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Chaos Sonic


Everything posted by Chaos Sonic

  1.  "Like you could. Stop trying to act stronger than you are. After all this I'm still standing!" Randy glared at Allie for a moment, growling slightly. Tch...if I was able to use Malicious Moonsault again, you'd probably be a bit more ragged about this...you were the last time. he thought, mentally cursing himself for using it against Heatran. But he knew he'd never be able to rely on his Z-Move all the time...especially on another Dark-Type. "And then you. Dunno what it's like in paradise happy fun land but here everything's gone to shit ever since the Legends decided they didn't want to take responsibility for the mess they've made. They made the world how it is so instead of just letting them play with it how they'll like we're going to make it right! And then we can bring everyone else back into a better world!" That was her reason? The Incineroar looked at the Tyranitar and was about to speak, but then heard Marie speak up...which surprised him. "you left your siblings on their own! And the only example they had to follow and to keep you around almost got them killed! So why should I ever join a big bully's gang to do whatever world things you want when I don't even trust you as a big sister!" "Don't you dare bring them into this! I promised them I'd give them a world they wouldn't HAVE to fight! And that's what I'm going to do no matter what you feel about it!" Randy watched the Tyranitar now launching chunks of stones at the group now. He quickly launched off the Fire Blast he was preparing, and had it do it's best to combat the stone chunk assault. "That's the reason? WAKE THE HELL UP, ALLIE!!" he shouted loudly. "It sounds like you want a bit of a paradise happy fun land...because the truth of the matter is, things happen! I honestly have no idea what goes through the heads of the Legends, but from the sounds of it...you want to end all life and then end up playing Arceus himself! That type of power...I'll be honest, it don't belong to much of any of us! And...this "better world", ya want...it's probably what YOU want, but the rest of us may not want it!" He growled a bit more, really fumed at this point. "I dunno who or what spoke and sprouted this nonsense in you that head of yours, but you need to wake up and smell the Nanab berries!"
  2. "Eh? Well, I was in the orphanage and the scientists picked me up. That's it, da end. I'm pretty sure that's what happened for all of us, unless Raijin broke out of hell into Project Crimson." "O-Oh..." Jet was quickly silenced by that answer that Zirco gave. Talk about a real conversation ender right there. And unfortunately, it really didn't help him out any on keeping conversation going at all. At this point, he really didn't even know what to say about anything right now. ...d-d-didn't realize that everyone p-pretty much h-had the whole orphanage pick up... he thought, looking away slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. ...w-well...guess that conversation t-topic back-fired on me...w-way to go, Hoshimi... With not much else to say or another possible conversation to bring up, Jet rubbed his neck one more time and did his best to attempt to slink away, that way he could go back to his room and just rest.
  3. Well alright then! Now this is something I would definitely use in a HERO deck for a Deck Master RP. Gonna keep a tab on this now xD
  4. To borrow a question you asked me: "What would you say was the best anime arc in history?"
  5. Hmmm, well, there's quite a few answers I have for that. Back when I was younger, in the fact of the years before my young adult time periods, I would say it was a tie between the Frieza Saga and the Cell Games Saga from DBZ. Those two have been iconic to me and my childhood, especially in my early days of watching anime. So that's one... Another would be from my favorite anime, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and a tie between two different arcs there: the Varia Arc and the Choice Arc / Future Final Battle Arc. Lastly, I'd say for my recent anime watchings, for My Hero Academia, there's a WHOLE list of things I think are good. We got the USJ Arc, the Sports Festival Arc, Final Exams Arc...just too many to count on which one would be my favorite... However, at the same time I think the "Best Anime Arc in History" is going to have different answers depending on the person you talk to or ask this question. So that being said, in my opinion, those were the best.
  6. "Hey yourself. My my am I popular tonight. Yes, I suppose I've seen both of you boys' faces around a couple times. I must admit I'm not all that interested in that sport of yours. But I won't deny it's popularity...for what it's worth. You want my name? I haven't told many people that. I find names so very...dull, and lifeless. So instead I choose to go by something else. You may call me Silver. I know, not the most creative, but it gets the point across doesn't it?" Gavin heard the name of the young woman and his eyes almost stared into her soul. Silver? As in the person that apparently has ties to the casino owner, Colarata?? he thought, trying his best not to rouse suspicion at this point. However...VEX on the other hand, went silent for the moment and was already doing something on his end...without Gavin knowing. "Of course, after being told that we should not intervene with this situation, the 'Silver' individual in question appears before us. Nevertheless, I shall rectify this and bring word to Mauvache. After all, this is a matter the police should handle, according to our esteemed ringmaster." With that, the A.I worked up a message to Mauvache: "Dearest Mauvache, I wish to inform you of a recent predicament that has occurred. After our most recent meeting, Gavin decided to head with Cyan to Tegur's Bar, and apparently the individual he and Aurora were looking for that has connections with Colarata, Silver, has revealed herself as a patron of the bar. As per requested, we are not to deal with this situation ourselves, thus I am reporting this finding in order for you to go to the right channels in order to have her apprehended. I would, but alas, I am still currently learning how to utilize this world and the network it holds. -VEX" "That should do it..." VEX nodded, immediately sending it to Mauvache. "Apologies Gavin, but I prefer to keep you alive and not end up crossing this ringmaster..." Meanwhile, Gavin was cautious to speak, but ended up clearing his throat after ordering himself a drink. "So what brings you around here, Silver? Not only that, why bother yourself with us if you don't have any interest in the sport?"
