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Showing most liked content on 09/10/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 likes
    Joke Answer Serious Answer I haven't actually played a main series Pokemon game since HeartGold, and I don't have a Switch so I probably won't be able to play this one, but that doesn't mean I can't have opinions! Like the starters, Sobble and Scorbunny look cute, though I can't remember the Grass-type one's name off the top of my head so I guess that's a minus for team grass (sorry Bulbasaur). As for the other Pokemon revealed so far, Wooloo's an obvious standout and I did get a laugh out of Weezing's giant top hats similar to what happened when I saw Aloan Exeggutor for the first time (or this subreddit). I can't think of a Pokemon I actually dislike, though, in any generation, so maybe I'm not the one to go to for hot takes in that department. With regards to the National Dex discussion, I can't say that I ever had the dream of "Catching 'Em All" but I can sympathize with those who did or said they did to gain fake internet points. And using the opportunity to take a closer critical eye at past mechanics can be a good tool for people in game design or even idly interested in it (Animator Daniel Floyd noticed a spike in viewership for his video on Pokemon's evolving battle animation (why do I keep linking to 25+ minute videos when I know people aren't going to watch them? It's a mystery to us all)). But, like, a boycott's not going to work and people trying to make their voices heard on the internet is inevitably ugly and that's all I really have to say on that. What else? Camping? Neat! I did enjoy the moments in Pokemon that aren't battles so that hopefully will be another extension on that concept. Cooking looks like it's another minigame that'll probably turn out okay, though the promise of 100+ recipes makes me wonder how different the curries with actually be. And Team Yell is hilarious in the best possible way. I dunno. It all looks neat. If you want more specific hot takes, I'll probably need something more specific to go off of.
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    "You're here to learn how to hunt monsters, and you're afraid of a jump!?" Slate looked over his shoulder to see a girl around his age. Her stature was a pale imitation of the hunter guiding them here, but it was leagues above what Slate was able to do currently. He looked at her in awe of how cool she looked, and he couldn't help but feel a little jealousy "If you can't find a way, carve one yourself!" Like a rocket, the girl took off, jumping off the side of the boat and making a clean landing to the same end of the pier that the other hunter had, albeit with not as much grace. Slate gulped. It was a flashy display...but would he be able to make it? "Ah, come on! It's easy! Follow me!" Just as he had heard the voice, he felt his arm being tugged in the direction of the docks. He was in disbelief, his heart was going into shock! Was this what it was like holding hands with a girl!? He'd follow this sensation to the ends of the new world. "LAST ONE TO JUMP IS A DEAD PRAWN!" "Yeah!" Slate shouted, only to come to the realization that the girl had made the jump, leaving him with all of his momentum at the railing of the ship. He hesitated, causing him to fly over the railing. His reflexes were sharp enough to grip onto the ships bow, however. He clenched his teeth, as he clutched to any sort of holding there was for him. It was incredibly hard, with the rain shooting pellets at his hands. With all of his might, he managed to pull himself back onto the deck. When he arrived, he noticed that everyone aboard had already jumped. Slate swallowed the lump in his throat, as the boat began to turn vertical. "No! No no no no no!" He fretted, getting a foothold on the railing, travelling all the way up to the back end of the boat, which now turned it's poop deck to the sky. The pier was just in reach, as Slate closed his eyes and rocketed off the railing in a straight line. He undershot the pier's edge, but managed to get a grip of it with both of his hands. He pulled himself up to the tip, panting and struggling after he managed to do it. He saw the ship as it traveled past the dock, and crashed straight into the side of the mountain, splinters spraying into all directions and into the sea. "That...that could've been me..." "A part of me wishes it was. That was a rather pathetic display, runt. Now get up before I throw you over." "I would, Ms. Hunter Lady...but I'm afraid I can't feel my legs!" The Hunter grunted, as he gripped the boys leg and dragged him to the end of the pier. "Well, looks like you all made it in one piece...well most of you anyways. Let us pray for the ones who didn't make the jump." After a moment of silence, the Hunter turned her back. "Well, no sense dwelling on the scum of the scum! Let's head in!" She turned around, and threw a finger to the sky. "Head's up Hunter Hopefuls! You're about to enter Rath's Peak Academy!"
