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Everything posted by Saikazo

  1. “Eehhh yea! Hane-san! Sure, we can be roommates!” he stammered out, “For sure! Uhhh, hopefully you’re ok with that even though my Quirk is dangerous!” "I wouldn't ask if I wasn't okay with it, buddy!" Hane said with a wide smile and a thumbs up. "Still, I dunno if I'd called your Quirk dangerous. Protective maybe, but not dangerous," He said with a shrug. Then again, maybe his own views were skewed by his vigilante run. He leaned against the wall, looking around the room. "So... any girl catch your eye?" He asked, partially joking. "Actually wait, give me a second," He looked over to the group playing rock-paper-scissors before bouncing over, landing by them. "Yo, quick question. Nobody's dating nobody in this class, right? I don't wanna flirt with a dude's girl, ya know?" After receiving an answer, he bounced back to Yu. "Okay, that's settled. So, as I was asking, got anyone in your sights?"
  2. The Perfect Storm The Bow that Split the Sky "Time to begin the experiment!"
  3. Shiro really hated magic. Sure, one could say that Proteans were magic, but really, it was just an ability they were born with, one that humans could not achieve naturally, so it was called magic. No, magic truly twisted the natural, doing things like bring the dead to life, or stone to life. And right now, it was perhaps the most annoying thing, seeing as no matter how they attacked it, it just wouldn't go down. As if to drive that point home, another attack came at them. Sienna seemed to have a limb hit by the attack. Shiro on the other hand, did another hop, one much smaller than his first, in order to clear the attack, the tendril so close to grazing him, but the centimeters of space between frog and attack meant he was not hit. At this point, another man had ran in, attacking the beast with magic. Well, he supposed it was helpful, but it was another human. Joy. He turned back into his human form, standing on two legs again. His size wasn't helping here... maybe if he could sneak around to the symbol. He quietly ran around, heading to the back of the monster.
  4. It seemed Anne could use her charm for more than just selling things. She managed to talk the group into the city despite the guards being weary of them. Maybe they had an influx of refugees, trying to get away from the persecution of Rastaarn? He wasn't good at this big picture stuff... soon, she left, erasing his debt to the merchant, and disappearing into the horizon. "Well, um...we're here." Edda finally spoke up, to which Raynor nodded to, only half paying attention, instead watching people's reactions to him as he rode Gojira. "Mm. Yes, as we promised, nothing can stand in our way of completing a mission. I suppose we'll take you to wherever you're heading and then we'll be on our way." Made sense, but as usual. Rona had no tact about it. That had its own charm, he supposed. "Well, actually...it's not so simple. Dunno if you have thought much about it but given the, er, events before getting here you might not want to stick around for long. Some of you probably could set out and stay out of trouble but I kind of doubt you'd go for that." Alexis added, making Raynor's good eye narrow. This was what he spoke to Rona about earlier. She had assured him that everything would be okay, but now that he thought about it, he should have asked the rest of the group. Would they want unnecessary burdens on them? "H-Huh? Trouble?" Yue looked around wildly. "Th-That's not going to happen, right? A-Anne said that Enta is different from Rastaarn." "I mean, it is, but let's be honest. The kind of fear mongering those cowards are spreading is bound to catch on," Raynor stated with a shrug. That's just how people were. "Slowly but surely, people will turn on us, slowly pushing us into corners until there's not where else to run," Frankly, that sounded like the makings of an epic to him. "I, for one, relish the challenge, but... well, it's not really your guys' problem, right?" He paused, thinking about how he really wanted to say what was on his mind. "I guess what I'm tryin' to say if you want to stay outta this mess, then it's best for me to pack up and move on. Of course, if you want me to stay, then I will, but I don't want to drag you all into trouble you can easily stay out of, especially if you want no part in it,"