  7.  "But you are as dumb as I thought! The problem is no one was willing to fight to the finish before us! And then there's you! You all should be joining me not fighting me. Even if you could stop us all what then? We're all back to where we started." Randy was knocked back by another Stone Edge, which the Incineroar barely had time to parry (if any) as he was hit in the side. He was launched away, as he tried his best to skid to a halt, his boots and nails digging into the dirt at this point. With a growl, he looked at Allie, slowly doing his best to get back up. Between that Stone Edge and the ongoing Sandstorm, it wasn't making things easier. "We could say the same to you. If you lose, you're back to where you began. If you win, you build a new world and then what? You'll end up back where you started all the same someday, because you fought your way into it. It's called the cycle of violence for a reason. For all we know, today's Legends were the same as your kind in an old world. And what about all the other people in this world? It sounds a lot like you're on some "destroy the world and build a new one" idea, so does everyone else have to die? And it may be because I haven't been in this region very long, but just what are the Legends you've already got doing so wrong that you have to start killing them all?" Yeah...that tears it...that is definitely Nani... Randy thought, nodding as he began to breathe sharply. Seemed like she was definitely trying her best to get a hold of the situation as well. On the other hand, Keanu was firing off an Electro Ball, definitely attempting to keep up the assault. Then again, Nani had a point. What were these Legends doing to the gijinka here that had her wanting to form some sort of vendetta against them? Honestly, I don't think we've had a problem once with any of them... he thought, before shrugging. "She has a point there, Allie. Could take the time to explain the why to all this...cause the alternative...is kicking your tail." he shouted to the Tyranitar, preparing a Fire Blast, just in the case the moment required it.
  8. From the looks of things, Chase saw that the party was dying down, which at this point, he really didn't mind whatsoever. After all, after speaking with Sammi and getting another drink, he ended up just standing over near a corner and began to jot down a few design ideas and how they possibly could fit into the grand scheme of things of his own mecha he would create. The gift and the curse of the socially awkward in things like this... Well, guess it's time to get my things and hit the room. Could actually use a better bed then the one on the ship... he shrugged, putting his notebook under his arm and then proceeded to grab his bag, slinging it over his shoulder and made his way out of the party, just to make it off towards the room he would be bunking in. Chase also ended up hoping that whoever he'd end up getting roomed with wasn't someone who was going to annoy him quickly. ...that would be the last thing I need...
  9. "I SAID RELEASE THE GATES!" This was heard, and it wasn't something that Trevor was all too thrilled about. He looked over at his grimoire and shook his head solemnly. "Seems I'm doing this the old fashion way." he sighed, looking over at his left hand, eyeing the three rings that happened to rest upon it. "A sorcerer is nothing without the magic rings..." With a firm nod and his hand clenching, he began to make his stride towards the location of the gate. "You two, wait!" Trevor halted for a moment, looking back to see what he assumed was a local...namely given his general appearance of being some sort of...chimera or something akin to that. He was planning to speak, but glanced back towards the gate, seeing a wave of these strange creatures...quite a bit of smaller ones and of course, the large giant of one. "Apologies, but given the situation, conversation will most likely have to wait until after these are taken care of." the mage said, tipping his hat slightly before turning around to face the horde of creatures. He held his left hand in front of his face slightly, beginning to walk towards the creatures. The red ring on his index finger began to glow brightly, the gem shining it's red light. Trevor proceeded to make a finger-gun with his index finger and watched as a small spark and flame began to appear. "Heh, looks like I still have at least the basic ones thanks to these rings." he said, pointing his finger towards the horde. "FIRE!!" The fire erupted from the tip of his finger as it fired off towards a nice chunk of the horde of creatures. "Huh, surprisingly these aren't like the other dark creatures that were fighting me before...cause it actually looks like my magic is doing some damage to them. Perfect."
  10. "You're gonna lose circulation if you keep gripping it so hard." "Maybe your dragon will take your grip strength. Don't get so down in the dirt about it. I highly doubt 'Stardust Dragon' is as much of an asshole as a literal devil dragon." "R-Right..." Jet nodded, doing his best to release his arm at this point. And Zirco might've actually had a good point. His Duel Dragon seemed based on the Red Dragon Archfiend, a Signer Dragon that was practically the devil in dragon form. Meanwhile there was his own Dragon...the one based on Stardust Dragon itself, though at the same time...if memories wasn't what he needed to give up...or anything...what else could it want with him? A-All I-I-I need to do...i-is find out...w-what it could possibly want... he thought, just standing on the sidelines as he watched Zirco wait for Raijin to try and spot him on the weight lifting. Regardless, Jet felt a yawn come over him as he held his hand over his mouth and let out the yawn, the coffee seemed to be wearing off...either that or it was decaf and he didn't even know it. "...s-so...Z-Zirco..." Jet began to speak again, trying to just bring up conversation. "...o-or Raijin...o-or both...h-how did you guys happen...to get tangled up...i-in Project Crimson?" Information gathering was key at this point, he knew none of these individuals...so learning a bit more about them might actually help.
