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    • Honestly, felt super boring and waaaaaayyy too slow, 5/10 Also slow but felt like had a lot going for it, enjoyable song, 7.5/10
    • https://archidekt.com/decks/4696863/amareth Well, the MTG section has been dead for a while, so lets do a thing. First EDH/Commander deck I built when getting into Commander. Hasn't had many opportunities to be used, but playtesting it against my other decks has been fun. Face of the deck is of course, "Amareth, the Lustrous". 6/6 for 6 is par for the course, and provides fairly consistent card advantage. Only is a problem when an Instant or Sorcery shows on top. The land base is kinda bad, kinda good. Bad because I don't want spend money on the actual good fetchlands, so the bad ones have to do, good because 24 (11 non-basic/13 basic) are fetchable by Karametra and the slow fetches (Krosan Verge/Flood Plain/Grassland). So, mana base can use some tweaking, but is serviceable. Next category is all my card draw. The deck is technically part blue so lets draw lots of cards. Lots of fun stuff, card draw is the most powerful mechanic so the quicker you accidentally deck yourself the more fun you have.. Then we move to the "No Touchy". These are the cards which help get me out of bad spots or just make it harder for my opponent to touch me or my stuff. Leyline fo Sanctity to prevent me being targeted, Teferi to ensure my turn is my turn, and Ghostly Prison and Sphere of Safety to make it so I don't get hit unless my opponent is playing infinite mana. Next is short, "Pump" is just I want my stuff to be bigger. As such it is small. Potentially lots of dice. "Cost Reduction" is self-explanatory. I don't want to pay full price for my stuff. Heliod can make all my stuff be a cheap End Step surprise, and Tamiyo is the "eh, lets rob the shop" discount. "Ramp" is all my non-land mana and land acceleration. Karametra gets a Plains or a Forest per cast creature, Smothering Tithe poses the annoying question "Do you pay the 2?", Mirai's Wake and Zendikar Resurgent generally "double" my mana and give an additional bonus, Spelunking makes my tap lands, not be tapped. Sol Ring is Sol Ring, And Sanctum Weaver is ideally "add mana equal to your permanents".  Next it the ever fun looping. Get out these three cards and play something that isn't and artifact and loop however many triggers on Boon of the Spirit Realm, or Setessan Champion you want.  "Recursion" is another self-explanatory title. You don't want your stuff in the bin, you want it ready to beat face. So if it goes in the bin you want a way to get it out of the bin. Now the fun bit. The two cards which don't really help the whole enchantment theme, but is there to meme once or twice then never again. It is maybe missing a piece depending on how mean I really want to be in Fractured Sanity. But Get out It that Betrays and the -4 The Eternal Wanderer and take all but one of your opponents things. The Fractured Sanity tech would allow giving each opponent a Starfield of Nyx, which when combined with Enchanted Evening would let me get all the stuff (exculding lands, unless they have an anthem effect). The "Token Makers" section is something you can pry from my cold Selesnya fingers. They are my tokens, I will make them and I will make a lot of them. The Wilds of Eldraine gave me Yenna, so I will ignore the fact that Commander is suppose to be a singleton format and play with 3 or more copies of Doubling Season and ideally no-one will stop me. Sure, does this backfire after I realise that maybe making 8 tokens gives me 8 times the number of ETB triggers? Yes, but I'll do it anyway, because going wide is fun. Going wide while effectively giving all your creatures an additional +64/+64 per instance of Token creature is better. Doubling Season was a mistake of a card. Then we have the "Voltron" stuff. Just things to help Amareth kill better, Spirit Mantle for Creature immunity, Swiftfoot Boots for opponent targeting immunity, All that Glitters to be real big, Celestial Mantle because big life number funny. And finally "Insurance". The only card aside from Amareth do have it's own dedicated section (ignore Mist of Lórien, it's 2am at time of writing and I can't be bothered assigning it somewhere else), Faith Healer exists entirely to give an on command exit after I accidently got myself stuck in an infinite loop of Enchanted Evening + Ajani's Chosen. The cats enter and see that they are enchantments, and so trigger their own ability, making a Cat Token that is now also and enchantment, thus causing another trigger. Also there top give a quick way to get Setessan Champion of the board so I don't deck myself. Does the deck immediately die to mass enchantment removal? Yes. Does Enchanted Evening exist to make Farewell an everybody is losing everything card? Also yes. Have I though of putting in instant speed mass enchantment removal so I can Flare of Fortitude/Galadriel's Dismissal my stuff before I commit war crimes? Once again yes. Should I run more blue for counter spells? Probably. Do I need to get Concordant Crossroads so The Eternal Wanderer + it That Betrays can be an actual wincon? Yes. 
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