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Everything posted by Saikazo

  1. "I'm just going to hang back for a bit, and wait until I get a report from Archer," I comment, before turning to the other two Masters. "I hope you understand, but I rather our servants take those things on then trying to do it myself,"
  2. "So, what are you, then, if not a Jaeger?" Lopt asked, "You seem like you've been through a lot in your life, even though you don't look much older than me... You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but maybe you can make a new friend? I know I would appreciate having someone strong in my corner." "Friend, huh?" Sieg repeated as he sat up straight, mulling over the words that was spoken to him. "Been awhile since I had one of those," He pondered the question presented to him. What was he? A Pseudo-Jaeger was that Eric called him, as he was no longer human, but a Jaeger was something that was naturally born, a blanket term for any number of creatures. He wasn't like that... he wasn't like them. "I don't know what I am," he admitted. "I... I was born human... grew up around other humans, made friends with humans... and then... I became... this," He motioned to himself to emphasis his point. "Like a fool, I bathed in the blood of a dragon after slaying it and became... this," There was a little more to it, but... he didn't like talking about that part. "Not human any more, but not a Jaeger. I think Eric called me a... Psudeo-Jaeger, or Artificial Jaeger...," He turned to look at Lopt. "So...," He paused awkwardly. "What kind of Jaeger are you?" Just as he finished talking, a woman dressed in the A.R.C.H. walked out, looking over the two. "So, you here for your haircut then, Dragon Slayer?" Sieg just just nodded in response and stood up, moving over to the barber chair and plopping into the seat. The woman placed some cloth around his neck and got to work. It soon became obvious why Sieg had told people thirty minutes. It took a bit for the scissors to cut through his thick hair, and with it being so long, it was obvious they would be there for a long time. During that time, Sieg did his best to keep the conversation going, to not miss this chance to maybe befriend someone. He wasn't sure if he could keep the conversation going, but he tried his best, not wanting to see too standoffish. He didn't know if he offended Lopt or not with his question, but hey, he was asked first. It only seemed fair that he asked the question back. 25 minutes later By the time Sieg's haircut was finished, the hair on the floor piled high enough to reach the woman's ankles, and Sieg's hair only went down to his shoulders. The woman began to pick up the bundle of hair, humming to herself. "Looks like we'll be able to make a lot of wigs out of this haul," She exclaimed as she took them into another room. Sieg stood up, sighing as he brushed his shoulders, letting some stray hairs fall off. With the 3 minutes it took to get here and the 25 to get a haircut, he'd have 2 minutes to get to the training. Seems he would make it on time. "Looks like it's time now...," He muttered as he headed out. He was quiet as he walked to the training area, mentally preparing himself. He had to make sure he kept his strength under control. He couldn't afford to break something, or worse, someone. Soon, he got to the arena, walking in and looking around. "Alright, let's get started," He looked around, finding Alexander. "Hey, come on, let's get started," He walked towards Alex and moved him to a relatively empty area. "Okay... I want you to hit me as hard as you can," He said as he stood up straight, leaving his arms dangling at his side, no effort being made to defend himself. "Don't hold back on my account. I promise I can take anything you can dish out,"
  3. "The OCG players build the decks, the TCG players make them degenerate".

  4. Fight the Knight The enemy had begun to mobilize, to push forward with their attack. There were a lot of them, yes, but Raynor was no longer worried. His doubt, his fear, he forced it down as he stood on his lizard's back. He would blaze the trail forward, open a path to victory, like the ones before him had. Gojira raced down the field, their target being very clear. The rider folded his arms in an act of complete confidence as he charged at his opponent. "Are you ready, guy?!" He called out to his opponent. "Put your war face on!" With that, he crouched into a stance, pulling out his lance. "This fight is mine!" He called out as the two approached, Raynor thrusting at his opponent's chest. He knew his range with his lance was much better than the man's reach with his sword, that his thrust should reach his opponent before the solider had time to block. He was as good as dead. So he slightly directed his focus. He had rushed by someone in his drive for battle, and they stood parallel to each other. Raynor kept his focus locked on the man. He wouldn't be blindsided by this solider, no way in hell!
  5. Man, I'm going back into serious game maker mode and...