  11.  "I'm honored to be mistaken for such a legendary knight, but I apologize, good sir, that is not me. Call me but a petty thief, but this is Galahad's sword, not mine." "If you were Galahad, you wouldn't lie, especially not about something like that, so it seems I have no choice but to believe you. And here I was feeling so proud of myself." As quickly as the supposed guess of Rider's identity appeared, it was dismissed in the next moment. But if this "Lancer" knew that the blade was indeed Galahad's sword, or more accurately, the "Lancer's" sword...then who was he? Research may have to be done on what blade Galahad happened to wield...but something that can easily be done later. he thought, still watching the battle take place, still doing his best to eye the "Lancer's" Master who seemed more interested in the battle. Then...it happened. A loud boom...and then another...and then another...before now a rather large man of African descent landed before him and the Master of Lancer, before noticing the giant sledgehammer now appearing in his hand. Souta's eyes began to go wide at this point. "It's time to get to work!" "Master!" Souta felt himself tensing up for a moment. He could see the "Lancer" pulling out some sort of harp and strummed it, before seeing his Master now jumping out of the way via the sledgehammer almost like it was nothing. Him on the other hand, he could see the sledgehammer getting closer and closer to him. He barely had anytime...in fact he had no time whatsoever. Not a single moment to cast any of his Wind or Fire magic. "Obscurant Wall of Chalk!!" The young man heard Rider call this out, and suddenly watched as a strange barrier began to form and materialize around him. He was also surprised by how well this barrier worked, as the hammer this large man swung was stopped even before it ever hit him. "T-Thanks for the save...Rider..." Souta said to Rider, before beginning to back away from this newcomer. However he was only the first. "Seems like the sneak attack was a failure...I guess we should introduce ourselves then...I am Drake Mercury... and that is Berserker..." "B-Berserker?!" Souta exclaimed, already moving back towards Rider. Damnit...I wasn't expecting us to see the Berserker class Servant yet! Tch...just my damn luck. He looked at Drake Mercury and his Servant before looking over at Rider. "Rider...not sure if this will go well at all. Should we make a retreat? I wasn't anticipating the Berserker Servant to pop out of nowhere at this point...the others, that's something we could handle...Berserkers? I highly doubt it." "I'm sorry Master, but retreating is not in the cards. I am a knight first and foremost, and I can not allow him to run rampant," Rider rushed over, his sword catching the light and shining as he leapt over the Berserker, landing right in front of the giant. "Have at you!" He swung his sword at Berserker, aiming at one of his legs, but before the sword connected, a hammer hit him in the side and sent him flying across the mall. "RIDER!!!" Souta shouted, watching the knight being sent flying across the mall. "Damnit..." He now had two options: either run after Rider to check on his Servant...or act like a fool and possibly get killed in the process in attack Berserker. Of course, he chose the option in where he would live. Souta began to run in the direction Rider was sent flying....not knowing what was about to befall him. "Berserker," Drake said simply. The mountain of a man turned, and took a mighty leap into the air, hammer poised to crush Souta like a bug. Before he even got close however, a piece of debris streaked through the air, nailing Berserker in the face and throwing him off course. "Oops, my hand slipped," Caster stated as he bounced some more debris in his hand. Berserker growled and charged at Caster, like a train rushing at a small rabbit. Caster, however, pulled out his harp once more and began to strum it expertly, a soothing song filling the air. Berserker slowed down, listening to the music. "What a pretty song...," the giant said, closing his eyes and sitting down. "This won't last forever, so you better hurry!" Caster called out. "...thank you." Souta simply said, nodding at the "Lancer". He didn't know why he suddenly helped him out like this, but he did figure...Berserker was the larger threat at this point. With Berserker out of commission for the moment, Souta made a mad dash in the direction of Rider. Rider had landed in some sort of sporting store, the armored man dusting himself off and standing up. "What a strong man. He must have done something incredible in life to have earned such strength...," Souta sighed, seeing Rider dusting himself off as he shook his head. "Most likely, but at the moment, "Lancer" has him subdued." he began to explain. "If he didn't, I most likely wouldn't have made it to you. Now, what is your plan of dealing with him? Running back out there and strike at him again?" "Of course not," Rider stated as he looked at one of the walls. "I am Rider after all... It is time to fight like it," he grabbed a skateboard off the wall and ran off. "I shall return this!" He called out to a worker before he jumped up, landing on the skateboard and rolled towards his target. "R-Rider!!" Souta shouted after the knight, watching him return towards the group with a skateboard. He let out a sigh as he placed his hand on his face. ...what even? he thought, before running after the knight yet again. "I must say, my man," Berserker suddenly said to Caster. "You play such beautiful music. Why, if you were with us back in the day, I'm sure we