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Chaos Sonic


Everything posted by Chaos Sonic

  1. Returned from the Arkansas Comic Con...and I had the biggest blast there! Met the OG Pink Ranger as well as Bulk and Skull from my childhood nostalgia...plus got to meet Hawks, Shoto, Tokoyami and quite a number of other VAs!

  2. *Stares at the newest member, stroking beard and chin*
    Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time...a VERY long time.

  3. "Hmmm...if I'm correct, m'boy, you said if these combine that you'd w-..." "NOW IS NOT THE TIME, IBUZ!!!" Jeremy shouted at his Djinn, watching the now appearing winged serpent of junk. This thing was literally a feathered serpent made of junk that they were staring down. And it was flying...something that they currently had zero access to was the skies. Though right now, they had to deal with the storm of debris being flung and hurled in the direction he and the other Founts were in. "I-IBUZ!!!" "Already on it! May need a little help with that air current, master!" Ibuz simply said, his hands already forming and shaping around the currents of air all around him, already attempting to divert the debris storm over the group. "Whenever your ready, master!" Jeremy nodded, standing beside his Djinn and proceeded to have his hands also form and shape around the air currents, attempting to assist in the debris diversion. Tch...this is getting us nowhere! Now we have to deal with this feathered serpent... he thought, his focus still on keeping the junk and debris away from the others. Still, he lingered a bit to worry about the flying junk serpent overhead. Unfortunately, he feared this wouldn't be like dealing with the actual Quetzalcoatl...seeing as that was the Aztec god of light, wind and mercy. The latter of these things was definitely not happening with this junk serpent. Jeremy was brought back from his thinking and ruminations to hear Ibuz's throat being cleared. "If you don't mind, master, allow me to take this part from ya!" he said, starting move his arms and hands around himself in quite the rapid motion, the debris apparently now swinging and spinning around the entirety of the Fount squad. The speed and manner of the debris being spun through these air currents worried the young man, but it was soon clear to him on what his Djinn was currently doing. Without a moment's notice, Ibuz suddenly stopped his arms, having them above him and to an angle...oddly enough aiming right at the junk feathered serpent. The debris that was caught in the air current that Ibuz and Jeremy shaped and formed was immediately launched towards the serpent like it was a cannon. "That ought to work..." Impressed, Jeremy gave Ibuz a simple nod and glance, before turning back towards the Founts he was currently partied with. "With the debris not currently trying to bury us now, does anyone else have a plan to stop the junk Quetzalcoatl?" he asked, wiping his glasses off, getting the dust off the lenses.
  4. When Ziun woke up this morning, he didn't think he'd have to delve deep into the cavernous dungeon of this land just to deal with the undead skeleton hordes that he was having to deal with. If anything, he expected other things...ghosts, apparitions, dragon whelps...dragons themselves...maybe those from the Fae realm...those there were some merry pranksters, if the legends and myths would be believed. But no, he had to deal with skeletons...and had to desecrate the bones of the dearly departed...it wasn't something he was proud of if anything... ...but maybe this ONE specifically he could over look... His sleeve was caught in the jaws/jawbone of a skeletal hound, attempting to really take a bite out of his arm. "Thank the divines for my coat...my FAVORITE coat, I may add!" he groaned, trying his best to pry his coat sleeve from the jawbone of this beast, but to little avail. A simple tug of war game was being had, but with Ziun not being able to truly and properly compete against this beast. "Is everyone in this dungeon a critic of my melodies?" Another groan was heard, before Ziun had enough with this losing game of tug of war. Quickly, he removed the coat and escaped the clutches of the skeletal hound...arm still in tact. "That does it...en garde!" Ziun took his rapier and began to strike at the skeletal hound. "Taking my coat like this...keeping me from playing my melodies..." he muttered, still attacking the hound before him. "I must pose a query to you, my allies...but do we have some sort of spell or perhaps anything specific to dispel the fog surrounding us? Me thinks that would assist in the grand scheme of things...otherwise we'll be continuing to wander aimlessly...and be attack...by these vermin." That last sentence, he really brought home as he took his foot and proceeded to kick at the skeletal hound.
