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    • “How many times does that work, anyway?” “Not the point!!!” Override shouted back at Minos, still dealing with the fact the knives were thrown and also merged with the floor…again. “P.I.X.E.L., how's that update?” “One moment, sir…” the A.I. spoke, before finally had the information. “We have the information. It appears to be…Switchjack.” Override accessed the information via his H.U.D. and nodded. It was what he was hoping wasn't the case. He knew the name…who didn't? Switchjack was one of the Gibbons' founding members. There wasn't a lot of images of Switchjack himself because of his power, so what he looked like was a mystery. He could, according to the file, meld into his own knives and throw himself, basically. He can also have the knives merge with material they come in contact with. That already was a scary thought. He checked more into the file and noticed some other things. He wasn't too thrilled to hear that THIS was the villain he was up against this time. “Yeah, definitely don’t get hit by those knives. I’ve heard things. They’ll ruin you worse than they did that elevator.” “Agreed…then I…” “We need to get off this floor.” “I couldn't agree more.” He nodded, a little upset that he was interrupted like that, but at least they were on the same page. “Suggestions on switching floors, rather than just attempting to follow after Aeon?” "I was gonna suggest the same thing we did at the casino," Minos said. Bust a hole through the floor, a bit barbaric, but drastic times called for drastic measures. "Then by all means, go for it...I'll keep an eye and scanner open for Switchjack.” Override said as he opened a radar on his H.U.D. and prepared to scan and search for any movement of any kind. It didn't take long for Minos to open a hole in the floor right in front of her and Override. It was a dark level down, but he could can distinctly hear the sound of two knives hitting the floor. Perfect, that stopped Switchjack for now. “After you. I'll cover the rear.” Override simply said, watching her make the jump. There was very little light, but Minos still was comfortable making an accurate guess as to how far down the floor is. Once they made it through the hole, they found themselves in an elevator waiting area. The employees would use the elevator from this floor, according to the floor plans. The Tech Hero looked at his radar, no movement…nothing. In any case, Minos was already making a hole in the wall opposite of the elevators. He watched her beckon to him. “What’s up?” "Yeah, I want to get as far away from knife guy as possible, thanks.” "I don't blame you one bit there..." Override nodded, keeping an eye on the scanner. "We should be meeting up with Aeon soon, I'd venture a guess. But aside from that, I'm wondering why Switchjack was doing what he was doing...on top of...the light situation…” The two went through the wall, finding themselves in an office now, little, half-height cubicle walls marking individual computer spaces. The light was little better here, thankfully. "Well, if we want to get to Caesar, he's a couple more floors down," Minos said. "Switchjack's probably just keeping us from taking the easy way down. If there's some Legion hair wrapped on one of those knives Caesar will know where we are too. So two reasons, right?” "Sounds plausible, if I'm honest." he nodded. "At this point, the man has thought of almost everything from the looks of it.” That's about the time Override got a hit on his radar. …they were being followed, by who, he didn't know. "Minos...we got company...we're being followed." he immediately turned the opposite direction, prepping an attack just in case.
    • I can think of one title that'd be really easy to find a lot for anyway 7/10 I didn't dislike it but didn't find myself too into either
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