    Oh man money's gonna be tight.

  6. If you drink alcohol this New Year's Eve, then from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.

    1. LordCowCow


      Disclaimer: works at a liquor store

    2. Thar


      More importantly though, if you do drink or have drunk for the occasion, please be responsible.

    3. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic

      Stay safe, amigo. Once 2020 hits, you won't have to worry about too much of anything until the next holiday (I would assume), so look forward to that.

  7. "Sorry," I say to Berserker's Master. "But I rather not play games right now. Don't wanna be distracted in case Archer needs to reach out to me, ya know?" I comment. I look out the window, scanning the area. "You know, this place could be a good base if we manage to drive out the necromancer,"
  8. “It’s not the necklace, it’s what it stands for,” Link finally spoke up, explaining things to the confused frog. “It’s a symbol of worship of Inera. She’s… a very important thing in every human culture. Most of them consider her evil. Edrick’s thinks she’s a hero.” Link wasn’t speaking very loudly. “Think of it like the beads of Inari. Your tribe and Sienna’s almost went to war over them going missing.” "Worship?" Shiro asked. "You mean... like gods? They're getting like this because of...?" He shook his head, muttering to himself. This was all falling apart because they believed in some big scary magic woman in the sky? He couldn't understand it... frankly, he wasn't sure he wanted to understand it. He wanted a minute to himself, but really, he couldn't leave the room. He couldn't trust these wackjobs to not attack the princesses after finding out just how unstable they really were. "This is yet another failing of living in isolated villages like we do," the fox shook her head. "We become complacent, and unaware of matters to which we should take heed." She glanced at Shiro. "Link is right. That 'necklace' as you call it is much more than a necklace. It is a holy symbol, worn only by those devoted to the goddess Inera, revered on a level far beyond how you frogs feel about your Frog Sage. There are many names for Her, such as the Lady of Life and Death, the Two-Faced Goddess, the Raven Queen, and many more. Surely even you must have heard of her." "No. I like to learn about other kinds of things. Like reality," Shiro shot back sharply. Foxes really could get under his skin far too easily. He'd need to work on that some. "Hey everyone what's going on - oh wait. I don't care." Alois stated as he went upstairs. Well, that was rude of him. He wasn't gone for long as he came downstairs and grabbed a book of some sort? Shiro quietly walked over, looking over the boy's shoulder, trying to see if he could figure out what Alois was looking for.
  9. "Sorry to say, but that's all the info I got for now. Not exactly keen on sticking around a bunch of zombies, you know?" I sigh and put my hands behind my back, thinking to myself. "I do think we should head out now. Frankly speaking, if they are a master, it might be best to strike before they have a chance to amass too many bodies. A bunch of zombies and a Servant? Doesn't sound fun to me at all,"
  10. In the end, only Edda accepted the ride, which was alright. Raynor would have to babysit them a little more, but it was a small price to pay to make sure no one fell behind. So they ran, doing their best to escape the knights that pursued them. Soon however, they had to stop and fight. That was ok with Raynor though. When they stopped, he climbed on top of his mount, slowly and carefully picking up Edda and placing her on the ground. "Sorry, but I need my buddy back," Raynor explained as he slipped back into the saddle. "Falcons, get ready." "You got it," Raynor took out his lance, gripping it and getting into position. It was time to take on an unit of armed guards, people that were out for their blood. It wasn't like the other times with monsters and bandits. They wanted the Jourans dead and were trained well enough to do it. The thought scared him some, seeing as he fell to a skeleton not last night, but... at the same time, he was excited. New day, new battle, new results. "If you keep going back you can get out of here. They would stay here to try and take me and you could have time to get away. There's no reason to stay here and get caught up in this." Rona spoke up, causing Raynor to raise an eyebrow. "N-no way!" Yue called out "Th-there's no way we're leaving any of you behind. R-Rona, you're...uhh..." she trailed off, blushing, then shaking her head. "You're members of the Iron Falcons, and Edda is a client. Leon taught us to stand by each other, and we can't let a client get hurt either. So...don't say such sad things." "... She's right, you know." Ada sighed and rubbed the back of her head."Besides... Aeoran, Jouran, who cares? We're a group. We need to lean on each other, not run off or fight. Not to mention, I'm a devil like you, whether they know it or not." "Yeah, no. That ain't happening." Layne shook his head."They're right. We aren't leaving anyone behind to suffer this alone. Besides, they wouldn't settle for that from the sounds of it. They would hunt us down, that guy sounds pretty dedicated to his job." "Besides, back when I offered ya the chance to split from the group, you turned it down, saying Leon needed you at his side," Raynor stated with a grin. He didn't blame her, the odds didn't seem to be the best, and she tried to save the others. But remembering her own declaration should strength her resolve... he hoped. "Now's not the time to take back those words. Let's get going!" With that, Raynor and Gojira began to move forwards, the two readying for battle. "Go ahead and line up!" He yelled excitedly at the enemy. "This Jouran's going to kick your asses and move on to become a legend!" OOC