  5. Hane sighed to himself as he flopped back into his seat, watching the rest of the students go up. Everyone had some pretty good quirks, dare he say amazing ones, but there were two in particular that stood out to him. "Name's Kiburi. My Quirk attracts cockroaches. Wonderful, I know. Also, I have some exoskeleton pieces that are virtually indestructible. The bones inside my body are like that too." Now, she had already told him that, but there was something she said at the end of her demonstration that caught his attention. "Sucks to have it when you wanted to work in the food industry though." There was a story behind that, but what it was, he wasn't sure he wanted to guess at. Still, it was obvious her quirk isolated her... well, he was a hero, no matter what label was thrown at him, and someone needed him, even if they didn't know it themselves. The other one was Yu. “My Quirk...I named it Guardian Angel...It makes objects like Theodore here come alive and protect me...I am hoping that this school will be able to help me learn how to control it properly, because if I have strong negative feelings, I lose control of it, and it could hurt a lot of people.” Someone thought it was a good idea to send someone that held a teddy bear like a kid and had a quirk strongly impacted by emotions to a school where literally anyone could be a bully. Wow... Hero society at it again. Great job, all of them. There was really only one thing to do in this case. "You're all simply pathetic!" Looks like good ol' teach was having a bit of a breakdown there. "I've seen better quirk displays at a kindergarten! Seriously, you all lacked the ferocity of a true hero!" He slammed his foot into the ground, crumbling the infrastructure a little more. "The only one who was even worth an Iota of my attention was miss Kohaku! And even then, that was pathetic!" Would it be bad to call her the teacher's pet then? "If this were the real deal, and I were a villain, none of you would have stood a chance!" "I mean, if this was the real deal, I'd taken you seriously," Hane muttered under his breath. Still, there was an iota of truth there he didn't want to admit. His quirk was rather simple and straight forward, and while he was getting more creative with how to use it, he wasn't the best at one on one combat. He was best on a team... his team... "I'm sorry..." Mr. Arai suddenly switched personalities or something. It almost gave the boy whiplash. "I didn't truly mean that. All of your quirks are wonderful, and you did great against me. Now before we go on break, let me explain some things." Mr. Arai leaned against the chalkboard, his breathing still heavy. "If you haven't been told already, from this day forward you will be living in the campus dorms. In those dorms, you will be closely monitored, twenty-four seven," Obviously, there was good reason to why this was the way it was, but frankly, that was really creepy. Hope they don't have some perverts watching them all. "Break starts now, so I suggest you find a roommate before I assign you one...while I'm gone, I'll have our resident engineer come fix the room." When Mr. Arai left, Hane sighed and shrugged before turning to Kiburi. "Well, guess we can't bunk up. Too bad," He reached back, cracking his neck a little before continuing. "So... you wanna hang out later?" He looked out the window, seeing the rain was still pouring down. "We can get some take out, play cards or somethin' like that," No matter what answer he received, he'd stand up, bouncing on his toes. "Alright then. Anyways, Imma snag me a roommate. Be right back," With that, he ran at the corner of the wall right behind Kiburi, leaping at it and turning around, his rubbery back colliding with the wall and sending him flying across the classroom towards the window seats. With a fancy front flip, the rubber man landed on the ground, raising his hands into the air like he had just performed a trick at the circus. "Tada!" he said jokingly before he scanned the seats, finding his target quickly. He walked over Yu, stopping by his desk with a wide smile. "Yo," He greeted, giving the boy a small two fingered salute. "Minami-san, right? You wanna bunk with me?"
  6. I like her stitched together look, with that lab coat, it's a very nice look. Four arms... I get the appeal, but it ain't for me. 7/10. It's a Jeanne Face, which is just a Saber Face. However, she got that nice dark skin and light hair combo. Jeanne/Saber.
  7. Catching them was the real test.
    You have beaten the rest.
    But now... you must ask yourself...

    Do you wanna be the very best?

    1. Thar


      And you may ask yourself:

      "Well... how did I get here?"

  8. The ground shook, but it didn't affect Shiro. After all, he was already flat on the floor, it wasn't as if he could be knocked down any further. A tendril was coming his way, but it was nothing he couldn't dodge just by turning back into human, letting the thing fly over his head. As the rumblings ended, Shiro stood back up, seeing that the symbol was now moving around. What the hell? He really was beginning to hate magic. "One of you two get ready to hit the opposite. Eddy! Get ready to stab it in the face. You heard the princess, we've got one small target to hit, and if it wants to move all around then we'll just have to hit it from every angle we can." Alois called out. Shiro nodded as he crouched down, eyeing his target. It seemed Link had refused to work with them, instead opting to protect the mother of his future child (someday he'd stop mentally making fun of the two), so Shiro decided to cover the side the solider was leaving opened. He sprang forward, turning back into a frog, ready to smash into the monster's side. He only prayed this would work.
