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    • https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Spriglet_(Pokémon) https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Blazemander_(Pokémon) https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Aquakitten_(Pokémon) https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Verdefaun_(Pokémon) https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Aeriluff_(Pokémon) https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Blazemander_(Pokémon) https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Montiny_(Pokémon) https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Armight_(Pokémon) https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Toxovum_(Pokémon) https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Crystalist_(Pokémon) I put alot of hard work into this wiki and the Pokémon that I'm creating once I have the money I'm going to get a cheap but somewhat powerful Mini PC and host my own Pokémon Showdown Server with my custom Pokémon, though I still need artwork for them and 2D Sprites and/or 3D Models for them you can create your own Pokémon too if you would like, sorry I've haven't been very active I was busy trying to put my Pokémon Miraheze Wiki together its still not done I still have to do more I put up a bunch of links of Pokémon that I would like you to take a look at its their unevolved forms and you can give me your thoughts and feedback on the Pokémon's I also have a navbar on each Pokémon's page so you can quickly get to from and back to other Pokémon with higher or lower Pokedex Numbers. So yes any thoughts on them would be great and really really helpful if you can its kinda a passion project and I really want to grow a community. 
    • Trevor's Tolerance Tested Trevor watched as the fight played out on the screen... The arena the two fighters were in seemed to be a series of platforms of various sizes and heights that were floating in a dark space. Around the center was a large disc shaped platform but it seemed neither of the fighters intended to get near it. Bjorn leapt from platform to platform trying to get to the highest platforms while Victor seemed to be keeping near the bottom platforms. There was a full minute where neither of them attacked the other but then Victor landed on a platform that had two platforms above him with a small gap in the middle. Immediately he drew a pair of pistols and began shooting up through the gap. Just as Bjorn jumped between a couple platforms high above. The blasts went straight through and struck the bear dead on and a health bar under the image of Bjorn started to decrease. At the same time Bjorn changed course and rocketed down towards where Victor was. As he drew near he pulled back a fist. He nearly slammed it directly into Victor but the gunslinger jumped back towards the edge of the platform. However it seemed he wasn't safe as the platform tilted towards Bjorn and Victor was launched into the platform above.... --- Trevor suddenly realized that his head was feeling hazy. The flashing lights and fast movements on the screen seemed to blur in front of him and it was harder for him to pay attention to what was happening. He heard a small voice near him. "Uh...are...you doing okay?" When Trevor looked to see the source he'd see the waitress from earlier who was looking hesitantly concerned. As Trevor looked at her it seemed as though she was moving back and forth. Swaying and wobbling and stretching in ways that she shouldn't have been able to. He heard her sigh and say, "He really has to stop giving people that stuff...." Melissa's Meal Mistake “Um, there’s no leftovers, so did you want to share something, Natasha? I get the feeling I’ll get stabbed if we try and get an extra serving bowl, but I can just eat out of yours or you eat out of mine or, um… I don’t have any dietary restrictions, so whatever looks good to you…” Natasha looked up from the menu at Melissa and had a strange expression. She seemed to be both startled and upset by the proposition. She quickly, or as quickly as she was able to, typed out a response. "I did not think you would need more than one serving." She thought a moment and then, looking resigned, typed out another. "I can order two of mine if you want to split one." The waiter had remained silent throughout this exchange but after this he cleared his throat and asked if he should return later. Natasha shook her head and raised the menu up before showing what she wanted. She seemed to be intent on ordering lasagna which, from the looks of it, came in an entire whole tray and was served with a large bowl of soup as well. If Melissa didn't stop her the woman was about to raise a hand and indicate that she wanted to order two of them. Fen's Fighter Friendship "well, um, I think I'm a bit boxed out or uh, yeah. So I suppose now would be a good time to uh, shower and well, yeah." "Yeah, good idea. Wouldn't wanna get lumped in with those gym bros that think showering after are for babies." She scrunched up her face in exaggerated disgust before showing her the way. Fen would notice that Kelsey still seemed to have something on her mind and, notably, she wouldn't look at Fen for longer than a few moments. "thanks for showing me around the city today though, I uh, I had fun...oh, as uh, thanks would you like to come over. For dinner, that is?"  Kelsey paused right outside the shower room and half-turned back towards Fen. "Oh, uh." A complicated mix of emotions flashed over Kelsey's face but in the end she simply gave the girl a crooked smile. "Ahhh I gotcha, you just can't stand to see me go. I get it I get it I'm way too fun to let slip away right?" She turned back to enter the shower room and raised a hand. "Sure, I wanna see what kind of food people from other worlds make anyway." As they went into the changing room Kelsey sat down and let out a long sigh. After a moment she reached her arm out and began to mess with it. After some fiddling the arm started to come off and if Fen were to look she'd see Kelsey wince.
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