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    • 6/10 it sorta just existed but it wasn't anything bad another that feels like it overstays its welcome a little but 7/10 I liked it at the start
    • "The plan is the same as it ever was. We find the leader and take him down. If anything tries to stop us we take them down too! If you guys got a plan then say it, otherwise I plan to go find my way to the person we're here to fight and fight him. And win!" Gene didn't immediately voice his concern about this, namely because he already knew this was going to be the end result. Part of him wished that he could actually convince them to see reason in it all but, alas, he knew this bunch by now and that they were going to not see reason in this regard. He sighed, already just accepting his fate and following after the rest of the group. However, this was something that did keep playing in his mind. Sabrina's words right then... she seemed so...so...confident. How was it that she could've been so confident about it all? She had this bravado and confidence since they arrived, so what was her secret about this. As they kept going, about to reach a door...but before they reached it, Gene decided to spark up a small conversation. "Sabrina, c-can I ask you...a question?" "Uhhh I guess?" she gave Gene an uncertain look as he stammered. He took a moment, exhaling slowly and just shook his head. "...how do you do it?" Gene asked bluntly, rubbing his arm some. "...h-how do you have such a strong confidence about this...? A-About any of this...?" She froze in place a moment before moving forward and replying without looking at Gene. "It is only natural for one so steeped in power as I am!" "So you...you've always had this confidence...?" he asked. "...guess you h-had it even b-before you came here, didn't you?" "Um, of course! I always knew I was destined for greatness..." "...guess...guess I wasn't ever privy to that...u-unless they were my dreams..." Gene sighed. Unlike her, he wasn't really born and destined for greatness, least not in his own living life. No, he wasn't like that... Gene shook his head before sighing again. "...d-does it ever get easier to gain over time? Like...if I envision myself the way I dreamt of myself before...w-will that help?" She didn't respond for a while, nor did she look back at him, then she simply said, "I guess...it depends on the person but...but if you're here that means you, too, must have great power! Er, right?" He paused, lulling this over for a moment or two. "...I guess you're right." a small smile began to appear on his face. "Thanks..." She muttered out a simple: "You're welcome or something..." “...Right. You two will have an easier time dodging enemies and reacting in time-- I suggest you take point, while Abby and I follow behind, given the cumbersome nature of our weapons.” The door here was their next step...and now both he and Sabrina had to take point, which made sense. Like Marshall said, both he and Sabrina were the quickest with dodging enemies and reacting in time. He felt a slight lump in his throat as he swallowed, before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. ...focus Eric...do what Sabrina said...envision it...just imagine that version...keep envisioning it... Gene took a moment, before nodding and moved past Marshall before looking at Sabrina. "...t-trusting you to have my back..." he simply said, before cautiously walking through the door. The door led outside on a raised platform with stairs on either end. Both sets of stairs end in landings, with further staircases that lead to the streets below. Before them, though, was the building, a large tower, that Gene was almost for certain was housing a lot of Accursed. Now for the issues he had to deal with now... To the right of him, there was a small squad of Drengr...a total of three...relaxing on the landing. Meanwhile, on the left, there was a patrol of Drengr and a large monster that resembled a coyote...it reminded Gene of a Worg specifically, but it was more than enough information. Neither group seemed to notice them yet, which worked in their favor. Now...what was the play? The ones on the right are blissfully unaware...Sabrina can definitely take them out in an instant... Gene thought, rubbing his chin. ...the group on the left...that's gonna be the hard one, but...I think I can manage that. C'mon...confidence...confidence! With a slow exhale, Gene called forth his weapon and made his move. He rushed to the left, and began to make his descent down the stairs. They were in a manner of two Drengr, one Drengr and then two of them with the Worg-like creature. A simple two-one-three type of pattern. He could easily deal with this, especially with his speed the way it was. Though he was mindful of his tactics right now...he needed things to go smoothly. With the element of surprise on his side, Gene rushed the middle Drengr and performed an immediate Weapon Art: Quick Strike on it. The strike made it fall a bit in the process and with that, it couldn't act immediately. It worked in his favor after all. The surprise did hit the group in stride, but Gene was able to disengage with ease. Speed was on his side, he could do this. "Okay, don't quit now..." Gene muttered, before immediately casting an Overcharged Water Wall which separated the two Drengr with the Worg-like creature from the other three. He then took to the closest Drengr and immediately just struck at it. It wasn't a Quick Strike this time, but he needed to at least save his Arts and when to do them. The strike hit the Drengr's leg, but it wasn't like the Quick Strike...so that meant it wasn't going to work as well as the...but it wasn't enough. The Drengr already was preparing a retaliating strike at his side with it's sword. ...shit...
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