would gave gotten our work done a hundred times faster!" Berserker's face was calm and gentle, looking like a kind man instead of the scary monster he was being not even a minute ago. "Well, thank you. This is just one of the gifts God gave to me," "Oh, a man of God? Well then, lemme say, it's an honor to meet you," Berserker said, extending his hand for a handshake. Caster looked at it, and tentatively reached out, shaking the mighty man's Drake sighed as he watched his Berserker being subdued by the magic music. "Berserker," Drake stated. "It's time to get to work." At the word "work", Berserker's face suddenly changed, snapping from the kind man back into the ferocious monster. With a roar, he lifted Caster into the air, squeezing his hand and causing Caster to cry out in pain. "Berserker!" Rider called out, using his foot to propel himself forward. Berserker turned, roaring at Rider and throwing Caster at him. Rider simply performed a flip kick, lifting himself into the air and catching Caster, who he placed on the ground the moment he touched the floor again. Berserker, who didn't seem so happy about that, looked around, finding a car that was on display. He walked over, picking it up and throwing it at Rider. Rider simply leapt into the air, leaving the skateboard on the ground as he landed on the car. He then gathered his energy and took a massive leap off the car, the force of his takeoff forcing the car to smash back into the ground, far away from anyone else. Despite his heavy armor, Rider began to deftly spin in the air, before gracefully landing back on the skateboard as it rolled out from under the car. Enraged, Berserker simply took his hammer and wound up, spinning it while aiming. After a few tense seconds, Berserker threw it with all his might at Rider, the hammer flying across the mall like a missile. Rider simply put his foot down and pushed forward again, having his skateboard speed up to meet the hammer. When they threatened to collide with each other, Rider performed another kick-flip with his skateboard, this time landing on the handle of the hammer, which he began to grind on for a second before leaping off into the air again, spinning with the skateboard. "Invisible... Air!" He called out as a sudden burst of wind propelled him forward, allowing him to fly across the mall and smash into Berserker's face, skateboard first. He then kicked off the board, landing on the ground. Souta, needless to say, stood there dumbfounded at the display that Rider did with this skateboard. But what truly got him...was the declaration of the ability Invisible Air. That was a Wind magic type...which actually got his gears turning. "A-Amazing..." Berserker grabbed the skateboard on his face and threw it to the side, roaring as he went to grapple with Rider. Rider reached out, locking his hands with Berserker's as they struggled to overpower the other... A contest Rider was sorely losing, as Berserker began to push him back effortlessly. Tch...this is getting us nowhere... Souta thought, gritting his teeth slightly. In a game and contest of strength, Rider doesn't stand a chance against Berserker...I may have to assist him...just as soon as I get an opening.
  12.  "Doesn't seem like that to me. Just look around you. Your little friends aren't doing so hot are they? You can't beat me like this. I have all the advantages. Well, I will. Now, what are you all going to do? There's still time to run, you know." "If you think we're gonna run, you don't know us very well, do you? Well, you don't know Randy, anyway. I've already given up on avoiding scraps with him around. And...It's not the Alolan way to let ohana fight alone." This caused Randy to smirk, only giving Keanu a thumbs up. "Mahalo, Keanu." he simply said, before watching Nani...or what sounded like Nani go into some sort of frenzy. He couldn't get a clear look at the figure, after all, the sandstorm had kicked back up again and it didn't exactly look like a Mimikyu, so maybe the sand was obstructing his vision or something. However, when he looked around for the moment, he saw something he really didn't want to see. On the ground was Marie. His eyes widened as he moved as quick as he could towards the Brionne. He, of course, was getting struck by the effects of the sandstorm, but right now...he didn't care. His fists were clenching and his teeth began to grind. He finally made it towards Marie and crouched down, immediately noticing she was conscious. Right now, her being face down definitely kept her from being exposed to the sandstorm. With a low growl, he removed his bag and put it beside her, immediately pulling out a lemonade to put near Marie. After that, he removed his vest and put it over top of the Brionne. "That should help keep some of the sand out of the way..." he said, before standing back up. "...just stay put Marie...I'll kick her tail myself for you." BGM Randy turned on his heel and growled fiercely, beginning to walk back towards the direction Allie was in. His fists clenching tightly and his fangs definitely showing at this point. The sandstorm was definitely trying it's best to stop him at this point..but right now? Right now the Incineroar was determined to stop Allie right now. With a roar, he did his best to rush towards the Tyranitar, who was obviously fighting something...but right now, he needed to strike while she was distracted. His arms began to glow white once again as he prepared another Brick Break. With another roar, Randy jumped towards Allie. "Primape...Assault!" he shouted, preparing to strike at her again with his Brick Break.