  9. I just kinda feel like it. Gimme a character design and I'll rate it something/something.
  10. "Perfect, perfect," I mutter as I prepare my magic. "Okay, Archer, go into spirit form, but stick close in case things go wrong," I comment as I run my fingers through my hair. I close my eyes, imagining a key turning the ignition of a car, starting up my magic. My form began to shift and change, making me the spitting image of Hifumi. I mutter a few words, making sure my voice was just right before I head to the boss. "Yo, Cordula!" I call out in Hifumi's voice. "We got a big problem, and we need to talk,"
  11. Well, there was one thing for certain, the cart was too heavy for even him to lift. He'd need to get some help, probably from the Commander and... his eyes drifted over as he looked over his options. As far as he could tell, Layne was probably far too scrawny to be of any real help. Anne would be needed to put the wheel on, Alexis might be able to help, but it might be better to have her keep lookout... Snow Fairy was far too delicate... so that left only one person. With a sigh, Raynor returned to the others, stretching and groaning as he felt a few of his bones crack. It seemed the commander and Rona had returned, which was perfect. "We should set up camp for the night and be sure to move first thing in the morning. Will your cart be done by then?" "Oy, Commander," he called out. "You, me, and Rona will probably have to lift that cart. It's too heavy for just me, and well, the more the better, right?" "But of course! I'll have you know sales isn't my only trick of the trade." Looking to everyone else, she then asked, "now while I get to work, any requests for a story?" "Anything from outside of Aeora would be great." Alexis said, smiling wide. "If you'd like I could play a song or two for you as well." "Oh yeah, sounds like fun," Raynor commented as he sat down, Gojira slipping behind him and wrapping around his rider. "Tell us your best tale!" He leaned back, sighing to himself. "Man, having a drink with these songs and story would make it the perfect ending to today," He commented as he got comfortable.
  12. "...w-w-what's the p-plan? I-I think the p-punching him idea M-Mr. E gave us...i-i-is already off the table n-n-now..." "How about helping me?!?" Zirco snapped. "... Zirco, what are you doing?" Shannon spoke with authority as she and Jet arrived, "I don't think you were meant to literally punch the Duel King. Get up from there!" "Oh shut the hell up!" Zirco snarled. "He clotheslined me off my bike. I'm defending myself!" "This is absolutely brutish. We can either talk out our differences or..." She held her disk up, tilting her head with a soft smile, "Use a more civilized method. So, which is it going to be?" Kyouji looked at her, seemingly mulling over his options before punching Zirco across the face again. "What, you going to stop me from doing this? Don't think you can do anything to stop me," He pointed out. "People come down here and disappear without a trace, and now when I come down here, a bunch of suspicious people just happen to come around. Yeah, a nice chat and a spot of tea is what I need to right about now," He growled as he cracked his knuckles. However, at this point, his attention wasn't on Zirco, instead on the other two. Zirco took this opportunity to start a mad game of charades. He pointed to Jet, staring at the boy with the intensity of a thousand suns before shifting the point at Kyouji. His finger then whipped back to Jet, and he repeated this motion a few times. Next, he held his hands out like he was gripping motorcycle handles, and revved the imaginary motorcycle. His final motion was one final point at Jet. He then turned towards Shannon, pointing at her before quickly jabbing his thumb at himself. He then rapidly repeated the motion a few times before using his other hand to point towards the warehouses in the distance. He gave a nod, hoping, praying that these two understood his plan. "Which is precisely why I want to find them quietly and take them out swiftly." Whatever retort Dread Knight wished to fire back was withheld, as he listened to Octavia's explanation and question. "Who are these people? We got lucky to find you in the first place, if we have to play another guessing game to determine who these people investigating are... Well, that could take some time that we may not even have. I'll gladly take up the challenge of convincing them to change your mind, if that's what it takes... Just point me in the right direction." "Aye. No matter the challenge that might be in front of us, I will take it on if it will help you lead us towards the cultish evil that resides in here." Something that sounded like a soft chuckle escaped from Dread Knight's lips. "I commend you for not backing down," He stated as he walked up to the group. He looked over them before grabbing Kiyoko's hand, making her hold it out before putting his own on top of it. Some fog billowed from his hand, and when he lifted it away, two pictures were in her hand, one being an older man with brown hair, and the other being an odd looking man with a sharp gaze. "These are... associates of mine. I last saw them in the Arena not even an hour ago. You should be able to find them there now," He stood up straight. "Now, I must go. The night is young, and there is work to be done," With that, a cloud of fog devoured the vigilante, leaving no trace of them behind. If they were to return to the Arena, they would find the two lounging around, the older man smoking a cigarette at the dueling tables, no one willing to face him, and the odd looking man at the food area, snorting some sort of strange powder. OOC
  13. Shiro thought they were doing pretty well. They managed to get him to the floor, and some of the others attacked the monster's head. However, things started to go for the worse rapidly. Some sort of forceful gale smashed him in the body, causing his tongue's grip to loosen and toss him off, the giant frog crashing into the ground. He sighed, standing up slowly, watching the statue glow brightly. Some sort of tendril sprouted from it, and it began to attack them all in a wide, sweeping arc. "Watch out!" the older princess called out her warning. "If you get hit by that, you'll lose all feeling in that limb." That wasn't good. Everyone went to dodge it in their own way, but there was only one way Shiro could dodge it. Using his mighty frog legs, he leapt straight up, soaring through the air. However, in the heat of the moment, he just put all the power into his legs when he jumped, causing him to crash into the ceiling, rather painfully at that. He fell back to the ground, groaning and struggling to get up some. That was so embarrassing. Thankfully. people probably wouldn't notice, right?
