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Status Updates posted by Void

  1. I'm still alive it seems. How is this place doin' then?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LordCowCow


      Can always start with silly Misc posts that's a safe bet

    3. Nyx
    4. Void


      I was actually thinking of posting a Grimore in The Character Vault, summarising various characters I've played and some concepts I've come up with over the years.

  2. Just watching our Supreme Court giving Boris Johnson the biggest constitutional middle finger in centuries made my day. All 11 in favor declaing Parliament's proguation null and void.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yui


      now if only our incoherent criminal leader could also get the same treatment

    3. mido9


      when it's legal to ignore the biggest democratic vote in UK history but not legal to prevent that

    4. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      Oh hey, Pelosi finally found the guts to announce an impeachment inquiry. Today has been an incredible turn of events.

  3. SPARTANS, CIRCUS Team is recruiting. Are you mad enough to join us?


    1. LordCowCow


      Been a while since I've heard that name

    2. Void


      It has. But its time to warm up the Warthog and start teabagging the enemy. You in, soldier?

    3. LordCowCow


      Will give it some thought.

  4. Oh look, its officially October now.



    1. MetalSonic


      I still got 4 more hours.

    2. Thar


      CVS don't care about no time zones.

  5. Why am I so tempted to return to fourm RP AGAIN, after so many failures?

    1. Rinne


      It's impossible to stay away. ?

    2. Nyx


      There are artists who try again after failures.

  6. Fortnite is dead. Long live Halo.

    1. Thar


      Epic Games activated Dark Hole on the community.

    2. Ash


      @Thar Underrated reply tbh.

  7. All hope abandon ye who enter here NCM's RP Section Discord.

    1. Blake


      yeaaah gonna have to lock this cause can you not

  8. I can confirm I am working on a new custom card artwork.

    All I will say for now it isn't another magician for the Magnus set.

    Stay tuned!

  9. I hate Valentines. And today just felt worst then the rest.

    1. Thar


      Just any other day for me. Might just be because I've accepted my status, but I dunno.

  10. Oh no. I've been made Limited in the TCG.

    1. yui


      bet you're not into that

  11. Spartans, Halo 3 is now available for the PC. Suit up, and lets finish the fight. Uh, again.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Kinda wild it took so long

  12. Can you believe it has been 10 years since Bonds Beyond Time?

    1. DragonSage


      No god damn way.

  13. So, the TCG-exclusive Time Thief archtype is based off Doctor Who.

    1. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic

      I absolutely love them just for that fact...plus the sheer fact that their lore is time-traveling based.

  14. Sat down today and did some overdue work on the Nihil Historia.


     I've decided to rework it somewhat, reformatting it as an in-universe database of characters, artefacts, and concepts - including their classifications in terms of power, nature, and threat. 


    You'll finally get a glimpse into the purview of PHAETON.

  15. Today, I learned a fellow roleplayer I knew and worked with on RuneScape back in 2014 took his own life yesterday.

    It put into perspective how few of us from that glorious era are left, with more than a couple of us now in the reaper's embrace. I've myself have narrowly slipped from his grasp. Twice.

    So maybe if you know someone you've not talked to in a while, give them a ring? Who knows what may happen.

    Oh, and don't worry about me. I'm honestly coping okay with it.

  16. Anyone here play/use-to play Duel Monsters Genesis? We just updated to V9.1.5a last night.

  17. Just updated my thread covering the Sacred Beasts of Chaos Structure Deck. I give my opinions regarding the new support and some tips on how to use them.


  18. I am not a romantic personification of nothingness, but even I know that Marks and Spencer's "Love Sausage" is not the sausage she might have been expecting on Valentine's Day. https://twitter.com/marksandspencer/status/1093434190715109379


  19. I've been looking through my burgeoning personal archives, and my thoughts have been turning to maybe publishing some of it here.

    It's a mixed plethora of worldbuilding ideas for RPs and the characters I've played in the past - mainly in the FinalFan/Brokenverse, as well as Spore-related stuff and random ideas that died, scrapped or never saw development.

    But would people be interested, and if so, in what kind of format should I publish it?

  20. Happy New Year everyone!

    Status: I'm way behind on working on the PHAETON project, between Christmas and new years stuff, writers' block, data loss, and then learning a bunch of image resources for YCM-era characters was irreversibly deleted with the shutdown of older image hosting services.

    Might cut back the initial number of entries and focus on essential content before I open up the club for contributions.

  21. I so wish I could afford one of the new Corsair Virtuoso RGB Wireless headsets.

    Ah well, I guess I'll stick with the pair they named after me.

  22. Main broadband is down. No idea from ISP how long it will be until fixed - so until then, I've tethered my phone to my PC to take advantage of the 4G connection.

  23. Oi! You. Yes, you! I'm talking to you. Go join Timeskipper's reboot of Yu-Gi-Oh! Fortune NAO!


  24. Day 3 of no Broadband - Only have 4GB of 4G left on phone, and over a week until my data allowance resets.

    Its driving me mad. I can't watch anything, talk to anyone, or even look at images without knowing its eating up precious MBs.

    And I can't play any of my games, because they are online-only or require online verification before play.

  25. I'm still playtesting the final reveals from Sacred Beasts of Chaos - you can expect the review by Monday.

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