  5. While his Drengr did lose some mobility, Gene was now watching it stumbling towards him with an awkward and less forceful vertical slash. Gene backed up slightly, but that little nagging in the back of his mind returned, this time growing more and more. His instincts were going into overdrive again...just like it did when he summoned his weapon and used magic. The rule of threes definitely would apply here, was his general thought. ...okay body...what are we doing then? Gene exhaled slowly, before feeling his body's motions although he remained stationary. He knew what he was going to do...and with the skills he had presently, this had to work. "Alright then..." The lumbering Drengr still in motion, Gene no longer showed any sort of fear...no...replaced with the fear was truly a steeled look in his eyes, the smirk he wore now shone proudly. He moved, beginning to close the distance between the two of them. It was obvious his speed played a heavy part in this little technique, so perhaps everything was going in the way it was supposed to for him. Gene wasn't athletic back when he was alive...but here? Oh there was no doubt about it...he could do this. The distance closed in, his eyes gave a slight glint in the light as he looked up at the Drengr. His sword began to glow with power, apparently being focused with magic and in one fell swoop, Gene took the sword in one hand and proceeded to deliver a quick upward vertical slash. "Quick Strike!" he smirked, watching the Drengr backing up from the sudden attack. "I think I got the hang of this now...see if you can keep up!" Gene didn't let the hyena creature get a moment to react, or at least at first anyway...he didn't want him to have a moment to even attempt to gather his bearings. Little by little, Gene proceeded to slash at the creature's exposed flesh, cutting it and making sure definitely hurt and even incapacitated the Drengr. "With the cuts I've been making, they should be at spots that'll really mess you up in the long run! The more you move, the more you'll lose in blood and that means you'll eventually pass out from the lack of it!" Problem solving at it's finest!
  6. "Like he said, we're both from the same guild, and I guess by that'd also mean we're from the same 'world'. Well, he's very enthusiastic a lot of the times but also very reliable. So, I'm sure you'll both get along with him well." "Wonderful!" Trevor clapped slightly, smirking. "Perhaps I'll get to see him in action after a while. After all..." he proceeded to make hand gestures and poses, similar to how Percival was. "Someone like him seems like an interesting individual to be sure. And being named after a knight of old, least from my world, truly a treat!" As they met, they were seeming to be called away...at least from what Percival's watch was depicting. Which, if he had to think, it was a good thing too...especially with there only being an hour left in this sale, which Morgan was already beginning to push through. This was the only time they had at the present, so they had to make it count. If they waited too long, they'd lose out on the sale and that wouldn't be good for morale, least in his mind. "Well, Percival, Snow and Dora...for the time being, we'll bid you adieu, but here's hoping to seeing you appear later on during our tenure here!" he said, giving the group a small two fingered salute. "In the meantime, I'm fairly certain Morgan is going to need help there. After all, only an hour left of this little sale!" Trevor turned on his heel, making his way to help Morgan out through the throngs of people.
  7. The Warrior's Code Kitt didn't wait long for Olivander's response, for it seemed like the Dog of Hinder had been waiting to speak to him about this ever since they started. Could it be that he knew one day this would happen? Or was it perhaps that it was a clear inevitability that was obvious to everyone else, but he himself? Kitt wasn't sure...what he did know for sure, was that the cake was delicious and soothing...what more could ask for. "For me Kitt, I've developed a code. One that serves myself and my god," "...a code?" he asked, mid-bite. "These things require nuance. They require a willingness to draw an even deeper line inside themselves. I have rules. Even when it comes to taking someone's life. For example, you'd be hard pressed to find me bringing harm to women or children except under extreme circumstances. One of such you're now familiar with: those blessed or cursed with power and who mean to use it to bring harm to others. I have rules. No torture. Needless suffering is cruel. That's not who I want to be. And, if resolution can be found without taking a life, I'll take that avenue first. What you're looking for is direction." The Forge Dog listened intently to this in-depth look into Olivander's methodology for the way he did things. For the first time in a while, perhaps the first time ever, the young man began to understand how the thief worked and operated. Before it was simply the comradery that they finally shared and worked upon since the beginning of their journey. But now? Now it seemed they were finally on equal leveling to where they could be looking at one another as equals. It was some time before Kitt realized he had already finished the pieces of cake he had, just being zoned in to what Hinder's Dog spoke to him. "I'm not a good man, Kitt. And that allows me to think clearly." The floor was open once more, now for Kitt to speak. The young man remained silent, before exhaling slowly, backing his chair up for a moment. He proceeded to kneel down near the Watchdog of Hinder, head lowered for a moment. "Olivander...Watchdog of Hinder, the god of Wealth...would you do the honors of assisting me? I...I wish to develop a code for myself...I wish to move forward with..." he paused, unsheathing his blade, now showing the red within it's steel. "...with this reminder of what happened here today. I wish to not let something like this happen...but I need a guiding hand." Sheathing his weapon once more, he raised his head. "Please...help me walk this path and to not stray into the depths of bloodlust. There's no turning back now...what I did, I did...so I must live with this. But it doesn't mean I can't use it as the starting point for myself."
