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Everything posted by LordCowCow

  1. its 7 am and i still haven't slept instead i'm looking at old shitposts and remembering i used to be kinda clever sometimes what is life ahahaha

  2. Serra is pretty thirsty yeah And multiple injuries dun dun dunnn
  3. I will say it looks incredible but...I never really got into Mortal Kombat. I like fighting games but something about it never really hit with me.
  4. dammit, there goes another of the ones I know Last one looks like Omnimon vs the world
  5. LordCowCow

    New RP Section

    I've added a Help Desk as a subsection for RP Out-of-Character. To aide people in various RP related ventures. Any suggestions or concerns can be brought up in this thread.
  6. First I'd like to explain what this is. Especially for people newer to RPing sometimes making a character or writing good posts can seem intimidating. So this place is a safe place to ask any questions and request criticism on ideas, posts, characters, or even an RP itself. It will also hopefully have various guides and such to help out. Now for the actual rules...pretty simple. 1. Site rules apply 2. Especially no flaming. This isn't a place to be rude for rudeness sake. Any idea is allowed (as long as it's SFW) and shouldn't be mocked. Heavy warns for anyone doing this. 3. If you wish to post a guide or something for resources you must first get approval from me. Send me a PM with the contents. 4. Anyone is allowed to give feedback and answer questions but I reserve the right to take this away from anyone if I find they're being unhelpful or harassing. 5. If you want criticism on a post, character, or RP idea either link to the post if it's already posted or put it in a spoiler. 6. More may be added later.
  7. Fiora was very unhappy throughout this, her little sister dying was the nail in the coffin ? LOUISE HOLY SHIT....I could see it. And Rebecca and Jaffar interact a lot don't they?
  8. What's the most difficult part of being in an RP for you?
  9. Woo boy that was a lot I have to say you're right. Honestly an issue for me is I sometimes try and help but it always seems to feel like fighting against the tide. Especially when an issue I point out with an app or post tends to...keep happening anyway. Doesn't help that if I point out too many mistakes people get downtrodden. I've seen a new member just give up when a suggestion is made. I do get mad when people just straight up shoots down apps and have tried to stop that but I'm sure you've seen how stubborn we all can be. The not talking about posts things I've talked with someone about before. Personally the number of RPs I'm in tends to make it hard to do so and no one wants to be the one to start it. I should try more though.
  10. The decision is made. Ross will be the new 8th Power Ranger character. In my next post I'll "summon" her to the RP. The others I have to think on a bit more and then potentially put them in as reserve characters for later.
  11. Personally I like the other one more but yay!
  12. I have not and idk who Meicoomon is either
  13. I'm shocked I actually know 3 of the final 7
  14. "what do you think they're up to? Should we interrupt?" Rona wasn't sure how she felt about how many people were gathering here. But she did know she wasn't comfortable with what it looked like Raynor was doing. "He has...a book of magic. You don't think he expects to learn it do you? A warrior can't use magic." She said. It wasn't right. She remembers her father scolding her severely for just mentioning the thought of studying a magic tome. Real warriors must dedicate their lives to the weapon. Magic was something to be used by those who have no spirit... Did Ada have no spirit? It didn't seem right but...that's how it was, right? Leon shrugged. "It's not unheard of. I practiced magic back before I settled on a sword, but...well, I can't say Raynor struck me as the book and magic type." A look of what almost seemed like horror appeared on Rona's face for a moment. And then she laughed. "You're a funny one, Commander. You, magic? I cannot see it. You're meant for the sword I think. Hm, do you think I should stop him? Magic can be dangerous..." A look of confusion and uncertainty crossed his face, but he continued saying, "well, I suppose it can be. But he has Ada teaching him and she seems to have a handle on it. But, if it looks like it'll get out of hand, we should." Rona seemed unsure about that but settled back. Her gaze not wavering from the pair. She didn't like it. Not one bit. "As you say, Commander."
  15. Talk talk talk. Kelsey was getting mixed messages from all over. Don't rush them. Rush them. The only thing that really stuck was when the guy with the savage looking mech spoke up with "Engage the enemy as you like for now." "Way ahead of you buddy!" She was already in the middle of charging at the one Bandito mech (1) and she wasn't about to stop. She got close to it, perhaps far too close, and had to take a spray of bullets right to the center of her mech. Something flared up and she thought it was her shielding until she noticed the indicators didn't say anything about the shield taking damage. It looked different than shielding as well, more mystical than mechanical, but whatever it was it gave her precious moments to aim both her assault rifles at the Bandito mech and unleash a hail of bullets on it. The mech stumbled back at the impact and seemed unable to recover enough to take evasive actions. Kelsey let out a whoop of excitement, which would echo in everyone's headsets, as she noticed the opposing mech's shielding failing. That was when Sammi's pulse shots came through. One of them striking the Bandito directly and, after Kelsey's attack, managed to tear through the mech's body, causing an explosion. The second pulse would have also struck it if not for Kelsey being in the way. Instead she was hit from behind. Turning the mech she noticed a flying mech which was the source of the fire. "Hey! I had him, be careful where you throw those around alright?" Her attention was diverted by a new blip on her radar coming from the side of the ship. At the same time another blip appeared at the front end and opposite side, near where they guy who told her not to rush was. Three large orbs with turrets attached emerged from under the ship on three sides and one of them began to open fire on Kelsey's mech. On the other side a similar ship was firing upon Chase's mech, wearing down the barrier that had been placed on it. The Bandito mech that Chase fired on was struck with the plasma bolts and was taking visible damage. Though as the orb appeared he seemed to decide to ignore the man for now and instead locked in on Sammi's flying mech. He fired off a couple lasers at her, which would be enough to remove the barrier if it hit, before shooting the harpoon-like weapon at the mech in an attempt to pull it from the sky. It was quickly joined by the Bandito mech that none of the others had targeted. Firing its own harpoon at the airborne mecha. Julian's shot on the fifth Bandito had an immediate effect. It struck one of the glowing green points, where the lasers would be fired from, on its right side. As soon as it did there was an explosion within the mech and that entire side of the mech was ruined. The mech stumbled and toppled to the side. It was still technically operational but from its position it wasn't able to move and the pilot seemed to be having trouble aiming. The two mechs that Erica was charging watched as the pilot thrust her mech forward from the opposite end of the ship. They started to move off to the side but she was able to clip one of them as she passed by, damaging the mech but unable to cause major damage before the two Bandito reacted. They both opened fire on Erica, together blowing away the barrier protecting the mech, and as they did the third orb ship made its appearance and also joined the other two in opening fire on Erica's mech. OOC
  16. Clarine (FE6) Versus Sanaki (FE10) Match ends 4/17 9 PM CST
  17. Gaius (FE13) Versus Myrrh (FE8) Match ends 4/17 9 PM CST (usually wouldn't use alt outfits unless both are alts but this was too fitting)
  18. Robin, Female (FE13) Versus Jill (FE9) Match ends 4/17 9 PM CST
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