  11. "Sensei, I think we have something to discuss..." Touch revealed to the teacher his own device, pulling it out from his pocket. "Three of us already have devices that came in a similar fashion." Frimon came right behind him and leaped into his shoulder. "We may need more lore exposition before going into the next stage." "Oh... oh god dammit," The teacher pinched the space in between his eyes as he began muttering under his breath, before finally saying. "Right... right... I'll explain just... give me a second. This is a lot of info for me to take in as well, you know?" Before he could continue however, the other students began to speak up. "Yeah whatever. So we gotta go all the way to California? If you ask me, we should try to find a way to get things back to normal...not try and hide away like rats in a cage!" Todd exclaimed, to which the teacher shook his head. "Yeah, I guess being in a giant cage for a week would make anyone not want to go hiding," Zubamon commented. "So is that why you were hiding in the back? To gather your courage for this massive undertaking ahead?" The digimon asked innocently, stars in his eyes. "He's right!" Kokoro agreed. "We have to get all the way across a place as big as America after whatever happened, just to hide and wait for everything to blow over? We might as well try to fix what we can along the way instead of just saying, 'oh well I guess I'd better run away now.' I don't really understand a lot of what's going on, but I think I get enough to know this isn't something that'll pass while we're holed up somewhere." So it was best to do something with that in mind. Kokoro's eyes went back and forth between Mr. Henderson and Omnimon. "No matter what we do, you've got a lot to tell us. Sensei and Alter both." "Give me a second... it's a lot to think about and organize," Mr. Henderson muttered. "U-Um... Why are you here then?" Wormmon barely muttered, before looking down, "N-nevermind..." Omnimon looked over to the small digimon, getting on one knee and reaching out with his giant wolf hand, gently patting Wormmon on the head. "Do not worry about it," He said softly before standing back up. "I'm here because we were searching for any human survivors or stray digimon so we can lead them to safety," He folded his arms. "However, all we could find so far was all of you," "Here, let's just head outside, I'll explain on the way," Mr. Henderson finally said, scooping up Theo and walking off. As he walked off, he looked over to Chris and Conner, just to see what they were doing. "Chulainn, hey...are you alright?" "My body f-feels like it's on f-fire, my arm is gone again... a-and everyone's gone. I-I'm dandy Chris," Conner muttered as he slowly stood up. Slowly, he made his way back to the group, follwoing their teacher as he headed outside. "So... big, simple exposition dump," Mr. Henderson muttered to himself as he quietly walked down the hall. "So, the Digital World is an alternate dimension, right? In it, all lifeforms are digital, and some of the most common ones are Digimon," He rubbed his chin. "Usually, when the Digital World is in danger, it'll grab random kids and force them to become heroes for the Digital World. This time however... this time it's different. It seems the two separate dimensions have fused into one, and no one knows how," He motioned to the device Touch held. "So that, that's a Digivice. Think of it as a link to your digimon. It makes them your partner, and you can do some... interesting things with it, like force enough power into them that they temporally age up into a more powerful form," He rubbed the back of his neck. "Don't ask me how you're supposed to do that, it's different from person to person," He tapped his chin. "I think that's all you need for now. Right now, we need to see what outside looks like," The most noticeable thing that everyone could see as they stepped outside was that everyone's houses had been moved. Every house in the small town had been arranged into rows, surrounding a train station that most definitely wasn't in the town before. The second thing they could see was that far, far in the distance, there was some sort of large white tower reaching into the sky, going so high up they couldn't see the top. However, it was so far away they couldn't see the base of the tower either. "Hey, Omnimon... what's that tower?" Conner asked, pointing to it. Omnimon looked up at the tower, sighing. "We don't know. We just know it's somewhere in Colorado... and yes, it's so big we can see it from any where in the... 'United States'," Omnimon supplied. Conner blinked and looked back to the tower. What the hell? "Alright kids... find your houses, and get essentials. We'll meet at the train station in half an hour," Mr. Henderson said as he walked down the school stairs, looking for his home.
  12. So, if a series's original movies and spinoff TV shows are considered amazing but the prequel and sequels are horrible, then how good is the franchise?

