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    • Not quite as into as the others and felt a bit long, 7/10
    • "Got you a room. It's paid for about a week... But if you find yourself sticking around long enough, come work with me. I promise that helping people out is more fulfilling than I made it look." These words resonated within the young man's mind during his tenure within that paid room the masked stranger had brought him to...him...a Sojourner...no... Jet Hoshimi, that was his name. He could remember that much...that and he was twenty years of age. Aside from this and his strange mark on his right arm and the ability he had, there was nothing else. Not even fragments of memories that he could piece together in order to properly remember who he truly was...no, that would be too easy. Nevertheless, his ruminations aside, Jet took to remembering the words of that strange masked individual again. "Come work with me" ...a job opportunity. Initially, he had a fleeting feeling before that he had done something like this before...working for someone when they basically presented the offer, but it was all but a fleeting feeling. Regardless, Jet's insomniac tendencies kept him awake to the point where he kept thinking about this offer as much as he could. It was to the point that when the time came, he ended up seeking out the masked individual. There...he arrived at his rescuer's abode...apparently accompanied by three other Sojourners, two that he recalled seeing before, but never once had the time to speak to. Perhaps things would change today? "So, the three of you? I suppose that's fair enough. Call me Zeru, though I doubt you'd come here without learning that much first." "T-Thank you for y-y-your hospitality, Z-Zeru..." Jet spoke, bowing his head slightly at the figure, before entering the abode. The abode in question was...in rough shape to put it mildly, but he wasn't going to be the one who cast stones because the place of dwelling of this masked individual. He took a seat and Zeru continued on, with the one Sojourner, Cade, speaking out first and asking a question. "Feel free to have a seat. I'm not going to take the lot of you out looking for Sojourners without letting you ask some questions. I doubt you asked too much of the townsfolk, so out with it." "Don't get the wrong impression, I certainly am wondering where I am, but that's a low priority. More importantly, why do you want me helping?" "Sojourners go missing regularly. Even accounted for ones. Some are estimated to never be found, lost to the unruly wilds. I work as a one person rescue team, if you will. Help is appreciated." Jet cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses slightly. "S-So...help i-is what you're a-a-after..." he started, hunching over in his chair, his hands clasped together. "T-Then allow me this q-query...w-w-what are you w-wanting us to d-do? I-I'm aware t-that you wish for a-assistance to h-help other S-Sojourners...but h-how?"
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