  13. When Yuudai got home that evening, he ended up not saying much of anything to his family about the whole trip. It all still lingered on in his mind and everything he said too. Half the stuff, now that he thought about it, it didn't make sense and it did end up sounding cheesy as hell. Emotions were high for him, and he supposed he wasn't thinking clearly when speaking on the bus...would explain why he outright punched the hell out of Suda. With a groan, he laid across his bed, just staring at the ceiling. He laid in silence, until a knock was heard at his door. Yuudai sat up and immediately saw Daisuke walk in, smiling. "Hey kiddo." he said, walking in before closing the door and sitting down on the chair by Yuudai's desk. "So, you want to tell me what's eating you?" "...that obvious that something's wrong...?" "Obvious or not, you ARE my son Yuudai. Contrary to belief, parents can tell when something's wrong with their kids." Daisuke chuckled. "Think of it as...a parent's non-official Quirk. So, c'mon...talk to me." Yuudai let out a sigh, slowly sitting up as he crossed his legs. He ran his hand through his hair some, before looking at his father and sighed yet again. "...alright...well..." Thus, Yuudai began to explain the entire trip to Daisuke, every detail and every word spoken that he was around for. All the while, he could see his father's demeanor and face not change once as he listened to Yuudai explain everything to him about this little excursion he went on. "...after that...I punched Suda in the face for something he said. I mean, I don't honestly know why I did, but it's like..." "Emotions were high, I get it. Not only that, your adrenaline was probably going pretty quick as well." Daisuke nodded. "No wonder you couldn't think clearly." After finally explaining everything to his father, Yuudai looked at him and sighed once more. "Dad, have you...have you ever thought about something you've done...and then after it was all done, question if it was the right decision?" There was a silence coming from Daisuke as this question floated in the air for a bit. Finally the older red headed male finally spoke. "Only once. Strangely enough, it was when your mother had you." he began, seeing Yuudai's face shift into a questioning one. "I myself was having doubts as a father. I've told you about how your grandfather was a lousy father to me, but that was all I knew. I truthfully had thought before about not wanting to be someone like him. And well, when me and your mother got married and not too long after she got pregnant with you, I began to second guess myself." Yuudai began to nod slowly, understanding somewhat what his father was saying. "...how'd you ever get over that feeling?" "That's the tricky part...you really never do." Daisuke sighed. "There are days that I still believe I'm going to fail...and there have been days where I have. But through it all, I know that the decisions I've made, I made them personally. You take responsibility for those choices, good or bad, and you own them. And if you fail, just be humble about it and do the best you can to rectify the problem right there and then." "Alright..." he finally nodded, getting up just as Daisuke stood up. "Thanks dad..." The two shared a small father-son hug before Daisuke left Yuudai to his own devices. The young man sighed a bit, running his hands through his hair some as he tried to think. ...guess this means I have to apologize to not only Suda...but the others too...just because of my attitude.  A few days passed since that fateful trip and since then, Yuudai had did his best to apologize to Suda and the others on the forest trip, including Spring Lock. Now whether or not they happened to accept his apologies, that was on them, he just knew he had to apologize for acting like an idiot and to even make the decision he did. Nevertheless, he sat in class this day and watched as Ms. Hitotsume walk in and write something on the board: Extreme Quirk Testing. "Here we have the Training Facility! Virtually indestructible rooms where we can simulate many different scenarios! State of the art technology, all at my disposal to tortur-I mean train you!" "Training rooms? Well, that's actually pretty interesting." Yuudai nodded, already walking into a nearby room with a shrug. Honestly, after that day, I've been meaning to try and do more and more work with utilizing my chain-belt muscles to do more shredding...cause it did seem to do at least something to Spring Lock...
  14. "Hah! What a freakin' cliche! 'I fight for my friends'! Get real, loser." ....the fuck is she talking about? Yuudai looked at Misu, not a clue on what she was talking about. What cliché? Fight for my friends? That's...not what he was saying. Where the hell did she even get that dumb idea fr- "That's cute and all, repeating the things you see on television, but I think you forget that one of our classmates is in the fucking hospital because of what 'you thought was right'! You don't get to throw a pity party for yourself after messing up like that and someone calls you out on it! And you certainly don't get to punch someone in the face because you don't like what they say!" And yet again...ANOTHER one said this. That's not what he was saying. Friends? Literally there was no one here in this bus he considered a friend. Herc, most likely, but everyone else was just a classmate and nothing more for the moment. And Suda? Yuudai really just hated how he went straight for Silver and just his overall attitude. So where these guys were trying to get at about him apparently acting all cliché and repeating shit on TV was beyond him. He clenched his fists again, feeling his strained muscles attempting to do it's spinning, but was to no avail. "...first off...this whole repeating shit I see on television, you guys must be stupid. Especially when I don't see anything like that when I watch things." Yuudai said, looking at Suda and Misu. "Second...I didn't throw a pity party, as you claimed Suda. If you want a pity party, watch a soap opera. Third...I punched you because of one reason. That being: I refuse to have my actions be criticized, especially by another Hero in Training. If I want to be criticized, I'll wait until the media talks about how I've done something...after all, they're great at that..."
  15. This checks out, especially after we've talked FGO wise. Now, new question: what are your thoughts on the YGO archetype Dragonmaid?
