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    • (5/15/2024): I added 2 different families of Grass/Water-Type Pokémon's they are much better than that garbage you know what Ludicolo mine are far more combatively viable here take a look at https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Nudiseafleur_(Pokémon) and this https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Kelpserpent_(Pokémon)  
    • As Carmen looked through the window she found that she couldn't actually look through it. Not from the distance that she was standing at the very least. While large the window also was fairly dirty. Flecked with dirt and dust, water spots and what looked like bits of brownish paint covered the window and made it hard to see anything inside of it. She could vaguely make out what looked like the back of an armchair but beyond that not much. Then she saw a shadowy figure approach the window and seemed to look out at them before moving towards the door. Which, after some rattling, opened up with some difficulty. It seemed the door must have been somewhat stuck and needed a bit of force to pop open. And standing in the doorway....was just some guy. Even though he was standing at a slightly raised elevation it was easy to tell he was pretty short. Probably only a couple inches taller than Carmen and several inches shorter than Brian. He looked to be in his 50s with shoulder length hair. Which, while not balding, was thinning and, while not entirely grey, was starting to fade from brown to grey. He had somewhat scruffy facial hair and his face was marked with various small scars. He was wearing a simple grey t-shirt which bulged out in what might be described as a beer gut and his jeans looked old and worn but not by design. He looked at Brian for a moment, then over at Carmen, before looking back to Brian and saying, "Do I know you?" There was clear paranoia in his voice as if he expected them to be trying to sell him something or perhaps something more serious. After they explained who they were he seemed to grow slightly less paranoid and let out a grunt. "Right, that. Yeah I wanted to deal with it myself but...damn thing only makes noise when I'm in bed. Only actually saw a glimpse of it on the way to the bathroom before it started howling." He gestured for them to come inside and said "Watch your step" as they did. Directly in front of the front door were stairs leading up to a balcony on the second floor. The reason he said to watch their step was apparent as they turned towards the right and went into the living room. The stoop in front of the door was actually raised up several inches above the carpeting in the living room. The room itself was pretty full. Mostly boxes and random junk laying piled up along the corner of the wall where the window was. A computer desk, with no computer, sat in the corner and an armchair was beside it. Both piled with things. Including what was very clearly a crossbow on top of the armchair. A television, currently playing a re-run of NCIS, was on the right from them on a stand by the wall. Above it were a couple deer heads and, between them, a couple plaques with deer antlers. Next to where the stairs were, at the end of the living room closest to the wall, was an old couch where some blankets and a gun case rested and farther along down towards the far wall was an equally old love seat. A small table with a lamp sat at the far end of each piece of furniture. The room blended right into the dining area and kitchen, with a step up separating them, and underneath the staircase were stairs leading down to the basement. In the far corner of the room there was an area with a stone platform and wall with an old fireplace that sat in the middle of the stone platform and had a pipe running up into the ceiling. The ceiling itself was visible as until the balcony, which cut partly over the living room, there was nothing separating the first and second floor. Besides several thick wooden beams that went across at about the spot where the first floor would meet the second. They also could see another window, this one a large half circle, up high above where the taxidermy deer were which was just as dirty and flecked with perhaps paint as the other windows.  
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