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    "For those of you who have shown up ahead of me, I have brought Monaka! I was expecting more than two people though, there are 8 sweets I brought... I guess I'll just leave the rest on the teacher's desk for whoever wants any? First come first served and all that." Benjamin watched the young man with glasses and a headset before shrugging. He politely declined having any of the monakas, given he had a chocolate chip muffin earlier. Though he was quite surprised someone came into class and immediately presented their fellow students with sweets...quite the gesture. Regardless, he finally got the answer from the blonde girl, though he needed to move himself slightly that way she could talk to him properly. And to quite the shock...she spoke English!! "[Ah, are you foreign, too!? Oh my God, I'm going to be able to express myself clearly for once!] U-um, provided you understand English. I just assumed so, based on how you pronounced and said your name..." The young man gave a smile and held up a hand. "[Well this is certainly a surprise. Don't see or talk to many others who just speak English. And I'm fine with either...and yeah me introducing myself with the name like that...stiiiiill working on doing that with the surname first instead of my first name.]" he said happily, noticing the other students piling in...and the one that surprised him the most was... "HELP! MY HANDS ARE CHAINSA-HA-HAAAAWS! Nah, I'm fine-- 's just my Quirk. Hi!" This elicited a bit of a snicker from Benjamin, as he put his hand to his mouth, trying not to bust out laughing too much. Well...that's a hell of an entrance. Jeez, I should've thought of that for my opener...oh well. he thought with a shrug, before looking over at the blonde girl again. She was...zoned out...after seeing the "I am chainsaws". With another shrug, he tapped the young girl's shoulder a bit...to which she screamed. ...did one of my spiders pop out and freak her out? he thought, glancing around to see not one spider. Okay...he was in the clear on that...for now. "[I-I'm s-sorry, what were you saying? I, uh... I wasn't feeling great and zoned out, ehe...]" "[Oh it's alright. I mean, random guy walks in and screams that, I'd probably feel a biiiiiit uneasy myself.]" Benjamin nodded with a chuckle. "[Anyway, so what's your name? And what's an American...at least I assume you are don't hate me for assuming...doing here in Japan and at U.A.?]"
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    Yasha had to suppress a few giggles as Sun inspected him, but remained silent, just watching up until he was asked a question. "Are you... one of those... ro-butts?" Yasha burst into loud, growling laughter, a sound like a truck engine starting up. "No, not at all! My head's just kinda weird. Actually, come to think of it, neither of my parents have one like this-- so it's kinda REALLY weird!" He laughed again, more subdued this time. "Anyways, the doctors said it's shaped like this because it powers my Quirk or something-- I don't really get how it works, exactly." He give the monkey boy a once-over and cocked his head to the side. "I'm Yokuna. Nice to meet you, monkey man. What's your name?" Boy, this guy was kinda weird. Then again, everyone here was at least as weird as Yasha was-- he was used to being the elephant in the room, and now he was... normal by comparison. A part of him kind of liked that.
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    Takehiko looked up as more of his classmates piled into the room, happily letting them go after the snacks he had brought, although his smile cracked a little at a few of the more... vulgar of his new classmates. He sighed, "Not everyone has the same tastes I suppose..." He adjusted a small headset a bit, muttering something incoherent into it to those who weren't close to him, "C3 you were supposed to warn if anyone with dangerous quirks came in?! How stupid are you!?" He seemed to sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose, "Ducks? You got distracted by ducks...? No, no, it's fine, just... uuuugh you're dismissed..." He groaned and leaned back slightly, "Well here's hoping I can do better than them." Takehiko looked as he noticed the classroom was quite full now! He gave a glance over to the girl on his left, she seemed upset about something, "Ah, hey, are you okay...? I'm sorry I got a bit zoned out taking care of something..." The guy hadn't even paid attention there had been a chainsaw murderer-like hero only just seconds ago! "Oh, did all of the Monaka get eaten? Hopefully I wound up bringing enough... I uh, don't know if I have the energy to make more..."
