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Jack of All Trades

Status Updates posted by yui

  1. my favorite part of being a music man is sometimes you'll hit three notes in sequence and really vibe with it, and next thing you know it's a whole 16-bar melody

    1. Thar


      tfw you're humming nonsense in the car and you end up jamming to something that sticks

  2. The soundtrack of Road Rash 64 is real nice until you're about half an hour into the game and realize it's just 3-5 songs on loop. But the gameplay's fantastic so who cares?

    1. mido9


      You should play road redemption, it's a spiritual successor made by some guy who loved road rash and it kicks ass, chews it up, spits it out, and kicks it again.

  3. If I buy profile music and the video gets taken down, do I get to ask for a replacement for free or will I have to save up again?

    1. LordCowCow


      Free, sure. As long as you're not a scrub.

      Oh wait...

  4. if elected i promise every ncmer a free baconator or other fast food item of their choice. #yuiformod

    1. Nico


      Mountain Dew Sweet Lightning, toss it over the border

  5. I'm plugging my AMA in the status bar and y'all can't stop me. Go as me some Fate/ related stuff I guess.


    1. LordCowCow


      Can't stop you, you say...

  6. PSA to all the sick bastards who think someone having a piece of corn stuck up their nose is funny:

    It is.

    1. UltimateIRS


      It gets old after a while.

  7. few things give me greater anxiety when preparing food than anything involving an oven. but there's pizza at the end of this road so I'm calling worth.

    1. yui


      I have pizza. Hands not burned. Flawless victory.

  8. U-Haul more like I-Haul because U ain't did shit.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Wait but the "U" in the name is referring to you, the client.

      Unless you mean your family is putting an out of scale amount of the labor on you, in which case haha welcome to life as a dude in your twenties.

  9. The guy that invented shaving cream deserves massive props and has left an irreplacable gift for men the world over and all... but hot damn do I hate shaving cream.

    1. Thar


      Thank you, guy, for inventing something that makes whipped cream look so good in food advertisements.

  10. i finally took the time to check out neil cicierega's new album. what the fuck did i just listen to?

    1. radio414



  11. how dare you assume i have an unhealthy sleep schedule. i'd have to have a sleep schedule in order for it to be unhealthy.

    1. Horu


      What's a sleep schedule?

  12. Dopamine machine... fixed? Maybe? I can't tell. But maybe. That's pretty neat if so ?

    1. yui


      I still hate shaving cream tho.

  13. Ways to tell your dream is a dream:

    1: You're wearing clothes you don't own but would like to.
    2: This isn't your house.
    3: Radiation PSA commercials featuring mutated deformed babies and toddlers that are on fire.
    4: You meet Jordan Rudess in your house.

    1. Nyx


      The technology isn't working like it should (time on clocks not moving, static on tv, never seeing what's on your phone, ect.).

  14. new theory: Betty White is actually the grim reaper and that's why she doesn't die

    1. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      You only die once; if she does then this theory becomes null and void.

  15. graphic design is my passion

  16. fact: four is the only number whose number of letters when written out equals the number itself

    1. UltimateIRS


      fact check: FALSE

  17. kanji makes no sense and I miss that blog about learning moonrunes

    1. Flame Dragon

      Flame Dragon

      Learning Hiragana and Katakana is honestly pretty easy. Over the two years I took Japanese I'd be shocked if I learned a dozen Kanji.

  18. all i want for christmas is you(r credit card info)

    1. Thar


      Santa: "You've been a good boy this year, I'll give you the first 4 numbers. I'll give you the next 4 next year. Merry Christmas!"


    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow


      bring it back

      damn crabs

  20. What sort of blog do y'all think I should make? I've got some ideas myself but also wanna be open to suggestions.

    1. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic

      Seeing you do some sort of Nuzlocke again would be cool. I do sort of enjoy your runs with what you do there...but that's just one thought. Another thought: maybe do more of your video game blog that you had prior?

  21. quick reminder that the halloween masquerade is taking monster sign-ups, and i'm in the market for a mini-host to cover the end of the event depending on when i'm moving.

    1. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic

      This is what happens when I don't have a concrete idea for a Halloween monster T-T

  22. yknow, "older than the trees, younger than the mountains" doesn't really narrow it down at all

    1. Saikazo


      That's why you blow like a breeze. The amount of dust on it tells you.

  23. PSA: Refrigerate your leftover baked mac & cheese.

    1. Nyx


      What happened to it?

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