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That One Dude

Status Replies posted by Thar

  1. Claptrap is the Jar Jar Binks of Borderlands

  2. Risk of Rain 2 is out in early access, and it has a buy one get one free deal for the next two days, cool. https://store.steampowered.com/app/632360/Risk_of_Rain_2/

    Risk of Rain 1 has a lot of praise, but honestly I played Risk of Rain 1 years ago and didn't like it at all, thought it was simultaneously too simple and too hard which left going "well what do I even do to beat this?" and had no clue what to do about it, then I played it two months ago and had basically the same experience, and nour could actually beat it but thought it was boring, so I'm hoping this is different or better.

  3. Satisfactory is such a great game, it's everything I wanted out of a 3D factorio. Basically, it's factorio, you mine some ore, use it to build machines and stuff, then you build a miner to automate mining, build conveyor belts from it to a smelter, then to a constructor, then whatever to create a big long assembly line of whatever you want to make automatically with the goal of getting enough stuff to deliver for a "milestone unlock" which gives you more stuff to build and so on, and in 3D you can even build multi-floor factories or storages.

    Also it has a lot of good features, ore deposits are all found aboveground so no annoying digging down, power is easy to distribute, and, best of all, ore deposits don't deplete but you can only have one miner on them, so if you build a miner on something you can leave it there forever and not worry about needing to move the miner and stuff later and the only limiting factor to your ore production is the grade of the miner.

    It's gud. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/satisfactory/home

  4. Satisfactory is such a great game, it's everything I wanted out of a 3D factorio. Basically, it's factorio, you mine some ore, use it to build machines and stuff, then you build a miner to automate mining, build conveyor belts from it to a smelter, then to a constructor, then whatever to create a big long assembly line of whatever you want to make automatically with the goal of getting enough stuff to deliver for a "milestone unlock" which gives you more stuff to build and so on, and in 3D you can even build multi-floor factories or storages.

    Also it has a lot of good features, ore deposits are all found aboveground so no annoying digging down, power is easy to distribute, and, best of all, ore deposits don't deplete but you can only have one miner on them, so if you build a miner on something you can leave it there forever and not worry about needing to move the miner and stuff later and the only limiting factor to your ore production is the grade of the miner.

    It's gud. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/satisfactory/home

  5. Dear @LordCowCow,

    Why do you associate me with Audino? I legitimately don't understand and wish to.


    Audino (Striker)

  6. Raccoons are really cute.

  7. wtf stop bringing the graphic design meme back to life

    it is retarded and old and needs to fucking die.

    also kill yourself for bringing it back and furthering


  8. Making Yui do graphic design is my passion

  9. Have you blessed the rains down in Africa today?

  10. Yesterday, I put in my two weeks. Now I need to really crack down on finding another job...

  11. What if I told you the RP section can singlehandedly keep a site alive?

  12. Am I weird for buying the same game thrice?

  13. it me burfday

  14. I think we should go to war with YCM.

  15. The same week as the Nintendo Direct announcing Sword & Shield, Nintendo applied for the trademark “Armored Mewtwo”... hmmm

  16. How do you guys choose between Tormy and Thar? That's crazy and impossible @_@.

  17. Alex Trebek has announced he is battling stage 4 pancreatic cancer... 2019 better not take him too... as he put it, he’s under contract to host Jeopardy 3 more years

  18. Yesterday morning I had two cups of coffee and was completely drowsy and sluggish all day. This morning I had no caffeine whatsoever and I am noticeably more awake and alert than I've been in a while. Okay.

  19. Are you a heavy sleeper, or do you easily wake up?

  20. Today is Friday the 13th but only if you use dd/mm/yy.

  21. Today is Friday the 13th but only if you use dd/mm/yy.

  22. I’m very torn if the MK11 leaked roster turns out to be true... it doesn’t look bad but it could be SO much better 

  23. I’m very torn if the MK11 leaked roster turns out to be true... it doesn’t look bad but it could be SO much better 

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