  16.  "Dammit you're all such pests! You wanna know why we fight? Cause there's no other way anymore! Something needs to change and it won't change by having a pleasant chat, not anymore! You're just bumps in the road in the face of our power! Your struggling is futile! We'll win in the end no matter what!" The combination between Marie and Keanu definitely seemed to work, at least it was doing what it could to get under Allie's skin. However, it was obvious she was far from through with just that. A quick spin and she landed a kick to Nani and was now holding two Stone Edge blades...which truly impressed the Incineroar at this point. Her target: Keanu. Randy knew he had to do something. But at the same time, Marie was also fending off one of the Stone Edge blades that started raining down as more stones. This wasn't going so hot. However, he did notice something: the Thunderwave that Keanu fired off at the Tyranitar, it made her temporarily slow. This was a moment he could use! "Alright Roarton...bell's rung...get your tail in gear!" he psyched himself up, exhaling slowly. Shifting his position, he rushed forward. BGM The Incineroar ran at full speed in the direction of Allie, doing his best to dodge the stones. A good portion did happen to hit, but he was able to power through. He clenched his fists and watched as his arms began to glow with a white light. Keanu and Marie would have one advantage against this Ground/Dark Type, while at the same time, Nani had another advantage against her...he, himself, on the other hand...had only one move he could call upon to combat Allie. With a roar, he jumped into the air and began to be launched towards the Tyranitar. His Brick Break fueled arms swinging down to block the Stone Edge blade, directing the strike to keep Keanu out of the firing range. "Don't underestimate us...we aren't those same gijinka that was wet behind our ears when you fought us at Northshore..." he growled. "We've gotten stronger...and smarter!"
  17. "The big... idea? I am here... to destroy. The Master has deemed... The Spirits to be an unneeded hindrance to the glorious plan! And so, I will destroy every Spirit... and those that stand with them. I shall start... with YOU!" Chris seemed to be ignored by the Machinedramon, but not only that...he literally did a rocket arm punch. And yet, it struck Mr. Henderson and pretty much knocked out most of the roof. Sheesh...that would be amazing, I would definitely be all down for that...but not the time! he thought, looking over at the Machinedramon and then over at Henderson who was slowly getting back up. "I'm gettin' too old for this...You all wanna help? Then get runnin' so that none of us have to stare that thing down!" Once this was said, Henderson told Theo to protect Touch and Kokoro from the falling debris from the collapsing ceiling after Machinedramon retracted his claw. Yet again, another cool moment that Chris would want to get a second look at, but this wasn't the time. He spun his bat around in his hand some before making his way over towards Henderson, with Quill following right behind. "Chris...I really think we should get outta here and listen to him!" "But leaving him for dead, not a great plan either." Chris retorted, looking over at Henderson and did his best to help him up. "Mr. Henderson, while I do think it noble that you'd be willing to sacrifice yourself for the rest of us, really don't think that's the best plan. We ALL need to get out of here. So maybe if anything, find a way to distract or even incapacitate the killer robot for long enough for us all to escape." Quill on the other hand, didn't seem very convinced. "Um, Chris...? I know you happen to be new to this, but Machinedramon is an Mega level Digimon! Those are...like really powerful! It's a lot worse for us Rookie levels! How in the world are you going to be able to do anything to this?" "I...I honestly dunno, Quill. But, we're going to figure something out."
  18.  Souji found himself atop of the roof of the school yet again, however this time he was leaning over the railings, not laying near the door like the last time. He really didn't need another bump on the head this time around. Watching the clouds overhead just casually flying over, a sigh began to escape his lips. After a few moments, he began to move and head back downstairs. Souji wasn't 100% there, he was lost in his thoughts, contemplating something. Things were going well for the most part. He won the Exhibition match against Hoshiko at the beginning of this school year, he finally got an Entertainment Duel Club going, and the members were almost coming out of the woodwork! Himself, Sai, Hoshiko, Kyouko, Akari, and Melissa...a total of six and this surprised even himself! Still, what was it that he was contemplating? "Now, you hear everything Souji said? Totally disregard it. He's a competitive player disguised as an entertainment duelist." This sentence that Sai said in talking to Akari...it almost completely caught him off-guard. His arms began to cross as he made his descent down the stairs. ...I gave a suggestion...plus, he knows my hatred for Rainbow Dragon... he thought, as he heard sentence playing in his head again. "He's a competitive player disguised as an entertainment duelist." That wasn't true in the slightest...was it? Tch...course not! I'm an Entertainment Duelist through and through! Souji silenced that thought, but truthfully, that thing had him wondering. Was Sai right...? Had he actually been lying to himself about how he is? With a shake of his head, he exited the building, trying to see if he could at least clear his head with anything.