  8. Gene surveyed his opponent for a while, trying to assess the situation. They were savage beings, that much was definitely for certain. Animalistic and barbaric... He exhaled slowly, closing his eyes for a brief moment. You aren't as strong as them...so you have to use their barbaric nature against them...honestly, you seem quicker than they are, that much is certain. he thought, opening his eyes just in time to see something he wasn't wanting to: the Drengr propelling itself forward with a wild swing of it's machete. "H-Hey wait a minute!!" he said, his eyes widening as he saw this literal beast launching itself towards him. Initially, Gene wasn't sure what to do, but his eyes glanced over at his hand. There was two strange symbols that he could...for whatever reason...read. One said "Wind" and the other "Water". ...are these...do I have access to magic?? he thought, glancing away from his arm to see that the Drengr was beginning to close the distance. "...screw it...let's just figure this out now!" Gene exhaled again, feeling his instincts going into overdrive for this moment. He COULD control water....he COULD utilize it to his benefit. All he needed to do, was reach out like before. "Here goes nothing!" he moved slightly and thrust his sword forward. He felt it in that moment, this surge of power...magical energy, most likely. Nevertheless, from the rune covered hand and by extension the sword, began to flow water and before him was a wall made completely of water. What was more, it seemed like just normal water...fluid, a flowing substance that could be pushed around with ease...but it was more than that. It was...solid. A solid...wall of water? That's pretty awesome! he thought. But this was EXACTLY what he needed. This is perfect...if this is a solid wall of water, then that creature is going to collide with it, given his trajectory and possible velocity. Gene thought, nodding slightly. The moment the creature collided with the wall, he'd make his speedy strike...after all, he was quicker than the powerhouse brute of a creature, especially if it made contact with a solid wall. There was a resounding thud that was heard, and luckily the wall was water based to where Gene could look and see the Drengr, mid machete swing, being slammed into the water wall. This was the moment! Gene rushed to his right, still in the rather quick motion, then proceeded to take his sword and slash at the backs of the hyena creature's legs. When he did so, the water wall dropped, it melting away in an instant. The young man backed up a bit to assess the situation further. "O-Okay...bit too close for comfort...but still, strike the backs of it's legs, it should lose some mobility options..." he huffed, his hold of his weapon in death-grip mode. Still, there was a nagging feeling he had in the back of his mind...like he could do more than just use magic like this.
  9. Marv was pretty much knocked on his...tail...when the Minior used Tackle on him. It hurt, though not as much as he was expecting. It was generally just due to the fact it was a slow strike...but that solid body did make some moves and helped out. He groaned, trying to get back up as the Clobbopus attacking the Minior. "And I didn't even have to call out the name like a big dork!" He knew that was a jab at him, to which his green face felt a bit flushed with red, making him turn his head slightly. ...I did do that...didn't I? he thought, really hoping no one else noticed that. Turns out, they did. Great, just what he needed right now. However, when the Minior struck him, he had a realization...that one gimmick it had finally was brought back to his remembrance. Better late than never, right? "That's right..." Marv said, finally getting back up. "Hey, Clobbopus guy...heads up!" he shouted, attempting to assist. "If the Minior gets half it's HP down...or even less, it's going to use it's Shield Down ability! When it does, it'll go into it's Core form and it'll become a bit more aggressive!" Now this wasn't a situation where he knew what to do, but he had to at least warn his allies about it. That said, to his side...there was another Pokémon he could get away with striking. "A Cleffa...we can figure a plan for the Minior in a moment...best take out them first." Marv said, moving in the direction of the Cleffa. He was planning to use Leafage on it, but something else came to his mind...just like how he first figured out to use Leafage: Pound. "...that makes sense...I'm a Treecko, they generally start with that move...so here goes nothing!" he said, moving towards the Cleffa and immediately turning in time to strike at the Cleffa with his tail.
