inside with all the nasty gunky shit I have. Look at this little fella. He's so cute! I want 4!
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  13. 1 like
    ...dude, too soon. (...yeah, that was even lower than my self-esteem, which is... verryyy low...)
  14. 1 like
    Hey, look on the bright side! All you have to worry about is eating brains! (...makes me envy you, since all your worries are gone. Mine remain forever dormant and lingering like flatulence that follows you even though you walked away from that one person you had a crush on because you didn't wanna fart near them but when you walked back they smelled it and was like "did you fart?" and I was like "n-no...?" and they gave me a disgusted look and walked away, so I just sulked and walked away in shame and sobbed myself to sleep that night...)
  15. 1 like
    I will not stand idly by and allow such suffering. I shall find this medicine, and when I do, we shall play SEGA Saturn together.
  16. 1 like
    If you were a piece of French toast, would you say that life was... pain?
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