  19. "Hey! W-Where is... did Diana...?" "Hell if I know...Spring Lock and what'shisface left with her. He's probably on his way to the hospital, if I had to guess. And now that he's here, we can give you an ass whoopin' for goin' against the grain!" Yuudai looked and immediately saw that Suda had made his way onto the bus, already being harassed by Misu. His eyes lingered on the ivory haired youth for a moment, before slowly dragging away from his sight. Honestly this guy was the last person he wanted to get involved with. But of course...he definitely made himself known about how much THEY screwed up. "Me going against the grain!? YOU'RE ONE OF THE IDIOTS THAT WAS FIGHTING THE TEACHER! Because for some reason, you all thought it was a good idea to listen to some random guy in the forest! For some reason, that dumb little brain of yours couldn't fathom the idea that, maybe, he might have been tricking you. But noooo! Let's not listen to our Professional Hero teacher! Why would we trust him at all! That would be silly! Red Guy is waaaaay more trustworthy!" He could feel his fists clenching slowly, it was trembling already as he did his best to ignore Suda's rant...unfortunately...it wasn't going too well. ...Shiba...don't do anything stupid...please. he thought, trying to keep himself in line at this point. "I can't exclude other people from being affected by my orbs - I would have only gotten in Spring Lock's way. As for who hurt Diana, considering that she was trying to stop Red Guy from stopping our mission, and the fact that I found her in... in a pool of her own... blood...I'd imagine that maybe, and here me out on this one, just maybe, Red Guy stabbed her. But what do I know? I'm just the only person in this bus with a working brain cell!" The guy kept going...and he felt his fist clenching tighter now. Yuudai bit his tongue, slowly breathing right now. It was clear now...that this kid here was just one insult away fro- "I just want to know - dying to know - what exactly crossed your minds when you trusted that bastard!? Because if you lot are the heroes of tomorrow, we're all screwed!" Yuudai, after hearing everything that Suda said, finally stood up. He began to move past the others and approached Suda...before giving the ivory haired young man a firm punch to the face. He didn't use his Quirk...he pulled his punch...but it was enough. Yuudai looked at Suda with a stern look, his eyes narrowing at him, almost glaring daggers. "...don't...you DARE insult us like that. We did...what we thought was right and you shouldn't be criticizing us for doing that." he spoke, his fist still clenched and shaking visibly. "...between all of us, Misu only wanted an excuse to fight Spring Lock, since that's how she is. ...no offense, Misu." He exhaled slowly, his fist slowly opening up. "I made a gut decision...something about the whole situation sucks, I know it, but I still made a choice I thought was right. Whether or not it was, that's on me. But I will be DAMNED if you insult me or anyone else in such a manner, especially when I did what I did to help a friend out." Yuudai turned around, making his way back towards his seat, mentally kicking himself for letting his temper flare up like that. But he needed to get that out of his system...otherwise he'd end up taking it out on the wrong person. ...great job Shiba...that'll help smooth everything out...idiot...
  20.  "Just like Moltres? Please, you're all beat up, I can tell, and this time you don't have a Legend on your side." Allie...she wasn't wrong. They didn't have a Legend on their side this time, and yes he was a bit banged up from his bout with him. Plus, he couldn't use Malicious Moonsault...he hated the fact that the Alolan Guardians ended up making these Z-Moves usable in a battle a day...it would've probably helped. Then again, probably not. Allie faced his Z-Move before, so it might not work a second time. "This time you'll all fall." Great...a Stone Rain plus Scary Face...this is just bad. he thought with a growl, as he did his best to dodge the fist sized rocks. However, the first one on their side to make a move...was Keanu with a quick Surf. "Heh...nice one Keanu!" Randy shouted, whilst still attempting to dodge the rocks, using Acrobatics to assist him. However, right now, he couldn't do anything. Dodging was the best thing he could do...after all, Keanu just used Surf. Meaning Nani and Marie had the capabilities to assist better. "Marie! Nani! Try and see if you can back Keanu up!"
  21. "Information is how you win, I guess. I'm looking at House Bomb myself. Not out of the interest of making friends or having fun, but because the house head makes me wonder a bunch of things, like how he operates, what he's doing here to begin with, or what sort of mech a robot would pilot. Otherwise, I'd also be joining up with the Sun Lizards, even if Merlin rubs me the wrong way." Chase gave off a small shrug. Guess to a certain extent, this was a good point. Knowing how things operate would be a good idea how to go about doing things as well. Then again, he really didn't want to go and deal with BOMB himself. After all, a robot piloting another robot? That would be just weird. Still, if it worked, who was he to judge. "Guess that's a way to do things, I suppose." he said with another shrug. "Still, regardless of how Merlin is, the Sun Lizards might actually be beneficial to me in the long run. Cause my need to know how mechs work, what works with them, and how to build my own unique mech is everything I need right now." Nevertheless, he looked around, before clearing his throat. "Hey, would love to continue talking, but I gotta at least get this cleaned as well as get something else to drink. So, maybe I'll see you around." And with that, Chase left with a smile and wave.
  22. How are you enjoying Fate/Grand Order?
  23.  Randy could finally see Allie...and to his surprise...Nani was holding her own against her. And furthermore to his surprise...they both ended up using Earthquake...which only resulted in one huge Earthquake. The Incineroar grumbled and did his best to keep moving, while also keeping his footing steady to head towards the pair. J-Jeez! ...t-this was...not...how I was anticipating...this would go! he thought, really trying not to fall or tumble over. Luckily for him, however...Allie seemed to be focused solely on Nani. This was an opportunity to at least do a bit of damage in the form of a sneak attack. Whilst still trying not to fall over, Randy charged a Fire Blast and immediately sent it flying towards the Tyranitar...it hitting her and he definitely could hear it. "Oh for fuck sake this again?" "Alola. Long time no see..." Randy said, making his way, still trying not to fall over from the effects of the Earthquake. "...oh right, before I forget, your old man in Mowloo said hi." This, however, caused Allie to look furious. "You can tell that old bastard to die already! That is if you manage to survive this!" She then immediately shot out a Stone Edge towards the Incineroar. Randy saw the Stone Edge coming, diving out of the way and looked at her. "No can do on that. To be honest, kinda like him...ya know, after the fact he threw my tail in jail." "I don't really care what sorta things you're into just get out of my way already." She replied. Then she proceeded to adjust her position to be able to see both Randy and Nani. "...that isn't even what I was going for there..." Randy blinked, shaking his head. "Sheesh...either way, can't let you do this. We know how this song and dance is gonna go. It'll end up the same with Moltres." he shifted his position slightly, preparing to attack. He didn't rush in head first this time, surprisingly. At this point...he needed to wait for Marie and Keanu to get to them as well. Marie proved immensely strong against Allie the last time...even though she was still a Popplio. This time, she's a different gijinka...plus, her combination with her and Keanu...that'll turn the tide. Randy thought, exhaling slowly. ...you can do this Roarton. You and this team beat Heatran...we can kick her tail as well.
