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    • ye, I clicked on the thread at midnight that day, saw what the song was and the length and was like "I'll listen to this tomorrow gotta go to bed" and forgot At first I felt it was almost TOO faithful of a cover but then he got a bit soul with it Its not his fault that's the song but a bit too many "yeah" and instrument breaks for my personal taste But overall 8/10 he did a great job
    • just checking, did i already post my entry before this time?
    • He would've grabbed the water to nurse on it...but it was still clutched by the girl. Luckily, he was able to prevent it falling...thank goodness for that. Once it was prevented, Trevor started to nurse on it... "That woman again...she keeps coming here to try and 'interview' Tegur. Apparently she thinks that him and Miss Mauvache...Why am I telling you this? Hey if you're friends with that woman tell her to lay off...if you're not friends tell her too. But less nicely. Unless...you didn't tell her anything that could be used against him right? You know you're the one who asked for the drink it isn't his fault you're like this." "F-Fret not..." he groaned, shaking his head slightly while he kept nursing on the water. "Tegur wasn't brought up in our conversations...simply just myself...and unfortunately, I believe the way I happened to find myself now...would be used against myself. So, that'll need some explaining to do." Trevor continued to sip the water, understanding the general desire that this waitress had to protect her employer. It was noble for sure. "Nevertheless, I'll probably finish this...and once I'm not as inebriated...I'll take my leave. Thank you." he said with a weak smile. It was a few hours...few long hours to be exact...but Trevor eventually felt good to go. A little buzzed, but not like he once was. He was able to make his way back to the home base, about the time the others eventually arrived. The young sorcerer walked in through the door a bit after Melissa, taking a long drawn out sigh. "...I may need you all to remind me...if and when I decide to visit Tegur's bar again..." he said, rubbing the bridge of his nose with a groan. "...to not have him choose what drink I'll be having. When I tell you that dark mead will turn your world upside down...I do indeed mean it..."
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