  10. The Other Side "Get some cake. We deserve to celebrate a little." Kitt had to admit...the size and appearance of the cake was impressive, more so than he had ever seen in his life. Nevertheless, unlike his compatriot, he kept the drooling to an internal one. And...unlike his compatriot...he took two nice hefty chunks of the cake and took it, once Olivander waved him down after seeing him. Honestly, he didn't want to seem like a glutton, but with the ordeal he went through...he figured no one would mind or care at this point. "I'm sure there's a lot running through your head right now. We've been through a lot together, Kitt. You can safely express yourself to me. What happened to you was traumatic. Believe me, I know." The young Dog sat down, placing the plate down in front of him. That was the best point Kitt could've heard for this moment. Olivander had been around and had taken many lives during his tenure as a Watchdog and possibly even before. The only life he saw him take was Simon's on Galatea, but the Watchdog of the deity of Wealth, it was only natural that he would be used to cut-throat methods on how to get what he wanted. He was primed to speak, but Olivander cut him off before he did so. "But you did the right thing, Kitt. You saved my life in the process. Well, you and that miracle doctor. I mean, look at me! No more burns! Can you believe it!? My point is, I know that line wasn't easy to cross, mate. And I want to support you if you need me." Kitt glanced at Hinder's Dog before sighing heavily, finally moving and shoveling a sizeable piece of cake into his mouth for a moment. After savoring the delectability of this dessert, Kitt's shoulders went from their stiffened position to a more slouched mode. He let out another sigh, shaking his head. "I was...content to show you my resolve at first...I suppose some call it bravado. I was ready to show you I wasn't the simple forge whelp I was back on Galatea when I couldn't stop you from ending Simon's life. The helpless one who simply watched in horror as that man's blood filled the square that day..." he let out a light chuckle. "...I was ready...and yet, in the moment, my body trembled. I was afraid...afraid of what would happen to me. Afraid I would taint the weapon Taros returned to me with this dark thirst for bloodshed...afraid that if I went across this line...I'd never want to stop." Another bite, another sigh. "Olive, be honest with me..." he asked, looking at the thieving Watchdog. "...how do you do it? How does it come so natural to you, the ending of one's life... How does the smell, the sight, the look the unfortunate soul has in their eyes...how do you do it? And...how do you know when to draw the line? To know when to stop and not to go on a rampage with the bloodlust?"
  11. Forged in Fire BGM Walking…walking…walking further. This wasteland of discarded weapons, untouched by human hands and in pristine condition. In the distance, the sounds of a hammer hitting metal could be heard…even further still, Kitt could see an imposing figure with the hammer, hitting metal. The closer he got, the louder the sound of metal being struck got. Eventually, Kitt reached the feet of this imposing figure, before dropping to his knees. His face was streaming with tears, his eyes red from the amount of crying. He tried to speak up, but nothing would come out…but at the moment, he didn't need to speak. "When I made you, my son…I thought before to keep the feelings of mortal emotion away from you…to keep you pure and perfect…my greatest work. It is now, I realize, that would've been a foolish mistake." the voice said in a low, gravelly tone. "In truth, although I speak for only myself, I found the mortals in our world the most interesting. Their will, their determination…the insatiable thirst and hunger to survive, to grow…to even taste the blood of defeat only to crave that taste on the winning side. Truly remarkable creatures…" Kitt watched the figure slam his hammer down on the metal once more, hearing him continue. "But, the compassion shown…through mortal friends and family, it dawned on me that this…this is the true weapon that mortals wield. And if it's a weapon that they wield and it being that powerful…then naturally, I, the God of the Forge, need a weapon like that in my collection." the figure turned his head, showing his fiery red eyes as he smirked. "Tis only fitting that my greatest creation has this weapon at his disposal, no?" The young man finally spoke up, tears still trying to fall but all being used up. "Taros…I tainted the weapon you ga-..." "You didn't. It was justified, a kill of judgment in my name." Taros replied almost instantly. The being turned around and held out a weapon towards Kitt. Lo and behold, it was Kitt's own sword. It shone with great brilliance, glittering within this realms light and even showing some red that had been infused beautifully within its blade. "No, you did not taint this sword with bloodshed, but rather…you, as it's creator, used it as the tool to enact my judgment. My son, stand and take your sword. You aren't done. There will be others who will do as she had done…who will lose their way. Raise your head and sword against them." As Kitt took his sword in hand, he