  14. "Good Morning, delinquents." The teacher said, almost casually. "Society's trash? Screw ups? Lost souls? Problem children? Failures?" "Well, ain't he a charmer? Must be his years of fighting crime that honed such fine wit," Hane whispered his joke to Kiburi. The teacher continued, soon saying something that hit closer than the Bouncer expected. "So now that I've introduced myself, please do the same. While you do so, give us an accurate description of your Quirk. If you try to lie at all, I'll fail you automatically." He held up a finger in the air. "Trust is the first thing a hero needs in others, and himself. That is your first lesson." Trust, huh? Well, there were people he did trust, but they were fire forged friends, having gone through a lot together to build the bonds they had. Then the people he trusted the most betrayed him... and the system he believed to do right also sent him here for reasons he couldn't control. Although, it was giving him a chance, which he really needed. Anyways, the teacher wanted to demonstration of their quirks, huh? Well, he figured it was probably like those prison movies. They have to show they can keep them all in line by beating the shit out of them. There was a dude that could shift the weight of things he touched... that was neat. The demonic looking girl that had some sort of chain... well, he knew someone who would have liked having that quirk. Finally, the pissy boy from earlier had a quirk called Volcano... while cool.... eh, he could take him. "It'll have to do for now. Next!" Hane sighed to himself as he walked up to the front, standing by the desk. "Yo. I'm Daicon Hane. My quirk is... Hmm... how to best describe...," he tapped his chin before saying. "I'm rubber, you're glue, it bounces off me and sticks to you," he paused. "Well, that without the 'you're glue' part. I just wanted to say that rhyme," "Idioms don't explain things well. Why don't you try again." The teacher reprimanded. That was a good point. There was no way everyone here had a basic level of thinking, after all. "Eh, fair enough," he said with a shrug. "I can turn my body into rubber, which makes me bouncy," he explained. "Is that better, teach?" "Yes. Now please come at me any way you'd like." Hane looked around the room before sighing a little. "Look, I get you wanna show you can handle us and acting up is pointless, yada yada, but like... Do I have to? It literally bouncing, it's not the most dangerous thing in the world," "I just want to see what you can do. Is that so wrong?" He looked at the boy with a sharp gaze. "I want to make sure I can handle you too...for my safety of course." "Well, when ya put it like that," Hane muttered as he stretched his legs a little. "Lemme just build up a little speed then," he moved forward, jumping up on top of Keika's desk, smirking at the pissy boy before bouncing into the air, flipping around and landing on Akuma's desk, bouncing even higher, this time bouncing off the ceiling and onto Yin's desk. "Pardon me," He jokingly tipped an imaginary hat to the girl before flying up above the window, picking up speed and rocketing off of the wall, colliding into the back wall. He then flew into the floor and ricocheted to the ceiling, going at high speeds by the time he landed in front of the teacher's feet, rushing up, his head aiming to collide with the teacher's chin. Mr. Arai merely whipped his chin back, as the boy bounded straight towards the ceiling. He grabbed the boys ankle as he passed with speed, and pulled it back towards the ground with force, in an attempt to reverse his momentum. "Oh boy the ground," Hane muttered as he was pulled down back to the ground. However, he applied his quirk to his back, so instead of crashing painfully, he bounced back up. "You know, this did give me a cool idea, teach. I'd probably be a nice blunt weapon," "You'd make a better rope than a hammer." Mr. Arai smirked. "Maybe. I'm not a fan of stretching though," Hane commented. "Should I... Just go back to my seat now?" The teacher nodded. "Next."
