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Everything posted by LordCowCow

  1. If you were put into a Fire Emblem game what class would you be?
  2. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Versus Animal Crossing Match ends 1/25 9 PM CST
  3. Kirby's Air Ride Versus Megaman X: Command Mission Match ends 1/25 9 PM CST
  4. Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Versus Metal Arms: Glitch in the System Match ends 1/25 9 PM CST
  5. YGO: Falsebound Kingdom Versus Tales of Symphonia Match ends 1/25 9 PM CST
  6. Well...every match wasn't even close. Moving on is Paper Mario: TTYD Mario Kart: Double Dash Super Mario Sunshine and Sonic Heroes Will start making the Polls momentarily.
  7. I'd like to vote for Awakening Anna But the site hates me and won't let me click anything
  8. This one made me sad cause she's probably the one whose design I most like...but I really like Mari
  9. Good choice Two Grass one Normal, interesting
  10. I ate a hamburger Who's the evil one now?
  11. Sure, enough time has passed. Let's see my third team member
  12. "Oh, hello Rona." Rona, who had been leaning against the counter, suddenly straightened as she heard the commander's voice. Smoothing out what little clothing she wore she turned to him. The girl thought she caught the blacksmith's wry smile but it was gone quickly after as the man spoke with the commander. It seemed Leon as well would be getting a new weapon. The two stood awkwardly as they waited for the man to fetch their purchases and Rona glanced sideways at Leon, wondering if he noticed that she had gotten two weapons like he had asked, and wondering why it mattered, before thanking the blacksmith and paying for her purchases. Leon looked to be heading out without saying anything more. Which caused Rona to wonder if she had done something wrong. Should she have gotten a different weapon? Perhaps it was too expensive. She could've gotten two bronze, or iron, axes for less cost after all. "so, was there anything else you wanted to do today?" Rona had to keep herself from jumping as the young man casually addressed her. "N-" Rona winced as she bit her tongue in her haste to speak. "Not...particularly." She said, slowly, regaining her composure. "We don't need any more supplies do we? Er, did you need me to pitch in? You didn't buy it all yourself did you?" She left the store with him, instinctively standing by his side and scanning the area for any trouble. "Did you want to check on the others?"
  13. House cat. They do what they want and live for free. 13
  14. From her perch atop the roof Valerie noticed someone take out another of the would-be-students, who looked like some kind of cosplayer, with a barrier of sorts. The girl frowned, not particularly liking the method, but realizing that if the boy hadn't been able to handle that he'd probably have not done well to begin with. He had a punch-able face anyway. Shrugging she continued to look around. She didn't spot anything obvious but there was a slight noise that caught her attention. Turning down her music she focused more and then realized what the noise was. A baby's cry. Once she paid more attention she could tell it was nearby. Across the street, in fact. Scanning the windows she noticed that only one of them wasn't broken. Given the noise was muffled she figured that had to be where it was coming from. She probably could get back down to street level and find a way from there. However if anyone else noticed the noises they could get to it first. Plus this would be way more fun. Stretching her limbs out the girl tried to figure out the distance between the buildings. Once she got a general idea she took off at a sprint and, putting a foot on the ledge of the roof, dove off of it and across towards the other one. She could have crashed into the window directly but that would result in a lot of broken glass near her exposed skin. So instead she aimed a bit to the side and hit the wall, holding onto the window sill, and laughed as the slight pain in her side throbbed. "Bit of a rough landing." She muttered. Looking into the window she noticed what could only be described as a recreation of a baby's room. She noticed the crib in one corner and as far as she could tell that's where the noise was coming from. Part of the ceiling was caved in, near where she expected was the doorway, and the situation became clear. She debated using her elbow to break the glass but thought better of it. Reaching into her bag she pulled out the metal badge and, aiming low, smashed it against the window. She then reached in and unlatched the lock and pulled the window open. Crawling inside she moved towards where the baby, a small doll with a speaker in it, was located. There was a badge pinned to the doll's diaper and, when Valerie picked it up, she realized it would take some effort to rip it off. With a shrug she put the badge, crying baby and all, into her duffel bag. Which helped to muffle, but not silence, the noise. Three down. Now, what was next?
  15. These units are cute, I like them as a side thing. But not gonna go for them over the laguz banner. Still would like having Hinoka and Sakura mostly.
  16. Belladonna would find that she wasn't the first to decide to go below deck. All three of the couches down there were in some way occupied. The closest one to the door had a young girl, Naomi, sprawled across it. She was sleeping on her back with her limbs akimbo and her mouth wide open. She seemed to have been there for some time but she was still fully clothed and in a position that should have been uncomfortable. The couch nearer to the television had much room on it still. The only one on it was a Hoppip who seemed to be less sitting on it more hovering over a cushion and bouncing up and down. It looked rather frustrated and when Belladonna came in the Pokemon's focus went right to her in an almost expectant gaze. And near the last couch, across the room from the one the girl slept, was a Rhyhorn. She didn't sit on the couch but was so close to the edge of it that it would be hard to get onto it without climbing over her. She was watching the girl across the room intently and when Belladonna came in the Rock Pokemon's head turned towards her for a brief moment. Up above deck the captain of the vessel boarded it and strolled over to the group. "We'll be setting off in fifteen minutes. You three got here just in time. It'll take a few hours to get to the other side so hope you all settle in nicely! If you have any questions I'll be over at the helm that-a-way."
  17. This is my current feel good song Also I know you don't judge based on video but the video is very happy and you should watch it even if it doesn't effect the score
  18. Just a passing status. How's it going dudes?

    1. Cheshire Toon

      Cheshire Toon

      I messed up my sleep scheduling by just getting up an hour ago, so I'm gonna have to pull a 24 hour reset to fix it.


      Considering I have an 8:00 AM class tomorrow that'll be fun.

    2. Rodrigo


      Pretty good, staying away from that alcohol

    3. TheEternalWinter
    4. Show next comments  957 more
  19. Only posting cause I'm not sure what Nico just did
  20. base image is okay but I have a dislike of white backgrounds, 5/10
  21. Perhaps I could have a second? Slowly building up this team.
  22. I totally get that, it's probably in top 10 for me. It has the one thing I find most important in RPGs. Fun NPCs. There's nothing that takes me out of a game more than going around talking to the random NPCs and they just regurgitate plot points and mechanics. TTYD is one of the best games for NPC dialogue there is.
  23. Sonic Heroes Versus Sonic Adventure Battle 2 Match ends 1/22 8 PM CST
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