felt Taros' hands now on his shoulders. "My son…I'm more proud of you than you'll realize. Now go, awake…and remember, my forge and its weapons are at your disposal, always." Baptized in Fire “Oh good, you’re alive. And awake too -- that’s two good things.” This wasn't where they were last...this wasn't that clearing...no, they were back at the Swallow Tail. But how? When? “You’ve certainly caused quite a ruckus, you know. I’ve only heard bits and pieces from here on the ship, but I think I can put together what happened.” It came back to Kitt now...everything that went down. For him, the world seemed to deafen around him, it being reduced to muffles at the moment as the young Watchdog slowly looked to his hands. They were still trembling slightly. He clenched them tightly and let out a long, slow exhale. It was sharp, but it was needed. "I wonder if there's any cake. Join me for a mess when you're ready, eh Kitt?" "H-Huh? Oh...r-right..." Kitt said, watching Olivander walking off already. The young man looked over to the scabbard that held his sword, which found itself propped up against the wall. Slowly he shifted himself out and up to grab a hold of it. It was this moment that Kitt began to slowly unsheath the weapon, though he hardly believed his eyes at first. The blade seemed just like how Taros had handed it to him in his dream, it was pristine and had no signs of bloodstains. It finally dawned on him what the red truly symbolized...to which Kitt sighed and sheathed the sword. "My son…I'm more proud of you than you'll realize." These words echoed in his mind for a while, as Kitt shook his head and sighed once more. This feeling of taking another's life, in the pursuit of righting these wrongs presented before them, it was going to need some time to get used to. Nevertheless, he took the sheathed weapon and proceeded to follow after his...his friend. They did have a lot to talk about now, with the imminent threat out of the way.
  12. 1. In actuality...I haven't seen one in the wild. They've eluded me to this day...it's saddening really. HOWEVER, I did see a live Road Runner when I went to Hot Springs, AR...I know it was one due to how fast that fucker was booking it. 2. Hmmm, I didn't actually know that. Truly fascinating stuff!
  13. That was the last of the civilians, least from what Jeremy could see at first. It was confirmed by Ibuz's general assessment and viewpoint of the situation...so now that left all the aggravated machinery cre-....ooooooor just the giant metallic snake. Because that seemed to be the thing that was remaining. "...so first the tower being a Kaiju...and now a train snake?!" Jeremy groaned, his hand being slowly brought to his face, covering it. "I swear, at any point...if these two combine, I will literally walk out on this." This, of course, caused Ibuz to laugh as he descended to be right beside his master. "Ah but that would be quite the challenge, m'boy! An opportunity of a lifetime to face a creature you would only see in the books of history and even legends! Ahhh, now if this was more cobra like, it would feel a bit more like home!" "...now isn't the time to be nostalgic, Ibuz." Jeremy shook his head, before noticing that those here were being pushed and moved further into a small group, their backs being against one another. And it was only now that Jeremy and Ibuz noticed that they recognized one specifically. "Huh? K-KAEDE?! What are you doing here?! This isn't a place you should be right now!" "Ah Miss Kaede! Lovely to see you again! How goes the library translation?" the Djinn asked, much to Jeremy's chagrin. Jeremy let out an audible groan, before rubbing the bridge of his nose, under his glasses. "Okay, honestly, doesn't matter right now. We'll need every advantage we have here..." he finally said, trying his best to analyze the situation at hand. Off the back of his hand, Jeremy knew for certain only Kaede and her abilities. The Library of Alexandria...or more accurately, the GREAT Library of Alexandria. A marvel in days of ancient Egypt...now within the hands of her, which she's managed to translate a few spells. He put his hand to his chin, still in deep thought. Thankfully she's been able to show me quite a number of the spells and symbols she's translated. ...one of which... A light-bulb went off in his mind as Jeremy adjusted his glasses somewhat, before turning towards Kaede. "Kaede, I may have a bit of an idea to buy us some time and probably keep the snake at bay. When I give you the signal, I need you to use Flare." he looked at Ibuz, who began to ready himself. "I know that the spell is more flashier than damaging, least when you showed me, but it's still generally a snake...so perhaps it'll continue to act serpent like." Jeremy turned back around, wind currents sweeping around himself for a moment. "And theoretically...we may be able to use it's serpent like behavior to our advantage...it's better than nothing!" Without another word, Jeremy once again had his hands pushed out in front of him. "Windswept Blast! Ibuz, little help!" he shouted, to which his Djinn obliged and did generally the same thing in conjuncture with his master, causing the massive wind current blowing right towards the train serpent. "Kaede, now!!!"