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    Alois, Penelope, Edrick, and Abdul Alois could be considered fortunate that his comment about "enrichment" had gone without any commentary of its own. Though the mayor's frown deepened, he kept his mouth shut while Edrick spoke. To the side, Mene shook her head in exasperation. On the bed, Edrick was scowling thoughtfully. "That... yeah that sounds like who I'm lookin' for." He lay back down then, face pale, though he seemed to be fighting to stay conscious still. While the lancer seemed lost in thought, Penelope replied to the mayor's question. "No, I doubt it. That's a rather personal matter for Edrick. As to what you said before, don't worry, I can certainly already see the charms of this place. Why, this young woman has plenty of it herself." She smiled at Mene, drawing a flattered smile from the woman. "I'm glad you do," Mayor Dresogon nodded, pleased. "We may not be as flashy as Ithome, but unlike the capital, we are completely self-sufficient, save for a few specialty goods. That in itself is something to be proud of." "Though...I do wonder about that man, Pylauses I believe? And his companion. They don't seem to, ah, match the charm of this town much." "Yeah. He seems to hate pretty much everyone and every house in this town that isn't his, so why did he even come here in the first place?" "Oh, him," the mayor groaned. "He came here a while back, claiming this land as his fief or some such nonsense. Despite all that, he hasn't actually done anything harmful, so I decided to let him stay. And I've regretted it ever since," he mumbled the last bit under his breath. "It's best if'n ye just ignore him," Mene suggested. "That might not be such a good idea--" the mayor cut himself off at hearing Edrick's question. "Wait, what else is in this part of Histia? Where would someone be going if they passed this village by?" Mene shifted her weight from foot to foot, humming nervously as she wrung her hands together. "Oh, 'ere? Er, well, nothin'. Nothin' at all. Though if'n yous mean westward, err, well, then that's, uhh..." "That's Galtea," the mayor chipped in. "Though there's not much in that part of the kingdom, or so I've heard. Most people don't come through here if they're trying to go there--they'd head to Ithome, or Trikka even. Both of those cities are connected to the main roads." He thought for a moment. "I suppose they could've headed north though, or south even. North of here are the mountains, but south of here's Sochen." "That's our mayor for ya," Mene nodded. "Knows the most outta anybody in the village, savin' my smart boy 'ere," she patted Alois's shoulder. "Erhem, that's a matter of opinion," the mayor scowled at the fighter for a second before turning back toward Edrick with a shake of his head. "But that's all I know. I'm not so sure what sort of destination that strange rider would have if they headed through here though." He paused, noticing the tea that Abdul was serving everybody. "Is that tea? And masala chai, if I'm not mistaken." "Oh, ye know it, mayor?" "Know it?! Course. Tea is a fine drink indeed, and I consider myself an expert of sorts in those," the mayor puffed out his chest. -- Catriona, Link and Citron “Th… Thank you, Your Majesty. I’ll do my best to help contribute in any way I can.” Citron gave a small bow. Catriona fought back a sigh. Right after she had just told them not to call her "Your Majesty." It seemed either Link was rubbing off on this girl already, or Catriona was just deficit in acting the commoner. She would need to improve herself there if she did not want to look suspicious. “Oh, and um… Also… If you don’t mind me saying. Nice word-play there. The um, ‘diving’ part. Y’know, after I used an anecdote involving water.” The wyvern rider giggled, rubbing the side of her neck. Catriona stared at her, nonplussed. "I did not use word-play," she stated flatly. "I merely spoke what came to mind." The two were saved from the inevitable awkwardness that would follow that by Acantha's interruption. “Ah, you’re right!” the Isaurian walked toward Peaches. “I wanted to thank you again for taking care of Peaches. She seems to be doing much better! You also raise a pretty good question,” she adjusted the wyvern's harness. “Where should we go? Is there anywhere to stay, like an Inn, or somewhere to procure a tent? Or… Do you have any ideas, Your Majesty?” "It was no big deal," Acantha turned her head to the side. "Just make sure not to let that happen again. Your mounts are almost as important as your life." She stretched. "And unless I'm off my mark, the mayor should have taken care of such things on his end, so you shouldn't have to worry about that. He'll probably contact us soon. You might as well try and group up with the others." The princess nodded. "A sound plan. The sooner we reunite with the others, the sooner we can see about making preparations for the night." She also disliked the idea of staying separated for too long, especially in a strange village. Though she knew that with Gunther there, she wouldn't have to worry too much, and Alois seemed trustworthy enough as well. She glanced at Ciela, and then at Citron. "Citron, would Peaches allow somebody other than you on her back?" She was able to carry Ciela herself, but doing so would mean she wouldn't