  15. I sigh and rub my chin. "Well, my magic will let me slip inside without too much fuss...," I comment. I narrow my eyes as I think. "However, they might be able to spot me as a fake if the magic is feed directly into these... things. Also, I might be at the mercy of a servant...," I close my eyes. "Hmm... well, if you all have my back, I'm sure that'll be fine. One servant vs three, after all,"
  16. Instead of the small, timid Alexander was a hulking beast that almost seemed unreal. Even as a well traveled slayer of monsters, this was the first time Sieg had seen such a creature before. It certainly was strong, as it began to push harder against the dragon slayer. "Are you... Kidding me?" Sieg gritted his teeth as he began to be pushed back slightly through the power struggle. "Damn you old man!" He inwardly cursed more at Jekyll as he stared the Beast in the eyes. "Hey, can you hear me, or are you just some rage beast?" The Beast snarled a bit at the Dragon Slayer, doing its best to continue to push back against Sieg's struggling. All that came out of the creature's snout was growls and snarls, and it seemed that was all that Sieg was getting out of him at this moment. "Rage Beast it is," he muttered as he took a deep breath, the beast's advance slowing down. He let go of the beast's claws and rushed forward, wrapping his arms around the monster's waist. "Heel boy! Heel!" He shouted as he jumped up, trying to smash the Beast's head against the ceiling. The beast began to roar loudly, feeling himself being lifted up as he had his back slam against the ceiling, to which he immediately held his head in pain. He let out another snarl and then lifted up his arms, hands held together as slammed them down right onto Sieg the best he could. The strike hit its target straight and true, and as Sieg didn't have the ground to anchor him, he was shot towards the said ground, landing chest first into the ground. "That's not... Heeling," he muttered as he stood up, looking to the ceiling. The beast had used its claws to attach itself to the ceiling, looking down at the rest. He gave a toothy grin, almost chuckling at his handiwork. The Dragon Soars "Oh, so you aren't just a rage beast... In that case," Sieg closed his eyes, taking in a large breath. This time, however, the air could be visibly seen being sucked in, and small sparks of gold flames came out the side of his mouth as he exhaled. The green tattoo on his cheek began to glow as his opened his eyes. "Soaring...," The Dragon Slayer took a slow and heavy step forward, the ground shaking when his foot rested. He then slowly crouched down, watching as the Beast unattached itself from the ceiling, falling towards him. Sieg took a leap, shooting upwards, taking off like a rocket. "Dragon Fist!" He buried his fist into the Beast's gut, the momentum of the jump rocketing them back to the ceiling, slamming the Beast against the ceiling. As the Beast was pinned, Sieg then reached out, wrapping his arms around his opponent's waist again, positioning him so the Jeager's head would crash headfirst into the ground when they fell. From the resulting and eventual headfirst crash, there would indeed be a large crater where the two would be. At the same time, the beast slowly stirred, currently on the ground. He let out a groaning growl, as he tried his best to get up. "...D-Di...on..." he muttered, groaning more. Sieg wasn't looking his best either, panting hard, the visible part of his green tattoo now glowing a warm gold. "I-I swear, if you get up, I'm going... To throw you... At the raven girl...," he muttered before gritting his teeth, and falling to a knee. His body felt as if it was on fire, some of the crackling energy coming off of him and striking the ground. "Really.... Wish I had my sword about now...," he thought to himself. The beast still tried to get up, really not paying any mind to Sieg's threat. He kept groaning and growling, still feeling quite enraged about everything...but he slowly began to calm down. It must've been plenty of damage being done to him, namely the massive headfirst crash into the ground, but he was calming down.
