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    • It wasn't until after they had eaten, or most of them had, and Kelsey had left for her own home base that Fen realized that she had avoided answering her question. Looking back at it the girl seemed to have had a pained expression as Fen asked it but hadn't actually given a solid answer. Things settled down more once Kelsey had left and took with her at least half of the noise in the building. The sky was darkening and it seemed that night time was upon them. And that was when they would get a message from Mauvache. There was an image attached of some large human-shaped creature far behind a metal fence. As a follow up to the article earlier this creature has been sighted multiple times in growing frequency. Please head to this cemetery and check it out ASAP. The cemetery in question was a large plot of land surrounded by what looked to be a wrought iron fence. The metal bars were spaced farther apart and between each was some sort of barrier but it still was essentially the same thing. There were some police outside of the main gate who let them in once they identified themselves. The grounds were well cared for, almost immaculately in fact, and instead of the classic gravestones there were large cubes of black material spaced out across it. Each of these had a number on them and some sort of device were embedded atop each. If one were to approach them they'd notice a projection appear from said device that showed an image of a person, their name, and their birth and death date along with some other information about their lives. At the center of the cemetery was a wide, but low, dome shaped building. They could see nothing of particular note, not that they'd know if there was anything minor wrong, but eventually this would change as they got closer to the building. From around the other side something moved. The sky was dark now but there were various lights hovering above the cemetery so they got a clear look at what it was. A skeleton. It appeared to be a human skeleton but it stood at twelve feet tall. In one of its hands it held a large femur bone that it seemed to be wielding like a club. As it stepped full out from the other side of the building it turned towards the trio and began taking long but slow strides towards them.  
    • Some of it was cool a lot felt...I guess dull is the word that comes to mind? 7/10
    • Ziun was pressing in and getting aggressive with his magic. Chris hoped he had the wherewithal to get out of the way when necessary, but maybe that was just a conflict in styles. He wondered why Ziun didn’t have his sword to at least block with. Then again, maybe it was a magic thing? Estellise had had a weapon -- she had her bow -- but that had been a magic bow. Magic magic magic. There was magic acid on both of the wrapped creatures now, but they were both still moving. Maybe what they needed was a sword after all. That said, Chris still remembered how tough these things were to cut through. He quickly pocketed his magic string. He needed both hands if he was going to be able to do more than leave a cut behind. There was also a mental component. He couldn’t fall back like he did with the spindle in his hands. Chris was getting into a fight with the intention of staying in it. All of his attention was in front of him. In a moment, Chris judged that he wasn’t able to get in the way of the assault one of the creatures was already unleashing, but he could at least cut the other one’s attack out from under it. He didn’t need to rush, so his movements were measured. He tried to slow his breath despite running around for the entire battle and took each step one at a time, sword held at the ready. When he was just outside the creature’s reach, Chris raised his sword over his shoulder, and with one more step, cut diagonally through the creature’s leg. Even with all that work, it still took an extra swing to get all the way through. It felt weird. Chris hated it. He wanted to just be running around. But despite the acid and the cutting, there were still two creatures that needed returning to their graves. “We should reunite with Lana,” Chris said. “At least, we should be sticking together more than we are right now.”
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