  3. 1 like
    Hm. I can't say Brawl cause while it wasn't an amazing game competitively, it was a damn good casual game and that's why I loved it. Honestly, probably Hey You, Pikachu! Objectively awful in EVERY single way possible. The mic is unresponsive, the game is weirdly paced, Pikachu doesn't like to listen even when the mic does pick up your voice... But god damn it was a cute game that childhood me couldn't get enough of. It's terrible and awful and I would probably hate it so much if I played it nowadays. And that's why I don't touch it, I don't wanna ruin the good memories. Instant Main after playing them. I got lucky. Really lucky, dude. My mains were Pokemon Trainer, for Ivysaur, and Palutena. Banjo & Kazooie have a lot of elements of characters I love playing. The Ivysaur/Palutena Nair is just one of them. The grenade eggs are basically just Snake's Neutral B, Down Throw being K. Rool-eqsue Bury is something I love, really interesting for comboing into so far. Everything about their playstyle is meshing really well for me, and the amount of fan service in the character made the wait more than worth it. I could ramble about them for ages.
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    Vivian had asked a question that, while Stella should have been expecting, she didn't exactly have an answer to. Stella didn't have much in way of hobbies, and outside of her time at school and with Kelsey she didn't really leave her home. And she really wouldn't call "hanging out" a hobby, nor did she really think that they did anything together that constituted as one. Thinking on her own answer, and thus Kelsey answering first, had proven to do her no favors as well. As her friend explained to Vivian about her old interests, Stella's eyes were fixated on the prosthetic hand of Kelsey's. Frowning, the girl's eyes then looked away, not really seeming to be focusing on anything. She simply stared down at the floor, with her attention only coming back as Kelsey shook her around. A bit jostled, having her focus suddenly pulled back, the girl simply said, "huh? Oh um, well, not really..." Looking at Vivian she doubled back, saying, "well, it's not that I don't do those things, I just- I've just been focused on going to a good school, you know. So everything helps. But, I guess I don't really have a hobby, so to speak." Getting her smile back, Stella put a hand on Kelsey's head saying, "I guess outside of hanging out with this goofball."
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    This forum's software double-spaces it between paragraphs automatically. This was something I had to get used to when we moved here from a different site, but I don't really know anything about mobile browsers so I can't say I know how to help you if you're looking to do something like this The best I can offer you is knowledge that shift-enter on PC only takes it down a single line instead of the two this forum does on its own. If you know of a mobile equivalent to shift-enter (or just try shift-enter if mobile keyboards have both of those keys), try that out to see if it works. If you want to try playing with the source code a bit, it seems that <br> is a piece of code that gets put between single-line breaks, if what I did above is anything to go by. Try experimenting with that a bit perhaps, if mobile keyboards lack a shift key to shift-enter with or an equivalent command. Do be careful with source code though, since I'm not sure how badly you could break something with a weird and obscure mistake, even if it's just line breaks.
  7. 1 like
    Every sound has become dull as the bombs kept coming doing more damage to his hearing. Finally, out of the chaos, Taro went and pocketed every bomb in the room and stood firm as he used whatever strength he had to keep the bombs at bay, hoping that he can hold out to the end of this test of his. After a minute or so of strenuous pain as each bomb went off, the room went quiet. No new bombs spawned, the room got a bit brighter as a door became visible in his view. Taro fell backward and gave out a victory cheer as he heard presumably Ms. Hitotsume talking, but was pretty muffled as Taro’s hearing started to slowly come back to him. Assuming she didn’t want him to dawdle, he rose up and proceeded to the door. Upon opening, he came into another room of similar design, but there was someone there waiting. A lizard man? "Uhh, hi. Are you a student, teacher, or hologram villain? And speak up a bit if you could, I am hard of hearing right now." The scaled-young man looked at Taro for a moment, before moving slightly, proceeding to twiddle his tail in his hand some. "Oh, hey. Um, I'm Tatsu Kibo...Kibo for short...or Tatsu, either one is fine really." he said, chuckling nervously. "I'm a student from Class 1-A...just actually got here from my own test...wasn't pretty. A-Anyway, I guess...assuming that what I was told earlier was true, we're supposed to be partners in some mock battle." "I suppose, I think I heard my teacher’s voice, but it was just muffled due to the end results of my test. So I am just going to with what you said then." Taro extended his hand towards Tatsu as he got closer to him. "Hi, I’m Tenkara Taro from 1-B." "Nice to meet you." Kibo nodded, extending the hand and shaking it. "So, uh...well to help you out, I guess I should mention my Quirk. My Quirk is called Scale, a Mutant-Type." he pointed to the scales that he currently had. "The other things, ears, claws, tail...that's inherent from my father's Quirk. A-Anyway, I have durable scales which is a great defensive mechanism for me...but I can also use them as projectiles." "That’s awesome! My Quirk is Pocket, an Emitter-Type. I can fit any amount of non-living objects into my pockets, regardless of mass and size." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his carrying bag. "The downside is that I can’t keep them in for long as the bigger/heavier objects will burst out of my control quicker than something like a bag." "Ohhhh...I see." Kibo nodded again, before raising a finger. "Hey...I just had an idea! I...don't have a clue who we'd be going up against...but if this Quirk of yours does what it says..." he said, moving his left arm in front of him, immediately popping off a few of the scales off his arm. "Here!" Kibo held out his hand, it being filled with roughly 10 scales, out towards Taro. "Fit these into it. That would definitely help and be quite a surprise!" Holding the scales felt light, and they were sharp to a point like a knife that had been used for a while. "Thanks, but yeah, who knows what our teachers have in store for us, especially with my teacher behind the wheel." He leaned over to Tatsu and whispered, "She’s crazy." "Y-Yeah...a good portion of the teachers here at U.A. are..." Kibo agreed, moving slightly as he sat down on the ground, holding his tail slightly. "Guess...we just sit around and wait for the moment or something." “Yeah.” Taro sat down as well as he pulled out a deck of cards. “Hey, do you want to see a cool card trick?”