  13. Time to make a VN about taking the Revolutionary War and make them cute girls.

    1. DragonSage


      so basically eternal sonata?

    2. Thar


      If they made a series out of those car part girls representing each make of cars, I'd watch that.

  14. So, do you remember, Gwen? The Gardevoir/Chandelure fusion that was rescued and adopted by the mentally unstable daughter of Baby Blob, and her boyfriend that got out of jail early because he was 'sorry'? The one that had a twin sister who somehow sacrificed herself in order to save Gwen? Turns out she was not dead. She was living inside Gwen's mind for all these years. Calling herself Carol, she lived in Gwen's head until the age of 12. When Baby Blob and the rest of the family found out about her, they decided to clone Gwen, and using psychics hacks, moved Carol's mind into the body, this giving letting Carol live her own life. This is important, because despite my characters appearing and EVIL looming on the horizon, she took up most of the screen time of the arc. For you see, as Carol went to school, she discovered something life changing. She discovered... SHE WAS A LESBIAN!!!! DUN DUN DUN!!! She met Janet, a 15 year old with a similar secret, which is that SHE WAS A LESBIAN!!!! DUN DUN DUN!!! The two started dating, but Carol was afraid to call her anything other than her friend around her family, in fear of what they might do of they find out SHE WAS A LESBIAN!!!! DUN DUN DUN!!! You might be calling me callous for making fun of 'the only realistic aspect of the Worst Pokemon RP', to which I say, it's the Worst Pokemon RP. They, of course, fucked it up. Instead of it being a character arc, one that they eventually resolve, it became the main focus of the arc, overshadowing the fact there are bad guys that want to kill them. Anyways, back to the arc. Ali and her twins Carol and Gwen were walking into town when they saw Rock. The boy was lost, and trying to find his way to Kanto (they were in Johto). Ali was about to be nice and help Rock when Reshiram came out of nowhere and dive bombed Rock. Ali, immediately recognizing Reshiram, figured out who Rock was and called him dangerous, because he 'got Baby Blob killed'. Rock tries to point out all he did was give directions to a clone that looked exactly like Baby Blob, and thus had no malice towards the family. Ali was not convinced, but decided to 'give Rock a chance'. They used their super special morphers to turn Reshiram human, to which we discovered she turns into a girl about Rock's age (about 20 years old) instead of her brother Baby Blob's age, about 30-something years old. This is never explained why this was the case. Reshiram immediately clinged to Rock because she was convinced he was the Hero of Truth, which really sucked for Rock, because even though Baby Blob's family thought Rock was scum, they treated Reshiram as Baby Blob Zekrom's sister. Giving her the name Robyn, Ali and her girls then took Rock and Robyn all the way to Seven Island, where the Knights and Nitsuas lived. Seven Island was pretty much a paradise, where rich people live, Pokemon ran free, Suicune runs around, exclusively cleaning their lakes and no one else's, and Xerenas lived in their forest in her tree mode, giving life to all the trees. Drew was being an ass, and seeing that Rock was there, challenged him to a fight. There was no clear winner, except that Drew was being an ass while it happened. The Pokemon turned humans were cool with Rock, but the kids really didn't like him. As a peace offering, Kim have Rock an Eevee egg, one that was not made by fucking Dan, but by fucking Tommy the Leafeon. She fucks the both of them whenever she wanted. Rock left to be alone, seeing as a clingy Reshiram and Baby Blob's family was exhausting to deal with. He found a cave within a mountain, and inside was Regigias! The legend, angry to be awakened, went to attack Rock, but since Rock spent a large portion of his life living with Rhyhorns and wrestling Machokes, he knew how to counterattack. He dodged he attack and ran up the legendary's arm, punching it in the face. The punch didn't do much, but Regigias did stumble back in shock and tripped over a stone, falling over. It then calmed down, looking down at Rock and patting his head before GTFO-ing of Baby Blob's island and disappearing in the sunset. Even I wasn't immune to the stupid in the beginning.
  15. So, the beginning of this arc starts with Baby Blob Jay learning that his cousin was giving birth to a baby. He went to see her, only to find out the baby was sick and the mother was dying. He could only use the magic to save one... For some reason, so he used Dragon Clan magic to heal the baby, and in doing so, somehow infused her with his DNA, changing her hair from blonde to green, and making her the child of Jay and his cousin. The baby is named Sophie, and is put in the baby ward. The mother dies of childbirth, and The Dark Legion kidnaps baby Sophie. They renamed her Ophiela, experimented on her, which unlocked her powers of some sort, but left her blind! The Dark Legion was trying to mold her into the perfect vessel, for once every 1000 years, an ungodly amount of power gathered at the top of the Dragonspiral Tower, and the Dark Legion wanted to channel this power to make Sophie/Ophiela into a goddess! In order to make sure their plans succeeded, they used their ultimate trump card. They found another baby blob, this one being Kyruem. They molded the original one into a man named Nick Deliora, who had the same powers as Jay because he was also a dragon and a member of the Dragon Clan. They also used his DNA and mixed it with Dan to create Paladin, a half clone of Dan with ice powers. Paladin used his power of looking like Dan to sneak into the Knights' house and kidnap Tara, the product of Kim the Espeon funking Dan. This triggered the Knights and Nitsuas, causing a war between them and The Dark Legion. They quickly and magically found the Dark Legion's base, and began a battle! Dan fought his clone, and using the power of words, converted him to the side of good! What helped Paladin decide this though was that cloning was unstable, and he was slowly dying, but the Nitsuas had science that can fix that! Who would of thought? Ali came face to face with Jake, the love of her life she thought was dead. You see, during the plane crash, Jake's lesbian sister fell on top of him, and her blood flowed into his cuts, acting like a blood transfusion. So he was alive and abusing pokemon so he could help the Dark Legion take over the world. The power of love made him good though. Jay came face to face with Nick, and the two battled it out, both evenly matched. So evenly matched, they just casually talked as they fought with their swords and magic dragon powers. Didn't use one pokemon in the Pokemon RP. Because neither one could overpower the other, Ali and Drew transferred their energy to Jay, whose eyes began to glow and his body was wrapped in a green energy, effectively making Susanoo from Naruto. Using this power, Jay defeated Nick, who fled with the Dark King, the two escaping. At the top of the tower, Sophie was about to gather the energies when Drew and Katie went to stop her! Sophie, in a fit of rage, went to kill Drew, but Katie threw herself in the way, dying in Drew's place. This act of 'true love' cause Sophie to become good! Everyone was sad, but then Jay used the power that was gathering in Dragonspiral to bring Katie back to life. And that is the end of the war... Next up is the Kalos arc, the arc I joined in! Stay tuned for that. Please, leave a comment and let me know I'm not crazy!
  16. "Necromancy isn't as easy as the games make it out to be, so this person is a pretty decent mage," I comment as I listen, nodding to myself. "Also, Berserker kinda is a code name, no?" I add. "So, Master of Caster, what say you? If you're in, we might as well get going now,"
  17. Zirco gritted his teeth as he floored it, splitting further away from the cops. One of the said cops turned to the other and nodded, speeding up to catch up with Zirco. The other one pulled over to Tora, grinning widely. "Alright curfew breaker! Time to bring you in!" He called out as Tora's dueling systems were forcibly activated. "You can't escape! Show me your pathetic attempt to escape the law!" When the group cleared out of the store, the man slammed the doors behind them, taking out some chains and locking the door so no one else could come in. If the group were to keep watching, they would see him walking to the walk-in fridge, opening the door, and walking into it, closing the door behind him... The trip down to the Arena was quiet... for Hearthome. There were some homeless people hiding in the alleys, some cars that drove past, but besides that, it was very quiet. Soon, however, they found the Arena. It stood tall as a beacon of order and cleanliness, and many people have gathered in there. As the team walked in, they could see that everyone had split into their respective gangs, and they all eyed the newcomers with complete suspicion. No one made a move towards them, but they didn't seem to like the idea of being approached. In the center there were duels going on, but there was one table open, a older man smoking a cigarette standing there, no one willing to duel him. There was an area with food and snacks, and some strange man that seemed to be snorting some sort of powder up his nose. And, perhaps unknown to the group, across the arena, there was a boy in a hoodie and a cheerful looking girl eyeing the group, and if they would look closely, seemed as if they were eyeing Octavia in particular... OOC
  18. He knew humans were petty, he knew humans were stupid, but this... this was a different level. He didn't even know what to say here. Maybe if he knew the significance of the necklace, it'd make more sense, but as it was... "I-er that is. Um." The resident of the town stuttered. "I am willing...to give y'all the benefit of the doubt but..." She cast her glance towards Edrick. "I can't abide him roaming about this town as he likes. Not when he's got...that thing with him." "Perhaps when we go to the town hall, or wherever it is we're supposed to go from here, Edrick should...stay behind." Gunther suggested. Shiro was taken aback by this one. Gunther was one of the few people he could stand in this group, and now he was just being here being... weird, and illogical. "Wait, hang on," Shiro spoke up. "So to make sure I understand correctly, the two of you are willing to let three inhumans with the power to change into giant animals and a man who enter houses through the rooftops to search this village, but not one normal and capable man because of a necklace?" This really didn't make sense into him. "I thought we were trying to save everyone here from a horrible fate in the least amount of time possible. We know nothing about this curse, for all we know, it could become permanent if left alone for too long," He paused, glancing at the princess duo. "And you're both willing to place more duties on the two princesses and expose them to potential danger because, and I empathize, of a necklace?" He turned back to the group. "If this is some sort of human joke, then I don't get it,"
  19. "Or, perhaps we should all look into it," I suggest. "We joined together to help each other out, didn't we?" I ask. "And let's be honest, even with our best laid plans, any number of things could happen, and I rather not leave one of us hanging to dry. A Servant would be hard for just one of us, even Berserker, and then necromancy on top of it? If we all go together, we can at least cover each other and make sure we all get out okay," I feel my phone vibrate. "Excuse me for one moment," I pick up my phone and look at my text message, nodding to myself. "And after we finish, we can all stop by the Andy's. My treat," I add as I put my phone away.
  20. Kazo felt his head connect to Zekrom's, the impact shaking him into the core. He bounced off the legend's head, landing behind Ari and Mac as Zekrom fell into the ground. Did they do it? Did they win? He really had no clue what to do if Zekrom stood up once more. However, it seemed his worries were for naught. "Ah, you got me there, nice one." Zekrom called out as he slowly stood up. "Gonna have a headache for a few days after that." He then nodded. "I was right about you three. You're not the strongest but you have guts. And that's what we really need these days. Nice work you three." "Yeah, strength doesn't mean anything if you don't have the heart or guts for anything." Ari said proudly, causing Kazo to smile. It wasn't wrong, but it would be really nice to have some strength behind them. "You may not want to get stuck with me right now, but I'll remember you all." He grinned. "And how about I teach you all something special? I've got the perfect moves for you." "W-wait, you're gonna teach us moves?!" Kazo asked, now flustered at the idea. To learn some super powerful move, from a legendary no less... that was anyone's dream, chaser or otherwise. He began to vibrate in place from the sheer excitement he was feeling. "Y-yeah, if you think you got a move you can teach me, please do!" Not only was this amazing, but it would help him reach that goal... one step closer to becoming a legend worthy of racing Latios... even if he was gone from this world, he would still strive to make himself on par with him...
  21. "Hey guys," I say as I pull up a seat, smiling as I sit. "You hungry Archer?" I ask as a offer a sandwich. I take a bite out of a sandwich. "Well, I had a strange encounter last night. We got a nercomancer in town," I say. "A mage might mean a master... maybe it's worth looking into, ya know?"
  22. "Casting magic isn't really a goal is it?" Rona said, causing Raynor to scowl and fall out of his rising mood. She really wanted to push buttons even he didn't know he had, didn't she? "And besides, wouldn't it be better to focus mo-" Suddenly, the winged rations started snarling at Raynor, which surprised Rona. It didn't really surprise Raynor, however. It made sense that Cormag wouldn't like how Raynor was asking. Which is why he didn't react to the wyvern attempting to bite him, instead just leaning back out of its reach as Rona pulled it back. Gojira wasn't happy about it however, snarling at the offending wyvern. "W-what are you doing?" Rona seemed actually panicked. She must not have ran into someone Cormag didn't like before. "I...he must be feeling off today, perhaps he needs to stretch his wings more." And with that she took into the skies and moved ahead of Raynor. The man in question wasn't fazed, instead sighing and rubbing his head. He probably was too hard on her. "Man, that wasn't very cool or legendary of me, was it?" He muttered as he folded his arms behind his head. Gojira just snorted in response. He supposed he should have to apologize at some point. Some sort of argument had broken out between Ada and Edda, although it didn't look to serious. In fact, both were being kinda cute. Maybe he could break it up with some smooth words if it got too out of hand. And then something else was happening. Something that was causing a small commotion in the front. This seemed important. He clicked his tongue, getting into a riding position, and making Gojira move closer to the rest of the group. "Oh...um...uh...d-don't panic, everyone," the snow fairy stuttered, obviously panicking. "U-uh...panicking...is bad..." she turned her head toward their leader, "Leon...what do we do?!" Something bad was happening. "We'll go to the Mella Valley." Leon was taking command. Good, good. "I'm not sure how much of an advantage it might give us, but we can still make it to Enta through there. Alexis. Did you hear that? Get Rona and tell her where we're going to." Speaking louder he said, "Falcons, prepare yourself for the worst, and let's pick up the pace." "I-I can...um...lead the way," The snow fairy spoke up again. "I've been there before, but...I can't do more beyond that, like tell you where is a good place to fight. I can tell you where things are, though. Where it's more forested and where it's not." She gulped. "U-uh...that being the case, f-follow me please!" She then ran off. Raynor urged Gojira forward, making him head up to Edda and Ada. "Oy, oy, you two," He said as Gojira pulled up beside them. "If you need a ride, Gojira is more than willing to help out," He offered, jumping off his partner. "Whatever's goin' on, it ain't good. Don't wanna risk anyone falling behind," He was confident he could keep up, and he knew Gojira could carry them both. He had faith they had the sense to hang on, if they took him up on his offer.
  23. Man, people keep asking me what I'm doing next month. I dunno. I don't have 2020 vision.

    1. LordCowCow


      Does that also mean you don't know what you did last month? Hindsight is 20/20 after all.

  24. I nod, thinking to myself. "Yeah, yeah, that doesn't sound normal. Maybe that's a servant...," I rub my chin. "If you find him again, lemme know," I say as I stand up, looking at the time on my phone. "I need to head out, I gotta meet up with those two Masters I mentioned. Enjoy the pizza, yeah?" >Head out towards the meeting place.
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