  14. A message was presented to us this morning with promises of training with those who call themselves our seniors at 4 PM today. Truly an interesting thought and idea…I have seen my colleagues in the heat of battle, so I am aware of the styles they have within their repertoire of skills, but I’ve truly had success in a team scenario with Fen and Aduain…perhaps this will encourage more use of joining forces with other techniques? Alas, not everything can be as entertaining and exciting…as we found ourselves grocery shopping, after finishing a delightful breakfast provided to us by Fen and Aduain…quite the remarkable pair of chefs those two make. However, it seems we’ve met some rather unusual individuals on this trek to shop…a light blue haired girl, Dora by what Melissa just said, and a young man with an eye-patch and two swords at his side with a white wolf. At first glance, the young man’s whole demeanor made me think of Olli…but alas, the glaring difference between them is stark…considering Olli had both of his eyes, this one doesn’t as well as Olli had protruding horns on his head due to the Undecided side of himself, this one doesn’t. But what does this trio present to us…? His grimoire now shutting, as Trevor had the quill vanish from his hand. That last paragraph finished, when he found out that Fen happened to know two of the three here, namely the wolf...aptly named Snow, and the eye-patch boy named Percival. This was impressive that Fen was able to recognize some individuals from her own multiverse and world...but this did register a question in his mind. ...would it be possible for those allies I met within the Ever make an appearance here? Trevor thought, his hand to his chin as the look he wore on his face was an inquisitive one. It might've been blatant on his face, to the point that the Cabanomicon lifted up and flipped it's pages before revealing some text. There is always that possibility, my young sorcerer. More-so, there may be a chance your master could make an appearance. Trevor lulled that thought in his mind, shaking his head with a small sigh. "Honestly, I guess that hope could always be there...but let's keep an open mind if anything." he said to the book specifically, having the grimoire land in his hand before closing it once more. "Thank you, however." Trevor then began to clear his throat and approached the group along with the others. "I highly doubt the man is a pirate, Aduain...after all, he doesn't have the proper attire befitting a pirate." he explained, before looking at Fen. "So these two at least are from your own world? Fascinating...well, any friend and comrade of the ice princess here is a friend of ours, I'd like to say. Trevor Masters, apprentice sorcerer, at your service!"