  17. "W-Well, you're good to move around, but definitely don't stress yourself out too much. Reopening a wound is definitely possible still if you aren't careful!" Layne told Raynor, who just tilted his head and scratched his neck. "Okay yeah, but if a wound opens again, you can just heal it again, right?" Raynor asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. That's what healing magic did, yeah? It healed things. Reopening a wound shouldn't invalidate a second healing. Or maybe it did, he didn't know. He wasn't a healer. He began to walk over to the cart when Anne spoke up again. "I'm used to name calling and the like from it, but I've heard down the grapevine that there are some especially aggressive patrols wandering around this area. And I haven't the time nor patience to be shaken down and relieved of my merchandise from a group of thieves as government mandated as them! Nor is being incarcerated good for business." Looking to Raynor and Edda, the woman finished, "it is the same for you, no?" "Basically, yeah," Raynor stated with a shrug. "It's a pain in the ass, that's for sure. But there's not like there's a lot I can do about it besides beat up those that try to capture us," He looked over the cart, looking for a good place to grab it. He wasn't even sure if he could lift it by himself, but he wanted to get a good idea how heavy it might be. He slipped his fingers under the side and attempted to lift, just to get a feel for the cart's weight, gritting his teeth as he did.
  18. Shiro was somewhat surprised that he managed to land on the monster's back. However, staying on the thing's back was much harder than he thought it would be. In order to help himself stay on the dragon's back, he shot his tongue out, the appendage wrapping around the neck of the beast several times in order to anchor himself. He then took his froggy front limbs and wrapped them around the base of the monster's wings, both in an attempt to stop it from flapping, and to keep himself from falling off, even as the thing plummeted to the ground. Maybe they could keep it grounded. Honestly, he had a good feeling about this. One of the humans even went to attack the head. He made sure the rest of his body was out of the way. He didn't want to get mixed up in the crossfire of her attack.
  19. Hane grinned to himself as he walked into the school, sighing to himself as he shook his head, letting the water splash off of his body. He felt a bit cold, but that was alright. He slipped his hoodie before running his gloved hand through his hair, fixing it up a bit. With a sigh, he walked into the classroom, looking for a seat. He seemed to have found an empty area with no other people. That was good for him. With a satisfied sigh, he flopped into a seat. He then looked down at his desk, noticing a large cockroach crawling on his desk. Well, he supposed it made sense, seeing how small and dingy the place was. The cockroach leapt off his desk and... went to some tiny little girl that was sitting by him, climbing on her arm. Where the hell did she come from? "Yo, you got something... right there," He mentioned, motioning to her arm. "I'm aware," Kiburi flatly answered. "You get used to them after a while. I was really hoping none of the little bastards would be in this building, but I guess it was inevitable." "Yeah, this place is a bit of a dump," Hane mentioned with a shrug. "And I guess the rain would drive them inside. Still, never seen one just calmly crawl up someone. You an animal whisper or somethin'?" "I wish. My Quirk makes my body emit a pheromone that attracts these vermin to me. It has some actual benefits, but attracting cockroaches really does make you feel like you've lost the Quirk lottery." "Wait... wait," Hane paused. "Are you saying your quirk lets you summon cockroaches? That's metal as hell, girl," "Nothing that impressive." Swatting the cockroach off her neck as it tried to crawl further up and right onto the wall behind her, Kiburi explained "Summoning them would imply I can control them. If I could do that, I'd tell them all to get fucked and bother someone else. And yours? What sort of awful thing can you do that landed you in this trash can school?" "I bounce," Hane said simply. "Fascinating," Kiburi answered with equal simplicity. "Doesn't sound like a threat to anyone though. Let me guess. A young criminal that hero society wants to convert to the side of righteousness and sell the story to show people how wonderful they are." "Do you include vigilantes as criminals?" He asked. "I mean, it's against the law and stuff, but I was literally arrested for saving lives," It was a little more complicated than that, but he wasn't going to go into it right now. "I don't. If anything, I'd call them better than heroes." "Well, at least someone's in my corner," He stated. "So, what's your name, anyways?" "Just call me Kiburi." While she didn't extend her hand out for this bouncing boy, she did at least nod in his direction as a form of acknowledgement. "And you? Unless you want to be called Trampoline, that is." "I think the worst part is that Trampoline is probably someone's hero name...," He mentioned with a chuckle. "Anyways, I'm Hane. Nice to meetcha, Kiburi,"
  20. I swear writers and restaurant owners are the snobbiest people around.

    1. LordCowCow
    2. Sethera


      idk about writers but I've definitely noticed waiters and fancy clothing/jewelry store workers seem to be

  21. Ranma's 1/2's Anything Goes Martial Arts style is just MMA fighting but in a martial arts anime.

    1. Sethera


      I might have to start watching MMA then.

