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Status Updates posted by Ash

  1. Happy new year my children 🙂

    1. LordCowCow


      Hap new year uhhh big papa?

    2. Thar


      do you like it when we call you big papa?

    3. Ash
  2. Hey all, have added the dono button back - as ever no obligation or pressure! Site isn't at risk of coming offline or anything, just cost of living do be increasing and the site does cost me money of which I don't run any ads or anything so.

    Love you all, thanks for continuing to use the site x

    1. Ash


      Also to clarify, I made this status not as a means to garner people to look at it - I just didn't want anyone to be shocked for it to have suddenly re-appeared.

  3. Hey, go read the latest news post and post your findings ty


    1. yui



      i found somethin, chief

    2. Ash


      Yeah the themes might be a bit messed up will see what i can do.

      Post in the thread though ?

  4. Hey, that's Hell you're walking into.

    1. radio414
    2. Thar


      Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

    3. Cibryll


      I've been to worse.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  5. Hi guys sorry about the downtime was on my yacht blowing some super hot WOMEN for 2 weeks.

    1. Sainz


      It's okay, now help me resurrect the Dark God Imthotep. I mean, what?


    2. Hallohallo


      Thanks for sticking around!

    3. TheEternalWinter
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. Hi guys, just wanted to outright say that the reason for this forum to exist is for fun.

    This status update is completely unrelated to any external websites 🙂

  7. HOLY SHIT IS WalkieTalkieFriend another YCMaker alt???


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. my name is a secret now :)

      my name is a secret now :)

      i did confuse them sometimes because of the names and avatars and it never occurred to me

    3. my name is a secret now :)

      my name is a secret now :)

      like i would see either post and go it's the talkybox guy 

    4. my name is a secret now :)

      my name is a secret now :)

      i am also glad this was not ycmaker that would have been insane

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  8. How am I younger than most of you, unbelievable. Happy belated birthday @yui and happy birthday @Asgore Dreemurr

    1. yui


      you are bebby

    2. LordCowCow


      Make sure you eat your veggies to grow up big and strong

  9. how tf you at 687 posts good lord.

    1. Ash


      can't wait for the ERP section POG my post count will go up tenfold.

    2. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Ragnaroks, the both of you are Ragnaroks.

    3. Ash


      good card, looks balanced 8/10

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand.

    1. Thar


      Don't believe me, may god strike me down and turn me to glass.

    2. yui


      Poseidon quivers before him!

    3. MetalSonic


      I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

  11. I haven't forgotten about the rate music thread, I've been a little busy! Will try to get to it today.

  12. I should implement some Gaia Cash level of economy destroying values.

    1. mido9


      I dont know why but it's sort of surreal to see you talking about gaia online and thinking about how you were big on it. It's like hearing that your accounting manager used to play cooking mama in his lunch break.


  14. I've been debating on doing a blog or something where I talk/play old abandonware PC titles. Curious if people would be interested at all, I've been downloading a bunch lately and think it could potentially be fun?

    1. radio414
    2. Horu


      You do you. I'd like to see you playing these old titles on youtube. But that's up to you.

    3. Comrade Duck
  15. I've now setup daily database backups so all data is secure for every day. ?

    1. Thar


      In case our dear admin accidently disables the server and forgets about it cause he's too busy roleplaying in GTA.

    2. Ash


      I haven't done that in a good while tbf @Thar so we should be safe ?

    3. mido9


      nopixel soon(tm)

  16. Is the username on profiles Comic Sans for anyone else or is it just me ?

    1. Ash


      Okay that actually looks cool but I still have no idea why it isn't just a default font.


      Mine is Comic Sans so yay ?

    2. DragonSage


      I don't actually know much font types, but I can tell it's not one of the defaults.

    3. Ash


      I imagine it's trying to use a font which isn't there so it replaces with a different font.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  17. It's not an April fools joke I promise

    1. Nathanael D. Striker
    2. Thar


      I like it.

    3. Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      Arbalest's Big Crossbow

      A dark theme that's also not insanely wide?

      Hell fucking yes

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  18. Joker is very good. Very much recommended. I don't know what I just watched but I enjoyed it.

  19. Just discovered microwaving cookies and my life has been improved for the better.

    1. Sophia


      As opposed to improved for the worse.

    2. Ash


      Yes. Nothing like reviving a day old cookie and making it soft and chewy again.

  20. Just seen a star wars spoiler ?

    1. LordCowCow


      ikr? ? how can people spoil that Darth Vader is Luke's father like that?

  21. Logo change when

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      I would quite like to make an april fool's day logo for this site.

      I made one for YCM once upon a time.

    2. Ash
    3. radio414


      if we're doing pi day we should also do tau day (June 28) since it's the better circle constant

      an april fool's day logo should just be the normal logo with bad kerning

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  22. Maleficent 2 was by no means a cinematic masterpiece but it was a nice feel good film, would recommend.

    1. LordCowCow


      I legit forgot how the first ended so I was just confused about there being a sequel.

    2. TheEternalWinter



  23. Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve

  24. Microsoft Edge feels great now it runs off the chromium back end, was using firefox for a couple of years but just made the jump to edge and it feels great rn. Would recommend.

    1. yui


      blink twice if bill gates is holding you hostage

    2. Thar


      what are they paying you

    3. Ash


      I know, I know but honestly I'm liking it.

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