  15. The Kill Phantomsteel hit the target as intended, but at the same time, Kitt watched as Olivander was burned by the ring of light that Joy had, but at the same time, it did release the Hinder Watchdog, but the light began to envelop the two of those Dogs. Try as he might, Kitt wanted to move to take action, but he paused in his momentum...as he heard something...practically at the moment Phantomsteel struck Joy's aura. You knew the consequences, didn’t you, Joy? Even when you cried out “Tat҉ib͠us̨!” for the first time? Is that why? And yet, you were happy. You had found a solution! And it worked! Everyone on the island had sacrificed so little for that joy, the only thing they needed now was to sacrifice a little more, and a little more. You know that’s what you’re showing these watchdogs now, right? Now they know too: all these parties later, that was the last time you were ever truly happy. But what could you do? The path had already been prepared for you, and to stop it would be back to a problem you thought you could never solve. You would have to admit that you just were making it worse. W-Who...who's voice is that? Kitt thought, holding his head slightly being a bit disoriented by the light and the sudden voice plaguing his ears. But after it all, it was spoken out there...plain and simple: Joy knew what she was doing was wrong, she knew the consequences, just like Flynt in this regard. He almost felt sorry for her, just as he did for Flynt, but the moment subsided as he watched the light die. Joy was at the edge of the clearing, Olivander thrown quite a bit away...he was in pretty bad shape. "Olive!" The Forge Dog rushed towards his friend's side...yes...friend. Kitt had to admit it, this was definitely a feeling he had...friendship, camaraderie...and it took this long for him to develop this for Olivander. Then again, they had been through a whole hell of a lot, so Kitt found it only natural. Nevertheless, the burn marks were bad...and Olivander found himself blacking out. "Kitt--" "Rest now, Olive..." Kitt simply responded, trying to dig into his pockets for something. "...it isn't his coin...but..." He finally produced from his pocket a single silver coin, slowly placing it in Olivander's hand and closing it. "Hinder, take this...and the information I presented to your Dog as tribute...do not let this one die today." A short prayer given, Kitt turned his head, seeing Joy trying to make her way back into the forest...but she was alone. There was no light...no weapons...she was now truly alone. Not even her patron deity had deemed her unworthy, least in his eyes. Kitt began to slowly get up from kneeling beside Olivander, beginning to approach Joy. Each step he took, seemed to resonate with his own heartbeat, the world seeming to slow down in the process. This was the moment he prepared himself for...the deed had to be done. Each step closer, Kitt felt the sword in his hand grow heavier and heavier. "A weapon does not seek bloodshed. Those who wield them seek it, and thusly they simply become a tool of war and death. A weapon is used to protect those dear to you...when you have no other option. To instruct the next generation of practices and traditions of old...and a weapon such as this, needs to dedicated and blessed by the Great Forge Maker. Those who toil within the forge work for long varying periods of time to create a weapon that Taros himself would be proud of....if you tainted it with a thirst for blood, then the work of it's creator would've been thrown away." These words that he himself spoke to Emily back on Galatea began to ring in his ears. He glanced at the blade he held in his hand. This...this was the blade he forged in Taros' Great Forge at his Shrine. Tradition being in the Forgekeepers, what weapon you create...you dedicate it to Taros and leave it there as the offering. That was what offered to Taros before he left on his journey as a Watchdog...but in a strange twist of fate, Taros accepted the offering but returned the sword to Kitt. And now...now it would be truly tainted... Was...he still afraid of doing this? "The sword can be used...but yet again, it's only job is to obey the will of it's wielder. It's creator forges it...his will put into the blade. He gifts it to another, the wielder, who's simply commanding the weapon to their whim and will." Kitt began to grit his teeth, his grip tightening on the hilt of his blade. He now was basically in front of the woman, blocking her path forward. He was silent, his teeth gritting and grinding as he held the blade, it almost quivering in his hand. "A weapon...does not seek bloodshed. They become a tool of war and death if they do..." he finally spoke, his voice obviously shaking. "Weapons are used to protect those dear to one...when no other option is available...but you..." Kitt looked up, his eyes showing that of a strong but sorrowful compassion, though there was a heavy hint of rage behind them too. "You used the tools you were given to harm others...you hurt my friend...and for that...this blade won't be tarnished and tainted with a thirst for blood...rather, it's being given a taste of wrathful, just vengeance! So say I...Kitt Axton, the wielder and creator of this sword...I will it, and my blade follows my will!!" The blade no longer felt heavy in his hand, as he began to lift it up. "Begone...and never taint another weapon with your bloodlust!" Kitt shouted, bringing the sword down...the sounds of the blade cutting through the air. Joy fell to the ground in silence...and immediately after, Kitt dropped to his knees, gasping for air almost...before letting out a loud, sorrowful wail as tears fell from his face. The deed was done...and now, the trembling Watchdog remained there, wailing.
