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Everything posted by radio414

  1. video is 7:03, i know, but it's part of an opera which means the song really ends when nixon says "what?" at around 6:30 and the rest is leading into the next song
  2. Interest noted. I've also added an FAQ for the questions I've gotten so far.
  3. Phone call with parents, done. Not even anything interesting to comment on this time, just a bunch of blather (that was Peter’s new word of the week: blather), with a lot of teasing and a lot of Peter really wishing he wasn’t having the conversation and yet he also felt like he had to have it. Whatever. There were good bits about the day too, though. He’d been called to answer a pretty tricky geometry question at the board and he’d managed to get it right! Peter hadn’t been sure of his answer, but having to talk about it at the board had awoken his inner presenter, that inner voice he’d used during duels, and while it wasn’t exactly charismatic, one didn’t need to be charismatic to answer a math question. Another good thing: He’d remembered both his decks today: Duel Monsters and the other one. It was a little weird calling it “the other one,” of course, like, he wanted to call it the “normal” one, but Duel Monsters still felt like the more normal card game despite having its own dedicated cards that were much smaller than the more versatile fifty-two. So Peter didn’t really have a spring in his step or anything, but he felt pretty good. It was a feeling immediately shattered, though, when he saw the new coach. Who was this person? Was he supposed to know her from somewhere? When she spoke, it sounded familiar enough, and she seemed more encouraging than Coach Clara, but it was still a change Peter wasn’t quite comfortable with. “Film lady!” Hana said. Well, at least someone recognized her. But Peter also wondered what the itinerary was supposed to be with a substitute. All the other substitutes he’d had so far at Horizon Academy had either shown film or just had the class work on whatever, and he wasn’t really interested in watching old duel film again, nor was he interested in actually dueling. But! The substitute coach also offered a third option. It seemed related to the reason she was missing, but that was just a weird guess on Peter’s part. The point was, it was an excuse to escape, and given the alternative, Peter practically jumped at the call. Hana got there first, though. “I’m very good at spending money!” she said, which, okay, that was something Peter didn’t actually know about her, and he was actually a little surprised to hear it (if it were true, anyway). He was undeterred, and made -- what he felt was -- a decent second effort to volunteer, “Okay, feels like there should be a couple people trusted with the money though,” he said. “And if there’s multiple things we need to buy, we could split up to get it instead of running back and forth across the store? I don’t know. Um. “Yes, I’m volunteering to go with Hana is what I’m saying.”
  4. Most of my puns happen in the moment. Sure, that means they're very surface level, but most puns are anyway, so that's never been too big a deal for me. And I like to think I've gotten pretty good at spotting opportunities, too, so it's not like I have any huge regrets about missing any. That doesn't mean that I haven't tried to get people to fall into traps ever. The first time I saw one of these Pearls Before Swine strips I wanted to walk someone down that same narrative path. It failed. Most recently I've been wanting to tell "the horse joke," a long-winded story about the highs and lows of rock-and-roll fame that ends, like all horse jokes do, with "a horse walks into a bar. the bartender says, 'why the long face?'" but I've never found the time to tell it yet.
  5. What would you say has contributed the most to the popularity of Nuzlocke runs? That is to say, is it the original comic, the fact that it establishes "hard mode" rules for Pokemon and people enjoy the challenge, both, or something else?
  6. second birthday status: the one with a plug (and more plugs in the comments)

    I decided to post an Interest Check for an RP I'd like to run! You can check it out here: 


    1. radio414


      I've also got a blog: 

      and an AMA: 

      you should read it/ask me questions. Honestly, you probably could do either in either of those links.


    2. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      I can't say I'm particularly interested in giving a powerful monster to my opponent, even if it would end up banish-nuking their field.



    3. radio414


      ah, see, that one doesn't have umlauts so it's totally different

  7. IC They came to you in a dream. “Go!” they ordered. “Board the Swallow Tail And fly west.” Decided to host something of my own. I’ve been on this site long enough that it was bound to happen eventually. This is a fantasy journey RP with a hint of mystery to it. Part of a watchdog's duty, after all, is getting to the root of an area’s problem and flushing it out, and that requires some investigation. Or you could just call upon your patron to smite the place. After all, there can’t be a problem with the town if there’s no town to begin with. I was thinkinking three to five players, though I suppose that depends on the level of interest. Feel free to ask me any other questions you might have, and I hope you enjoy! Rules The Story So Far FAQ Application: Accepted Apps:
  8. giphy.gif

    1. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      I did not know today was my birthday. In fact, I was under the impression that today was nearly the exact opposite of my birthday.

    2. Thar


      This is basically how I feel about my birthday nowadays.

      Happy Birthday, btw!

  9. 1) Ico 2) Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005) 3) Persona 4
  10. A couple things happened to Chris at once. The first was Lana brushing past him with a cheerful “Left-hand it is!” which kind of ignored the other part of Chris’ question? The offer to stake things out? Or maybe it implicitly answered it. Either way, before he could respond, his attention was interrupted by the second thing: Sergei. “I wasn’t mad. I was just worried, that’s all,” Sergei said. Well, that was comforting, though it was comforting in the kind of way that a parent would comfort a child and Chris didn’t find that comforting at all. That whole age difference thing, too, that was part of it. But, like all the other grumbles Chris had had throughout their expedition, now wasn’t the time to whinge about them, at least out loud. Now was the time to- “Help!” Now was the time to help Lana. Sergei was already on it for the most part -- he also whipped past Chris down the path that, now that he looked, had an open pit right there. And… were those kobolds? Sergei seemed to ignore all of that and focused intently on Lana, hoisting her back up from the trap she’d sprung. But that focus had cost him, and he got a rock to the noggin for his troubles. “Chris!” Estellise’s call pulled him away from simply narrating things as they happened and back down into the dungeon. “I’ll clear the monsters around them,” she said, “get to the others and make sure they’re okay.” Alright, that was at least the start of a plan. Chris took off, though he was careful to stay on the left where there hadn’t been any other pits so far. His first instinct was to jump over the pit like Sergei had done, but now that he had pulled Lana up, there wasn’t any space unless he wanted everyone to collapse over like bowling pins. Instead, he turned to go around, and, in doing so, caught a glimpse of the first right-side tunnel. There were four more kobolds -- at least four, really -- all waiting expectantly for something. From the looks on their faces as Chris passed by (not that he could read kobold faces that well, especially given the circumstances) they were surprised that he wasn’t it. That didn’t mean they didn’t put a kink in the plan, though, and as he reached Sergei and Lana, he explained why. “We need to keep moving,” Chris said. “We’re gonna get flanked if we stay, and we’ll be cut off from Estellise too.” Unlike the goblins of the previous floor, the kobolds had already gotten the drop on them, so they neither had the numbers nor the tactical advantage. And, perhaps because of those same goblins, retreating wasn’t really an option anymore. Chris drew his sword. There was one more side tunnel, too, which surely had more enemies in waiting, and if the pit was any indication, at least one more trap to be sprung.
  11. the recorder isn't part of it -- song starts at 0:44 or so
  12. Looks good for me now
  13. Cleared the cache both on mobile and on Chrome, didn't seem to help
  14. Figured I'd just make a new thread for this. Under "Members Shop" or its subtag "Shop Items", clicking on the name of an item instead of the "Buy Now" button reveals this: I'm using Google Chrome, though Firefox has reported this issue as well. The "Buy Now" button still works, but the name leads to an error messge. This is true of all the shop items; I'm using Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock as an example.
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