have any hands free to defend herself or the others should danger arise. The longer she's unconscious, the more dangerous it is for her, the woman thought. I thought her wounds nothing serious since Adel seemed fine, but I forgot that Ciela is much more fragile. They would have to figure something out if she still didn't wake up by the time they were ready to leave the village. Whether Peaches was able to carry Ciela or not, the group would soon exit the town hall from the main doorway, though the door itself had fallen off of its hinges, a large wyvern-shaped hole in the wood. Crossing the threshold, it almost seemed as if they stepped into a different world, the hushed atmosphere of the town hall falling from around them like a shroud, replaced instead by the cacophony of tools knocking against stone and timber, and voices shouting out instructions. The scent of velvet, dust, and varnished wood was gone, in its place, a barrage of smells found only in areas where people gather and bathing is a privilege rather than a necessity. Catriona blinked, shading her eyes against the bright sun above. A far cry from yesterday, she thought. Would it had been so nice on the road. She expected such weather in Garon or Sethis, not Ramesoth. Still, she shouldn't have been that surprised. The rain came no matter the month. "Will you lead us then, Link?" the woman asked, turning toward the mercenary. He had gone with the main group, after all, so she assumed he knew the way. -- Gunther, Sienna, and Tsetseg Icleias lapped up the attention he was receiving joyfully, giving a happy bark as his tail wagged so hard it seemed it would fall off. Phai, however, did not seem as happy as she listened to the responses. "It's up...to you two. I'll keep going if...if you wish it." "Well, it's important to find your friends and family right? And you really want to find her right Sienna? So we gotta keep looking! After all, she's all by herself right now and the longer we wait the harder it'll be to follow her!" "Ehhh?! W-Well, I suppose, that's, err, true, I guess," Phai said, twiddling her fingers together. "Umm...in that case, there's a place to cross not far from here, if you all are, uhh, fine with that." Unless anybody voiced any objections, she would lead the way, heading south along the riverbank. There, the ground sloped up, a gradual incline that became steeper and firmer, mud replaced by pale white stone like the statue they had fought earlier. Eventually they reached a point where the rock hung over the river like the talon of some large bird of prey. At the very tip, an oak tree clung to the edge with grasping, finger-like roots. "You should be able to just jump down from here, but it'll be harder to make the return trip," the girl said, and it was apparent that she was correct. The cliff hung far enough over the river that one could easily jump across from there, but getting back up was another story. "I hid a rope on the other side though, and I'm a good thrower," she knocked a fist against her chest with a confidence that seemed at odds with her earlier behavior, "so we should be able to make it back from here too." She glanced at Gunther for a second before nodding, some of the nervousness returning to her expression, "Even you, I think." The girl took a deep breath then, stepping back a bit before running forward and leaping over the edge, landing on the other side with a soft splash. "Come on, it should be a soft landing!" she called out to the trio above. "The ground's all muddy and stuff here, so there shouldn't be any problems. I, uhh, think so anyway." With a bark, Icleias followed, splashing into the water in a belly flop, though he seemed none the worse the wear for it, quickly exiting the river and lowering his nose as he sniffed around on the opposite bank. OOC
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    Diana's friendly gesture earned her the bird from Hakaro, prompting a bit of a slump from the girl. Well, this was going swimmingly already. Luckily, another boy would approach her thereafter, drawing her mind away from the one in the back. "Hey there. Benjamin O'Hara...nice to meet you!" "[Ah, are you foreign, too!? Oh my God, I'm going to be able to express myself clearly for once!]" Diana beamed, before clearing her throat and adjusting, "U-um, provided you understand English. I just assumed so, based on how you pronounced and said your name..." As Diana waited for Ben's reply, she watched the others pile in, one after another. A foppish boy who brought treats, an excitable and happy boy, and then... a loud sound, like engines revving. Suddenly, a boy with a chainsaw for a head.and hands busted into the room, screaming about it. Diana unconsciously grabbed at her right elbow once more, shifting her eyes away, and breaking into a bit of a cold sweat. Just breathe. Breathe. Calm down. It's another hero. He seems... nice. Yeah. Nice. Just being silly. Nothing could go wrong. If he's here he's safe, right? Well, other than the asshole in the back... Diana started to zone out, the boy with the chainsaws taking over her mind as she desperately tried to force it away, before Ben tapping her on the shoulder brought her back to reality, with a bit of a scream. "[I-I'm s-sorry, what were you saying? I, uh... I wasn't feeling great and zoned out, ehe...]"
