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Status Updates posted by radio414

  1. ncm currently has seven themes if we get one more theme we can do an eight-theme poll bracket

    1. Ash


      You know that's a good thought.

    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Add a theme where everything is black, even the text. People will fucking love it.

    3. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      @Tormented I'm serious. Make it happen.

  2. you couldn't release a game like stellar blade today, because of woke

    1. LordCowCow


      they made Pokemon Sleep but not Pokemon Woke really makes you think

    2. radio414


      alan wake was a game made by remedy entertainment back in the year 2010. if they made it now they'd have to call it alan woke.

    3. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      thats because it was already released

  3. with each passing year sr-71's song 1985 gets sadder and sadder

    1. LordCowCow


      So does Bowling For Soup's

    2. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp



      their the same song in case you didn't know.


    3. Mr Spaz

      Mr Spaz

      Bowling For Soup's cover came out 19 years ago. It also came out 19 years after 1985.

  4. i look forward to the day the entire misc. subforum is <x> rates music threads

    1. radio414


      i am aware i am part of the problem

    2. Ash


      the only problem is that there isn't enough

    3. Summer Darj

      Summer Darj

      May as well be it's own sub-subforum at this point :v

  5. it's april fools so here you go

    this one's free

  6. the only good pokemon is farfetch'd

    1. radio414


      i am not taking questions

    2. LordCowCow
    3. norI worK

      norI worK

      sounds farfetched to me

  7. people told me to close the polls on day one. i didn't listen, though, and it turned out surprisingly close. now it's time for the results

    ncm themes ranked

    1. spectrum
    2. it doesn't matter, the rest are losers
    1. LordCowCow
    2. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Rip to the other themes but Spectrum is just better

    3. Ash


      spectrum will become the only ycm theme

  8. MikiandJuri.jpg
    New blog post for Revolutionary Girl Utena.


    1. Thar


      These are some top-notch memes.

    2. radio414


      I do my best ?

    3. Doigt


      legit made me laugh even though I know nothing about the anime or the characters

  9. second birthday status: the one with a plug (and more plugs in the comments)

    I decided to post an Interest Check for an RP I'd like to run! You can check it out here: 


    1. radio414


      I've also got a blog: 

      and an AMA: 

      you should read it/ask me questions. Honestly, you probably could do either in either of those links.


    2. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      I can't say I'm particularly interested in giving a powerful monster to my opponent, even if it would end up banish-nuking their field.



    3. radio414


      ah, see, that one doesn't have umlauts so it's totally different

  10. when (not if) pokémon gets to generation 10, are we going to have to start calling the kids that start with those games Gen Xers?

    1. MetalSonic


      So who are the Boomers? The ones that started with Diamond & Pearl (and Platinum)?

    2. radio414


      Boomers are the people who say they're gen Xers because they started with Pokemon X and/or Y

  11. do you think there are different punishments in a library based on how loud you were being? do you think they determine how loud you were using the dewey decibel system?

    1. yui


      if you exceed 100 decibles the librarian teleports you into deep space

    2. Cibryll


      What kind of librarians are we talking about here, the ones from that TV series named The Librarians? O.o

  12. this is a stupid thought but is there a catgirl/boy/they in an anime somewhere with a hairstyle that doesn't cover up where the human ears would be?

    show me cat ears with a side cut (editing to add: and no human ears) is what i'm saying

    other animal friends also acceptable

    1. yui


      not an anime but touhou's got you covered.


    2. radio414


      thank you this is close but rin appears to have human ears in that picture (and in other pictures i looked up)

  13. gonna try they/he pronouns for a bit, mostly to indicate a preference for the former but we'll see how it goes.

    1. Kay Faraday

      Kay Faraday

      Try 'em on, see how they fit!

      Throw 'em out the window if they aren't it!

    2. Blake


      mood and understood

  14. nonbinary icon mx. potato head

    1. Thar
    2. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Nb Potato Head is cool and all, but what would be even cooler would be if Hasbro didn't abuse their workers.

  15. 2e3.png

    new blag, new memes. make sure to comment if you want a soon-to-be dead adventurer named after you

    i'm not tormey i can't say for sure if you'll die on the forum if your character dies but you can pretend if you want


    1. LordCowCow


      I can say it though

    2. radio414


      ok i mostly said tormey because of that one time where we were threatened with bans if we died in xcom but yeah you heard it here first if you die in the game you die for real

  16. don't be like me who forgot that daylight savings was last night

    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow
    2. DragonSage


      But hey! One hour closer to New Horizons.

  17. thinking about everything everywhere all at once again

    1. Ash


      And how your life is empty without it? yeah.

    2. LordCowCow


      that's a lot to think about

  18. how many people would i anger if i just started calling team sports mobas

    "found out about this cool new moba called football the other day"

    1. yui


      only if you also talk about sportsball stuff like it's a moba

      i.e. "they should buff three-pointers in the next patch imo"

    2. Crow


      inazuma eleven

  19. further darkest dungeon updates: simply uninstalling mods doesn't fix the problem which means i need to try some more involved fixes, something made all the more frustrating because more involved fixes are harder to find. this probably won't be a "delayed until next week" thing, this'll have to be a "until further notice" thing.

    1. yui


      did you try verifying integrity of game files via steam (assuming it's a steam install)? that fixes a lot of things.

    2. radio414


      thank you for the suggestion but unfortunately that did not fix the issue

  20. fandoms exist and fansubs exist but what i really want is a fanswitch

    give me a switch, lemme play mario

    1. Thar


      that's video game communism, and that will not be tolerated in this society of based scalpers

    2. UltimateIRS


      if your computer is good enough you can download a switch

  21. I tried making an Earth Wind and Fire joke but asking you to remember the 5th of November.

    I couldn't get the lyrics to work out but I wanted you to know that I thought about it.

    1. radio414


      Something like:

      Bah de yah, say that you remember
      Bah de yah, the fifth of November
      Bah de yah, it's Gunpowder Treason Day

      but, like, with verses too

    2. DragonSage


      Are you making a Guy Faux Pas?

  22. yeah sex is cool but have you ever listened to a song or even a whole album and just been like, "i have to listen to this infinity more times"

    1. yui
    2. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      I had sex with a song or even a whole album that I listened. Afterwards, I had been like, "i have to have sex with this infinity more times"

  23. listen i like girl scout cookies as much as the next but samoa and tagalong boxes have more air in them than cookie seems like kind of a bunk deal

    1. Thar


      They call them Samoas cause you always want S'moa

    2. yui


      it's fine though because everyone knows thin mints reign supreme

  24. 302.jpg

    New blag post is up for this week's episode of Planetes.


    1. cr47t


      where did you find the comic picture you posted here? i really like it

    2. radio414


      the comic is by @thesquarecomics on instagram

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