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    Yasha was nervous, of course he was. He was also excited, and both of those emotions did what they always did-- blend together in his gut and come up out of him in the form of loudness. "I'm so PUMPED FOR THIS!" He growled, making his whole body shake like an idling car as he shifted his weight back and forth, punching the air and blowing steam out of his nostrils. Speaking of which, his costume was a bit of a no-brainer-- a suit of black and red body armor, seemingly designed to match his engine block of a head. Bulky, but it did a good job of accenting his already huge frame, making him seem even bigger than normal. His hands and head were the only exposed parts of him, which kept his Quirk onubstructed, but the bonus protection and intimidation was worth the extra weight. Now to hope we can pull this off. I mean-- beating Hemlock isn't gonna be easy, but we're sure as hell gonna give it our best shot!
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    "Well then...I am willing to bet I haven't even gotten to half of your questions but there seems to be a problem. One of the attacks I told you about is occurring right as we speak. I'm rather fond of the idea that it's best to learn on the job as it were. You will be able to witness first hand the threat that these anomalies pose to this city. This might tingle a bit but I assure you it's perfectly safe. And don't worry you won't be on your own for long. I will contact whoever else is in the area shortly." Straight into the frying pan towards a trial by fire, needless to say Trevor was both excited and nervous to be preparing to show off his mettle to Mauvache. Nevertheless of his mood right now, the young sorcerer now found himself and the others at Grand Prana Mall...and seeing quite the number of civilians running away from whatever these creatures were...and at first glance, he almost was unbelieving what it was. A literal sand shark. Six feet long...gills which he assumed were different than many other aquatic wildlife...then again, this wasn't exactly a creature of the water. A dozen of them...they react to movement. This didn't bode well much from what Trevor was observing. And to make matters worse, some of these sharks were already on their way towards them. Hmph, so immediately being besieged is it? he thought, fixing his hat slightly before holding out his left hand for a moment. All three rings on his left hand began to glow with a corresponding color of red, yellow and blue. "Over heeeeere!" Needless to say, Trevor was impressed at watching the small fish-like creature strike at these sand sharks like this. "Heh...not bad...but watch how an apprentice sorcerer does things." Trevor smirked, holding his hands out in front of him, his blue ring glowing brighter and brighter now. "BLIZZARA!!!" The ground in front of the young sorcerer began to frost over greatly, which he theorized would hinder these sharks to an extent. Once the icy spell covered the ground in front of him, he watched the protrusions that were these sand sharks moving more and more closer towards him. While some seemed to be simply powering through the ice, others seemed to move towards unfrozen ground, away from the ice. Impressive...so these creatures aren't just mindless but they have truly an intelligence on display...very impressive. It definitely shows they aren't on the same caliber of the Undecided. Trevor thought, now seeing a few leaping out to try and strike at him. ...a foolish mistake to say the least. "Hmph...intelligent, but not too bright. Thundara..." he simply said, the yellow ring on his left middle finger began to glow and for an added flair, he simply snapped his finger and suddenly over head, lightning was called down to strike down at a few of the sharks. "And don't think you'll only get struck once...my lightning strikes twice!" he snapped his fingers again and another bolt of lightning struck the sharks, even going as far as frying them. Unfortunately, he didn't notice until just a moment too late that a shark was beginning to emerge from the ground. He had only seconds to react. "Cabanomicon: Defensive Spells!" Trevor shouted, as his grimoire sprung to life, opening and flipping pages almost instantly. "AERORA!!!" he shouted as a sudden series of strong winds surrounded him in the form of some sort of air shield, which spun around him just in time. In that moment, the sand shark beneath him emerged and knocked the young sorcerer back a bit, though it got hurt by the shield quite a bit. "Cutting it a little close..."
  3. 1 like
    5/10, sorta kinda exists whoa radio edited it Sounds pretty nice but it's overall kinda dull, 6/10
  4. 1 like
    Despite the lack of real mirrors, Aduain was confidently content with his new look. It was an odd style but perhaps that was perfect given the oddity of this Mauvache woman. The fish could definitely get used to the fashion sense and if it helped the people of Prana feel more at ease around their new hunter-protector-fish-person then the boy was all for it. His giggling was calming some the more he strained to look into the screens to see himself and ultimate cut short by the sound of yelling. The shapeshifter guy was having a really bad time from the sounds of things. Melissa who had stayed the nearest to them the whole time since the group's arrival seemed busy offering what comfort there was to give to the collapsed, shapeless form so for the moment Aduain refrained from intervening. He had never seen a hatsu so out of control like this but until he could actually grasp what Devin's nen was like, or if they had any for that matter, he felt like any advice he could offer might prove more harmful than helpful. Mr. Purple was the one occupying their host's time now and he seemed more familiar with her than any of the rest of the group. It was at this point Aduain was ready to get going. If he was going to do his job her he needed to get a feel for the lay of the city. Getting lost was always the worst when coming to a new town. The hunter didn't have to wait all that long for something to come his way. Mauvache described the city was under attack as they spoke. There had been enough talking anyway, so getting into action was the best thing to do now. Aduain had to cover his eyes when the light came upon the room as he had been staring straight up wondering how they were going to leave. The process tingled as promised but the fish barely had the time to process the twitches and tickles his entire body was experiencing at once before he found himself standing not in the room with the screens but back in the city with the others. "Woooaaaahhh, no way!" the fish nearly cheered in awe of the sight before them. Sharks! And they were swimming in the materials of the street somehow. They still had gills but there was no water to be seen. Not that Aduain was one to talk given the passive nen adaptation that allowed him to breathe on land hard at work. Impressive as nature was at allowing all these different fish all these ways to move about outside of water, the hunter could see why these would be less than desirable. They plowed through walls easily and were big enough to eat a