  22. The Day Has Come Today was the day. Hane couldn't believe just how great it was to go to flipping school. Granted, it wasn't just any normal school, but a hero school! Sure, it was a school for problem children, but that hardly mattered to him. This was his chance to graduate from vigilante to hero, and by god, he wouldn't let it go to waste. He hummed to himself as he looked at his school uniform, scratching his chin. Of course he'd wear the stupid uniform, but... he couldn't wear the normal shoes... He really wouldn't be able to use his quirk in his feet if he used those shoes with the thick soles, and since he was going to a hero school, who knows when he would need to use that quirk? He headed over to his bag, smiling to himself as he opened his travel bag. While the American Hero Association was very anal about what he was allowed to bring to Japan, he had managed to smuggle the most important thing. He opened the lead lined secret compartment, and pulled out his Bouncer suit. The black suit was lined with red streaks that he could manually light up to give himself that more intimidating look. It was honestly one of the coolest gifts he ever received, and he wasn't going to let himself be parted from it just yet. He slipped the skin tight suit on, smiling at how familiar it felt on his body. Of course, he'd leave the mask here at home, but he really wished he could bring it with him. He then placed his uniform over it, sliding into his new Japanese look. Honestly, with his Japanese heritage, he could probably pass for a normal Japanese student... if not for his bright orange hair. Oh well. He looked over himself in the mirror, pleased with how he looked. Sure, the black shoes of his suit looked a little odd against the uniform, but hey, unless someone had a foot fetish, he doubt they'd look there. He walked to his door and threw it open, noticing for the first time that it was raining. And it wasn't some pretty sprinkle either, it was coming down pretty hard. That meant nothing to Hane though, as he quickly threw on a hoodie and rushed out into the rain, taking a large leap. When he landed on the ground, he focused his quirk into his feet, turning them into rubber, which caused him to rebound up into the air, jumping much higher than any normal human. This was the best way to travel to school that day. He bounced to school like a human rubber ball, being sure to splash in any puddle he could find on the way. The way the water shot into the air as he crashed into the ground brought out a child like wonder inside of him, and he was enjoying the small moment of fun after the month he had. Soon, he came to the school, and from his elevated position, he could see a group of people gathered around someone. Looks like someone already got knocked the hell out. Not wanting to make that guy's day any worse, he redirected himself at a different puddle, bracing for a landing... except as he came hurtling down, some kid listening to music walked by. "Whoa whoa whoa, heads up, heads up, heads up!" He yelled as he hurtled down to the puddle. Sadly, it was too late. He crashed into the puddle, causing a huge splash, one that soaked the walking kid. "Um... hey man, sorry about that, I didn't see you until it was too late," Hane offered. "Ah, man, I'm in deep shit already...,"
  23. "excuse you, but I haven't time to dally either." Clapping her hands together and bowing, she then pleaded, "but please aid me, I will be sure to make helping me worth your while!" "Well, what do you guys think?" "I think we should help. It's really sad to have an animal run off on you! Maybe we can find her horse too!" "Agreed," Raynor spoke up. "You know we probably could help with that wagon. Especially with the mounts we've got." Alexis said. "Isn't that right, Raynor? I'm sure your friend there is strong enough to pull a wagon if a horse can do it. And I know how helpful and strong you are, so why don't you help the lady out?" Alexis said, giving a not-so subtle wink in the Jouran's direction. Now why she was winking was beyond him, but hey, wasn't that important. "Eeeeeeeey, you read my mind," Raynor commented, pointing a finger gun at Alexis before he reached down and scratched under Gojira's chin. "He's a strong boy, and much braver and more loyal than a horse, aren't you boy?" He asked in a playful tone as Gojira's tail wagged, letting out a reptilian purr. "And if he gets injured trying to help? We were just in a battle if we're going to be pushing ourselves we should be pushing to keep going." "Ah, come on, they aren't going to catch up any time soon. And it gives everyone else some time to rest. What's the issue?" "The issue is that this is pointless!" Rona finally snapped, causing Raynor to blink. "Commander I'm going ahead to check the road out." "I'm glad you care you care so much Sunshine," He was fairly confident she didn't really care and just wanted to get moving, but hey, it didn't matter much. "But don't think me so fragile, ye? Layne fixed me up, and I'm good to help. Besides, this isn't pointless, ya know," he turned to Leon. "Well, Boss, if you don't wanna keep everyone held up helping Anne, then I can lend my services to her and meet up with you all in Enta. That way Rona isn't grumpy and Anne still gets the help she needs,"
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