  8. 1 like
    An hour or so later, Yushiro made his way to a specific bench located just outside the fence surrounding one of Blue Yonder’s dueling grounds- the usual spot where he and Akira would meet up between classes or before going out to do whatever it was they had planned on doing. As usual, Yushiro got there first, but he didn’t need to wait long. “Hey man, how’ve you been?” “Well, I, the man Akira, have been very busy recently, trying to get my club in shape in time so that the woman Katsu and I, the man Akira can convince the school not to combine our clubs. Anyways, how have you, the man Yushiro, been?” “I’ve been…. Well it's been a strange couple of weeks.” He paused a moment, thinking about how exactly he would bring this particular subject up. “Strange how? Do you have a teacher that is unusually mean to you, the man Yushiro?” Akira guessed. “Or, does it have something to do with the duel?” “Sort of. It's actually about this girl I’ve been talking to. I... kinda need some advice before I get all up in my own headspace about it.” He braced himself, knowing that he was about to be bombarded with questions at high volume. Surprisingly, the loud volume didn’t come right away. Yushiro could see the gears in Akira’s head turning as the man tried his best to process what Yushiro just said. “Wait, wait, wait, I, the man Akira, am just double checking. You, the man Yushiro, have been talking to a girl? For more than one conversation? In a way that maybe more than friends? And now, you, the man Yushiro, want me, the man Akira, to advise you on this girl?” He paused, thinking to himself. “Is she cute?” That got a laugh out of Yushiro, which was good. It cut the tension. “Yeah, she’s really cute. Her name’s Elizabeth.” “The woman Elizabeth… that is a cute name,” Akira admitted. “So, what seems to be the issue?” “Well….” Yushiro began by recounting how they’d met, then got into the odd set of circumstances that had ultimately resulted in them going out once, and, after swearing Akira to secrecy (and low volume), shared the details of their second date. “...But, I dunno… it was like, like she pulled away from me when I told her how I was feeling. It’s been bugging me. A lot. And I don’t really know what to do about it.” He sighed. “Not that you’re an expert or anything, but I think I need another opinion before I overthink things and do something stupid.” Akira mulled over all the information Yushiro gave him. It certainly was a puzzle, like most women were… He wanted to tell Yushiro not to worry about it, to rush through it all with confidence, but… no, that’s what he, the man Akira, would do, and Yushiro was not him. The girl went out twice with Yushiro and his lovable personality. Still, it was quite strange, the way the girl pulled away… “I, the man Akira, have an important question for you, the man Yushiro,” Akira finally spoke up. “How… how well do you know the woman Elizabeth?” “Decently, I guess. Not sure what you mean by that.” “I, the man Akira, am struggling to put it into words, but…,” He paused once more, trying to arrange his thoughts. “I think it is obvious that she, the woman Elizabeth likes you, but… when you told her how you felt, she pulled away. It makes me, the man Akira, think that perhaps she is… either wanting to take it slowly, or is scared. Maybe something has happened in her past that makes her unwilling to just… rush into it. You know what I, the man Akira mean?” Yushiro nodded. “I think so, yeah… I don’t know what that could be though. Should I maybe ask her what’s bothering her?” Akira paused, thinking to himself again. This was such a hard question with so many answers, and he didn’t want to give his friend the wrong advice. He was sure smoke was coming out from his ears as he thought long and hard, but he finally came across an answer he figured worked. “Hmm… I, the man Akira, don’t know,” He answered. “Maybe it would be best to just… be there for her, you know? Show her you, the man Yushiro, can be her steadfast one she can lean on. Do that, and I, the man Akira, believe she will eventually open up and share what is going on with her, the woman Elizabeth,” It was, admittedly, the same conclusion that Yushiro would have come to himself, but hearing it in that reverential sort of phrasing Akira tended to use made him feel a bit more secure about it. And if that was what Akira- a guy who was both (mostly) unbiased and probably incapable of overthinking, well, anything, thought, then it seemed like as sound a course of action as Yushiro could take. “Thanks man. I think that’s what I’m gonna do.” His stress relieved, at least for the moment, Yushiro relaxed a bit. “So are you going to kickoff later? With Katsu maybe?” “Of course, I, the man Akira, will be going to the kickoff!” Akira replied with a bright smile, his volume returning to its loud self. He then blinked and cocked his head as he processed what Yushiro said. “With the woman