  16. All Out of Mercy It happened in a blur of light, though for Kitt, it seemed like time was moving slowly. Olivander had made it in, but he didn't make it to where he could stop the spear of light from coming down on him. If he wasn't 100% prepared for this, Kitt might've lost his head in more ways than one... It was a good thing he WAS prepared. Kitt shifted his weight slightly and did his best to parry the spear of light with his war scythe, attempting to deflect it to the side perhaps...maybe even catch the spear between the smaller sickle blades and possibly remove the weapon from her. Whatever the result of this would become, Kitt only had his eyes narrow towards Joy. It was obvious that her assault here, that WAS her answer. It was completely out of Kitt's hands now, the mercy he wanted to show this Watchdog was knocked out of the outstretched hand by her. Whatever happened now was on her own hands, not his. "Then gods have mercy on you..." he simply said, swinging the scythe slightly, before practically throwing it towards Joy. She would most likely be too busy to deal with the scythe to do much of anything else, he hoped. At this moment, Kitt unsheathed his own sword and brandished it before him. "...do know, I wished this wouldn't be the case and the path you chose."
  17. What had he just gotten himself into? There he was, running head first into danger with no weapon, no plan...nothing. No, all that was apparent was that he and the other "Exalted" just ran in head first here without a single iota of a plan. At least the one guy, Drake, seemed to be willing to fight with the stance he took. Meanwhile, there was him...what could Gene do here? This wasn't like the dreams he had...he had no weapon to hand...no special abilities... Gene's fists began to clench tightly, trembling in what he could only assume was one emotion: fear. These Hyenas, or Drengr, were just charging with killer intent...so what, he was given another chance just to die right here again? ...that can't be the case... Gene thought, though his fears soon began to overlay itself as one of the Drengr charged at him, and like he remembered prior...he could only replay those moments before he died again. That purse-snatching thief rushing him, knife in hand. Gene could feel it more now than before...he was trembling...this WAS fear. But at the same time, he couldn't just turn away from this. So was it fear keeping him from running, or was it fueling his determination to try and stand against this? Gene couldn't tell, but he was trembling more and more now, his eyes fixated on the Drengr. What was he to d-... Thump thump...Thump thump...Thump thump That's when he felt it, a pulsing sensation...like that of a heart beat. He glanced down at the Dragon Sign on his hand, no doubt the source on where this pulsing sensation was coming from. A soft white glow emanated from it...and it was like...something was wanting to be let out. Normally, Gene had seen shows and read stories about something of this scenario and it ending up being like something that wished to be freed from a character and if it was ever let out, it would doom the world. But this? There was no malice, no dangerous or threatening aura about it. This feeling felt like something he was familiar with, but it was the first time feeling it. Like all he had to do...was simply reach out his hand... "Not a whole lot of options at this point...is there?" Gene sighed slowly, before beginning to raise his hand in front of him. "...sure hope this works...release!" BGM What was once a soft white glow from his hand now began to grow and grown brighter with each passing second as he took the resolve to release whatever was begging to be freed. The light out that was forming in his hand began to finally take shape, elongating in length. Once the form it took began to stabilize, Gene gripped the part that was still in front of his open palm and the moment he did, the light shattered and within his hand...a weapon had appeared, more accurately, an ornate sword. Bewildered, Gene held the sword, looking at it for a few moments. "A sword..." he muttered, slowly lowering it to his side. Now things were feeling normal to him...like his dreams. His grip on his newfound sword began to grow tighter, as the look in his eyes seemed more...focused and trained. There was also...a smile on his face? "I think I can do this now...there may be a few things different between those dreams and this...but..." His stance shifted, as he held the sword to his side. "But this world just did me a favor...in more ways than one." Gene made his move, basically following Jocelyn's method and just charging forward towards the one Drengr that was rushing towards him. The initial sprint did surprise him, however. He felt...lighter...faster even. And he knew for a fact that he wasn't the best athlete back when he was alive...so something new was presenting itself here. Whoa...this...feels awesome!!! he thought, now closing the distance between him and the Drengr, catching the hyena creature off guard, the two clashing their weapons against each other...machete against sword. "...ngh...okay, you guys are pretty strong...guess I'm not as strong as I was expecting." he grimaced, seeming to struggle against his opponent's sheer strength. He disengaged in a swift manner, shaking his head. "Okay, let's not try to match blows with them...it may not work. Guess I gotta play this smarter..." A quick twirl of his sword in his hand, he adopted that stance once more, now just watching his opponent for the time being. Look for an opening...c'mon Eric, this is just gonna be like one of your puzzles...and you're a natural at problem solving!
  18. “You okay? Come on, the door’s just up ahead. We’re almost done.” "D-Divines bless you, