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    • I can think of one title that'd be really easy to find a lot for anyway 7/10 I didn't dislike it but didn't find myself too into either
    • Fen smiled as Melissa had talked about her own travels along the city, and nodded when she asked about Natasha. Once Trevor had come back, the girl frowned to see that he had seemed to take on far more liquor than he was clearly able to. Excusing herself for a moment, the girl came back with a glass of water and handed it to him chiding, "then let this be a lesson to you to always be aware of what you're drinking and what your own limits are." The girl was no stranger to the overly inebriated and had no tolerance for them when they had started to get rowdy. As such, she wished to ensure that she wouldn't be forced to kick Trevor out of the building for an evening in the future.  Fen was certain that had Morgan still been working with them at this point she would have felt considerably more awkward about their coming ordeal. She had known of plenty a cemetery and while the majority of them were harmless she couldn't help but have a few stories and experiences with undead slightly color her expectations about them, as well as fill her trepidation around them in general. While generally each of the cities sights had filled her with wonder up to this point as well, she couldn't help but feel that this prejudice against the lands filled with the dead were only even more advanced by the strange black objects that filled the area. As she went to examine they seemed to bring out displays, which by themselves surprised the girl, that she could only reason were here to take the place of typical grave markers.  Taking a deep breath as she calmed herself, it didn't take long until the group was finally beset by their opponent. The enemy that Mauvache seemed for them to want to take care of was a large humanoid skeleton - large in the sense that it was over twice as tall as she was. Though monsters came in all manner of shapes and sizes and undead didn't necessarily have to follow the guidelines of the body they came from, she couldn't help but wonder about it. Firstly she presumed that whatever skeleton it was was probably a guest to this planet, like the rest of them, and secondarily wondering where it came from. The fields were well taken care of and she couldn't see any signs of marring on them, though perhaps any that were were obstructed by the building. With the cubes taking place of the grave markers as well as she had a hard time believing as well that all of the corpses of the dead could fit in this area. So she couldn't help but wonder where this undead had even come from in the first place. Not to mention undead don't just happen all of a sudden.  On edge, the girl kept her vigil around the cemetery though focused on the skeleton ahead. First things first they had a job to take care of. With Melissa already summoning one of her strange monsters to attack, Fen conjured her usual bow. Summoning arrows she had made sure to make the tips of them blunted so that they were more suited to dealing with bone than a usual arrowhead and after Melissa's attack Fen followed with a volley of a few arrows towards the creature's head. 
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