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    Well yes, but actually no
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    It was a delightful April day. The sun was shining and everyone was out on their daily commute. Usually on a day like today, Emi would have ambled a little more, taking in the morning's warmth. Instead, she was sprinting down the street. Of course. Today was such an important day, and she just had to oversleep. It could’ve been the fact that she set her alarm for a.m. instead of p.m. by accident, or that she was too nervous to sleep. This is U freaking A we’re talking about here - the best of the best. What if her Quirk wasn’t good enough? What if she didn’t train enough? She passed the exam, but still, she wasn’t really sure what everyone else was capable of. What would her parents think if she flunked out? It was thoughts like these that kept Emi up for a little longer than she wanted to. Luckily for her, the Kikuchi family didn’t live too far from the school. After a panicked yelp upon seeing the time, she threw on her uniform, not even buttoning the jacket, and grabbed her backpack. “Morning mom and dad, I’m off!” Before they could respond, Emi burst out the door. Seeing UA on the horizon, Emi stopped to catch her breath. She slumped against a nearby tree and slid to the ground breathing heavily. After about a minute or so, Emi picked herself up and continued her trek, walking this time just because the building was so close. As she approached, Emi couldn’t help but marvel at the structure. “Wow! This place is amazing...” she gawked. She barely noticed the important-looking dude standing at the entrance rifling through some papers. He was a fairly tall man in what looked to be a hero costume, and was about a foot taller than Emi. “Hi! The name’s Kikuchi. Kikuchi Emi as a matter of fact.” He thumbed through his papers. "Ah, yes, Kikuchi... It seems you performed reasonably well on the entrance exam. Have you been training your quirk?" Maybe it was Emi’s imagination, but the man’s intense golden eyes seemed to stare right through her. They intimidated her a little, but she guessed that meant this guy was no joke. She excitedly replied, “Totally! I worked pretty hard, you know, after the whole exam thingy. You know the deal, working out and exercise and all that.” "Of course. Just don't be giving it up now that you have made it in. Things won't be getting any easier." "Oh don't you worry about that. Trust me!" "In that case, go ahead and head right in. Best of luck." “Thanks!” Emi turned away from Glory and walked into the building toward the classroom. Everyone’s probably there already. Hopefully I can meet someone before classes start. She didn’t want to be left as the odd one out in the class without anyone to talk to at the end of the day. She picked up her pace and entered the classroom. Most of the seats were already taken, so Emi settled for the only open one closest to the door. She set her bag down and assessed her surroundings. Everything seemed relatively normal. Well, except for the one guy who was standing on all fours in front of the teacher’s desk wolfing down what looked like monaka. A little strange, but nothing too jarring. Maybe he missed breakfast too. Emi grabbed her notebook and pens from her bag and placed them on her desk. Then, she whipped around towards the young man sitting behind her. Grinning from ear to ear, she decided to introduce herself. “Hi! The name’s Kikuchi. What’s yours?”
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