Katsu? Well, I figured she’d be there, but why would I, the man Akira, go with her, the woman Katsu?” “Well ‘cuz you’re definitely not going there with me!” Yushiro chuckled. “I’ll be dueling, but I’m sure she’d like someone to hang out with. Can’t imagine a lot of the martial arts people are going to be flying solo tonight, you know?” “Ah, yes, I, the man Akira, see what you mean,” Akira said with a nod, more than likely missing the entire point of what Yushiro was implying. “Then I shall seek out the woman Katsu later and ask if she will go with me, the man Akira!” There was a part of Yushiro that wished he could see that scene unfold. It was sure to be entertaining. But alas, it was definitely for the best that Akiro handle this one himself. Maybe it’d even work out this time. “Sounds like a plan. Hope you guys’ll be there to cheer me on, too. Gonna be a tough game and I think I’ll need all the people in my corner I can get.” “Of course, I the man Akira, will be cheering for you. Between I, the man Akira, and her, the woman Katsu, it’ll be like you, the man Yushiro, have an entire stadium cheering for you!” "That's what I'm counting on, pal." Yushiro said as he gave his best friend a thumbs up. ----- Kickoff time. Kickoff at Blue Yonder was always an exciting time. Whereas most high schools threw a similar event (sometimes referred to as homecoming, if its main focus was on the senior class), either in their gymnasiums or in some other large venue area that had been decorated for the occasion, Blue Yonder had an actual space reserved specifically for formal events on campus: Maiden Hall. Essentially a large estate, Maiden hall had two (three, if you counted the roof deck) floors and could accommodate a large majority of the student body at once. The first floor was the typical venue- a stage, dance floor, tables with seating aplenty, nice carpeting. The second was a quieter space, with several smaller rooms that encircled a balcony looking down onto the first floor. Then there was the terrace on the roof, which surrounded the skylight that acted as a ceiling for the first floor and had yet more places to sit and carouse. There were also the grounds outside, which consisted of a perfectly manicured lawn, as well as a path lined with a few trees that encircled an artificial pond that had a fountain in the center of it. For the occasion, the first floor had been provided with a fully stocked bar (for those students old enough to drink), and platforms that connected to the second floor balcony had been extended so that they hung out above the dance floor. It was on each of these that the two players scheduled to duel in the night's main event would stand, so that everyone in attendance could look up , down, or across from wherever they were and watch the game unfold. It was about 6:00 pm when the doors opened and students and faculty began arriving. The "official" time for everything to get underway was 7:00, but usually how things ended up playing out was that everyone was already in attendance and the event itself got rolling by around half past six. As for Yushiro, he'd gotten there early to make sure that he was mentally prepared for whatever was going to happen tonight, and also to make sure that Ashley Rendleman didn't have to hunt him down when it was time for the game to start. He gulped audibly as he looked himself over in a mirror. It had taken him awhile, but he'd finally managed to tie his tie just right and throw on his jacket. He looked good when he dressed up, or so he'd been told- the jacket helped bulk up his silhouette a little. Judging by the sounds coming up from below, people were starting to arrive. There wasn't all that much time left. He took another look at his phone: there was a message from Liz! From: Liz Of course I'll be there. Can't miss your big duel! Are you at all nervous? Nervous? Well, only a lot. To: Liz A little, yeah. I'm feeling a lot better after all that practicing we did last week though! He hit send. It was a half truth- he wasn't feeling any better, per se, but Yushiro was for sure more confident in his game than he had been, and Liz's tutelage wasn't the only reason. He pulled his secret weapon back out of his deck one more time. He hadn't even shown Clear Wing to Elizabeth when they were practicing- lest word, by some cruel twist of fate, reach Hiraku with enough time for him to side in a counter to it. His opponent had a whole deck full of strong boss monsters, but Yushiro only had this one, and he intended to make it count. His phone buzzed again, interrupting his train of thought. From: Liz Oh, good! Just focus on the fundamentals. Then again, if you win, who knows if I'll even get a chance to see you tonight with all the attention you'll be getting That was a big if. But even so, no matter the outcome, the first person Yushiro intended to see after the game was Elizabeth Hall.
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