  24. BGM Darkness...all he could see was darkness for the longest time. Eyes wide open, but nothing but darkness as far as he could see, and even with his eyes closed...it seemed even darker than it had ever been to him. However, his eyes opened again and this time...he began to see some sort of lights, shapes, and shadows. Once his eyes adjusted, he found himself on the corner of a street, under a lamppost. Finally coming to, he let out a groan, holding his head slightly. "N-Ngh...what...where?" Trevor mustered out, starting to slowly stir and awake from this stupor. It seemed different to him...his surroundings namely. Standing up, he began to lean against the wall of a nearby shop to gain his balance. T-This...this isn't my world. T-This isn't Arcana Cabana...where...? he thought, looking over at another nearby shop, which it had the words: Fairlight Town written on it. Fair...light Town? He questioned what happened and why he was here...but then, his mind reeled back... "FIRAGA!!" A large blue fireball emerged from the black coated sorcerer, as he blasted away quite a few opposing magic wielders. "Trevor! Are you holding up alright?" the man asked Trevor, who was casting a strong Thundaga against another sorcerer. "T-Tch...I'm alright master...but it seems like there's no end to this! ...and nothing seems to be working!" "Unfortunately...you're right." Balthazar sighed, casting Waterga, washing away three sets of mages. "But keep going...we can win!" Trevor only nodded, but he wasn't too sure. The sorcerers and sorceresses were one thing...but the ones that were vying for control of the darkness within not only their own hearts, but the hearts of everyone who resided in this world? Things were becoming bleak...to the point that Trevor could honestly think they would lose. He could feel his hand trembling as it held the Cabanomicon...wait...that was it! The red-clad apprentice immediately lifted up the grimoire, immediately beginning to flip through the pages. There was one thing that could possibly turn the tide...a Summon. Not just any Summon, one of the powerful ones! He finally arrived towards the section in regards to Summons and began to look for one and it's inscriptions in order to call it forth. "Here...wait..these are...these are runes I'm not familiar with..." Trevor muttered, trying his best to translate the foreign runes. "Gah! C'mon! You need to let me do this...please!!" he pleaded with the book, not fully paying attention to his surroundings...which cost him dearly. That's when he felt it. It was sudden, but painful. The grimoire fell from his hands as he felt suddenly cold...much colder than he had if he was struck by a Blizzard Spell. No...this was a powerful piece of magic...possibly one of those instant kill ones Trevor read about. Nevertheless, he found himself falling...and everything seemed to be moving in slow motion for him. He felt himself bounce hard onto the ground once...twice... He could even seeing Balthazar striking at his assailant. "TREVOR!!! ...ZETTAFLARE!!" Within an instant, the assailant was vaporized. Balthazar quickly ran towards Trevor's side, trying his best to cast Cure and every single variant of the magic. "Trevor...Trevor stay with me!" he shouted. B-Balthazar...I-I'm...I'm sorry... "T-That's right...I-I died...least...I think I did...?" Trevor muttered, now sitting near a fountain in what appeared to be this Fairlight Town's town square. He stared at the Cabanomicon, seeing the chain sealing it tight. He tried to open it slightly, but to no avail. "...not surprising...nice going Trevor. You made the grimoire seal itself because you decided to attempt to use a high level spell and end up making it shut. Balthazar warned you about this..." An aggravated groan escaped his lips, as the young man simply put his grimoire to his side. "...but...did I die? I-I'm fairly certain I did. That was a powerful spell that hit me...possibly instant kill...so why am I here in this Fairlight Town?" Unfortunately, he wasn't able to get an answer out of himself. It was then he finally noticed that there was something scratching at the wood that seemed to be keeping a gate closed...by what, he wasn't sure. If anything, it was possibly the same type of darkness that those sorcerers and sorceresses were vying and trying to control. Slowly standing up, his fist clenched tightly. What could this be? Is it that bad that there were a plethora of people at the ready to fight this? However, before Trevor could really take a chance and make a move...he heard something... Your strength... what is it made of? Would you risk it all... for the truth? This sudden internal voice made Trevor stop. He glanced down at his Cabanomicon, before looking back at the gate with the impending darkness or whatever was mindlessly attacking. His fists clenched tightly, as he exhaled slowly. "My name...is Trevor Masters." the red-clad mage began to speak, namely for the internal voice. “I am the apprentice to Balthazar Blake, sorcerer of the 777th degree. Allow me to demonstrate what I can truly do!”
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