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    • A week and a half wasn't much time to work with, all things considered. Cade didn't expect things to just fall into his lap, answers to be handed out without any resistance, but he was hoping a bit more would be found out at least. Books surrounded him in the library he had manged to find in Solstice, trying to find anything of note about this area he had found himself in. Unfortunately, all his impromptu trip to research had done was leave him a little more confused than he had started. Books responded to him naturally, he had found out. While he had a few on him when he woke up, he hadn't noticed at the time. No, it was only once he had begun his inquiries in full that he was given a look at what exactly happened around him. Books flew from the shelves at his command, piling into his arms as he scanned over their spines. Really, it was almost surprising, if it hadn't felt so natural to him. It was long nights at the library for him. He poured over pages upon pages of information, most of it detailing the basics about 'Equinox'. And just the basics, it seemed. There were a few books that talked about two other cities, but nothing particularly in depth. A travel guide here and there, or a column about the wonders of 'Zenith' where the sun never set. If he had to be honest, that one almost sounded like hell to him. It wasn't a total loss, in any case. His research had yielded something interesting, a third section of books, outside of the usual bounds of non vs fiction, meant entirely for books for Sojourners. Whether that meant they were written with them in mind, or written by them, Cade wasn't entirely certain as of yet, he would need more time to really investigate this new category of book. And that was how his first week in Equinox went. There was an occasional break for something to eat and rest, but the majority of his time was spent trying to dig for information, it just felt safer than wandering blindly into the world. Unfortunately, nothing he could immediately use was coming to him in his efforts, aside from the discovery of just how convenient this digging was for him. It seemed prudent to keep his newly found ability to himself for the time being though.  · · ─────── ·?· ─────── · · "Sojourners go missing regularly. Even accounted for ones. Some are estimated to never be found, lost to the unruly wilds. I work as a one person rescue team, if you will. Help is appreciated." Cade nodded his head gently at this. Since the cloaked figure had been the one to wander upon him out there, this wasn't shocking news. Probably a formality, to request help in this manner. Even so, his face scrunched a bit in thought as he considered the options... Only for the stuttering of one of the younger ones to catch his attention. He crossed his arms as he supported himself against the wall, having taken in the small room quickly enough as he spoke up again, "Presumably you'll be wanting us to help with your recon work. I can imagine that it would be a lot of work for one individual... But why fresh arrivals who hardly know a thing about this place?" His voice was soft as he spoke, but firm still as he posed the question to their mysterious benefactor, he had a small hunch about what the answer could be, but it was worthwhile to try and dig for a bit more, "Surely there are locals who could be of more help? Knowing the area well enough seems like a boon that we don't have the luxury of, after all."
    • Chris rounded the coffin to join Ziun in facing off against the two wrapped creatures and hesitated. He remembered how things had gone the first time he had struck one of these creatures. Technically, it had gone well. He hadn’t gotten injured or anything, but that creature hadn’t seemed much worse for wear either until Ziun had dissolved it. They were evenly matched enough that way. He unwound his string again. He wouldn’t do anything so bold as to take a running leap off the coffins again, but if the basic principle worked, then he would just go with that. And if he couldn’t actually damage these things, at least he could leave a big ol’ hole for Ziun to put some acid in. It was a little awkward. Chris needed two hands on the sword for this particular maneuver, but he also needed to be holding onto his spool of string. His right hand ended up holding both, and his grip suffered for it, but he could manage. Not needing to aim very hard was a benefit, at least. Really, this was just rehashing his strategy from the first floors of the dungeon -- aim for the center of mass just to make sure you hit something -- except now the reasoning wasn’t “so you hit organs,” it was just, “so you make a hole.” This was the second time he’d hit these things, and he still wasn’t used to how dense they were. He very nearly either dropped his sword or broke his wrist trying to hold on as he pushed further in, but as the creature swung its bandaged hand in response, Chris pulled back and found himself behind Ziun again. “Coming around on your left this time,” Chris said, indicating he was about to do the same maneuver. He adjusted his grip on his spool. Maybe this was more comfortable? He certainly hoped so as he wheeled around Ziun to deliver the promised second stab.
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