person whole. Some were already in the process of finding a meal. Aduain was almost ready to leap into action before he thought to remove the gifted tie and shorts-hat which he neatly folded and placed on the ground beside him. It wouldn't do to ruin these nice gifts right after getting them. But with that short delay he was right into action so as to keep attention off any of the group who were less than immediately ready. "Over heeeeere!" he taunted the nearest shark to have surfaced. The sound did little so the fish began doing cartwheels which got the beasts attention much more effectively. It dove into the street some more, only the top of it's fin visible above the surface as it carved through the city structures as if it were simply crossing a rough patch of turbulent water at worst. The speed of its movements made for some amusement as Aduain took off running, his fins slapping the pavement like the wet noodles they effectively were next to fins on these sharks. Somehow his land adaptations didn't feel nearly as impressive at the moment. Aduain was pleased to see he didn't need to fully exert himself to keep ahead of the shark's charge as he looked behind him every few seconds. Just clever distribution of nen to his legs and he was doing fine. That meant he had room to play around, and that was pivotal to everything. Having driven the shark a ways from its pack and the others, Aduain could see it slowly begining to surface. He intentionally slowed his pace to goad the beast into going for its attack and sure enough it took the bait as it scented prey closing in. With the upper half of its body visible, the hunter waited for the creature to begin to shift its weight to lunge forward. Right as it did so a geyser of nen-water opened up beneath the shark's jaw, which exploded upward with some force. Enough in fact to stop the shark's advance and push the front half of its body out of the ground altogether. Curiously, as the nen splashed against the creature's gills, the shark put out a sound that could only be described as coughing though it had a more cavernous mouth to echo in a bit. Aduain scrunched his face in curiosity and something of disgust. "Wait, you don't just breathe air, you can't handle water? You call yourself a shark?" Aduain shouted at the shark who obviously didn't respond to anything he was saying. The hunter didn't waste anymore time but the thought was going to linger with him the rest of the enounter. The small fish soon found himself hopping onto the back of the semi-beached big fish. Stretching a bit to raise it high as he could, Aduain plunged his trident down into the back of the shark. The skin was tough but it wasn't anything he couldn't pierce. He might need a bit more nen behind his blows to keep doing it though. The shark for its part of course didn't appreciate the injury and began thrashing. And idea came to mind as Aduain opened a small geyser aimed at the shark's right set of gills. Another splash, a louder cough, and the beast began thrashing more in that direction. A quick test to the left side and it responded in kind. It wasn't the smoothest ride but the hunter was riding the shark and had devised a steering method, an accomplishment that elicted no small amount of laughter from the young boy. The affair got a bit more serious of course when the shark got itself slightly into the ground again. It was moving faster and Aduain's steering method wasn't exact. He was in the middle of trying to make it turn when the beast plowed into a wall, tossing Aduain into the mix of rumble. Now dusty and a little bruised, the hunter stood ready to take the fight a bit more seriously. He readied his trident and- wait where was it? The fish looked around, patted his body as if he had any pockets that could be concealing it, and found his weapon was not with him. A glimmer soon showed him it was a ways off outside the building and there was a land shark in the way of his retreiving it. "Uh-oh" he started, not really wanting to try and fist fight a shark that could plow through walls like they were nothing. "Gotta go!" Aduain called as he hopped over and out of the rubble pile that had formed insdie the building. For the moment he was running in the opposite direction of his trident, which seemed counterintuitive. But circling back felt safer than jumping across the endless rows of teeth. But that was coward's talk. Where was the fun in fighting a shark if he didn't nearly get his leg bitten off? And so Aduain began hopping as he ran, encouraging the shark to come and get him the while. The shark was happy to give chase and soon enough began making small jumps out of the ground to try and bite at the boy. Eventually it disappeared underground altogether. The fish knew what it was plannning and so slowed to a near stop to let it. Sure enough the ground below him started shaking and giving way as he jumped right at the last second. The world slowed down as his jump carried him just high enough to avoid the tip of his tail being bitten off from the shark's dive straight up to bite him. "Haha! Gotta jump higher than tha-" Aduain started taunted as something slapped him firmly across the face. It was was the tail fin of the shark as it turned in midair to dive face first back into the ground. The fish was sent flying a dozen feet or so, with some more rough tumbling. Getting back to his feet, Aduain shook himself and readied himself as the shark was already charging him again. A serious look took hold of his face for perhaps the first time in the battle as the shark dove out of the ground to bite at him. With a burst of nen to his legs, the hunter quickly jumped to the side and then into the shark as he kicked the side of its jaw and sent it some several feet away. Landing somewhat gracefully, Aduain found himself nearer to his trident and so quickly ran to retrieve it as the shark recovered from the fierce blow. Now he channeled his nen into his weapon as he decided his next course of action. The shark had taken a moment to recover before beginning a charge anew. But this time, when it jumped and opened its mouth, Aduain charged in faster than it could close its teeth and found himself inside the shark's mouth before he could bitten. The shark's belly skid across the asphalt of the street for a moment as it came to a stop. Odd behavior to be sure. But it was soon explained as the tips of Aduain's trident emerged out the top of its head, a stab from inside. A few moments more passed as the tips disappeared before several teeth came flying out to reveal a blue foot that had kicked them out of place. The hunter emerged shivering in disgust at the shark saliva he had subjected himself to. "Eeeeewww, shoulda thought that one out a bit harder..." the boy started as he felt the spit slowly sliding off his scales. "Looked really cool at least... well probably." he looked around to see if any of the others had been watching him if not already fighting or dispatchings sharks of their own. "Totally did, even if no one saw it." Aduain reassured himself before he vigorously shook every part of his body and began running off toward the others and any remaining sharks.
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