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    The site will remain active and online for as long as I can maintain it. I'm not struggling financially (at least as much as some!) and can maintain this regardless.

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    • Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      I made the biggest update ever to the wiki you can see how many Pokemon there are its a 110 New Pokemon that isn't even counting forms are regional variants: https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/List_of_New_Pokémon

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    • Chiri Bedhead

      Did anyone know this song existed? (those are aiDORUM@STA characters):


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    • Nico

      VTubers shman. They're all such filthy perverts! Great!


      1. Nico

        (if you don't want to open it in a new tab or are not viewing from a way to properly view all statuses (idk what it is but I can never get that "View All Statuses" button to work, but I can find it in other ways... Anyway, well this is what it says:

        Aurix "Rixxy" Brightful | NEXAS: how much extra cost for u to step in my food?)

      2. Nico

        Oh I just realized, it does get bigger if you click on it. I thought there was a time in which it didn't. Maybe not for some phones, idk. But shouldn't be a problem now hopefully!

      3. Nico

        Shman, saying that "Great!" at the end would not go over well on EEEEEEEEX.


        ALSO, Update after punching "You" in the gut:


      4. Nico

        ^Ah. So it was comment images that can't be clicked? Can probably still open in a new tab, but to help the lazies:



    • Azure

      Playing through Mass Effect again, and doing the Pinnacle Station missions and manage to get Shepard stuck in a hole. So now I need to wait until I get downed since it is a survival mission. Downside being, my team is Wrex and Ashley, the two tankiest members. Doesn't help the AI is only targeting them, so I'm only getting damaged by the splash from explosions.

      1. Azure


        Took half an hour standing in a hole, but Ashley and Wrex finally went down.

    • cr47t

      TIL T-Pain covered war pigs and ozzy said it was his new favorite version

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    • bump fun fact: solar panels enjoy having a couple beers on the weekend. this is because they are light drinkers.
    • (5/27/24): The biggest update to the site has just been made https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/List_of_New_Pokémon
    • With every passing day, or night, or whatever, she came to tolerate this place less and less. Her first impression had been bad enough, and nothing really had happened to improve on the tone and image that set for her. It all started with simply appearing in the middle of nowhere. She couldn't remember how or when, but she knew she wasn't from here at least. And that was just another layer to the absolute shit cake that had been her time in Equinox. She knew she wasn't from this world, but she couldn't remember where she was actually from. In fact, she couldn't remember much of anything! Just that she had healing powers. Other than that? Total blank! Her past experiences, the places and things she'd seen, friends, family, all of it gone. She couldn't even remember her own name. Zeru had been on the receiving end of one extremely girl's frustrations when they asked her for her name, and she realized she had no idea what it was. So, she had to come up with one on the spot. She'd settled on Sakura. The only thing on her that stood out was her hairpin, and it reminded her of a sakura tree. Which meant that her best clue to her identity was "a world where sakura trees exist." Not the best start. As a general rule, Sakura only went back to the hotel Zeru had generously paid for her to stay in for very brief periods. Go there, sleep, leave. Her every waking hour - or whatever resembled an hour here - was spent doing whatever trivial task she could get her hands on, in search of anything that would spark something in her memories. To no success, of course. Sometimes she was rewarded in some way which was nice, but if she had to hear one more "thank you for your help," Sakura would start considering using the gun on her for its intended purpose. Oh, right, she had that. Sakura's decision to open-carry an entire pistol was probably one of the first two things people tended to notice about her. On this particular day/night/whatever, Sakura elected to check in with Zeru. If, by check in, one really meant go to Zeru's abode and idle away the hours in case something came up that could give her a potential lead on who she was. Call it a hunch, but she had a feeling that would be the play today. And, after some time, something interesting at least came up. Two somethings, in fact! Other Sojourners. Neither of which made a particularly astounding first impression to her. "How bout the rest of ya? Care to weigh in and answer Mr. Laurent's question?" "They don't have any special reason to go out into the barren nothing out there, if I had to guess" Sakura answered, tracing out the shape of something person-like on the wall with her finger. "If I didn't potentially have something to gain by going out there, you can rest assured I wouldn't bother helping, either." "Well, yer... not entirely wrong. But that's not quite it, either." "Then by all means, enlighten us." “Don’t they seem a bit like… ya know… not all there?” "Never payed enough attention to them to notice." Some pointy thing on the head of whatever person-like entity she was "drawing" on the wall to finish it up, before finally looking directly at the other two Sojourners. "Which means it's up to your other guests to fill that blank in themselves, if they noticed something like that."
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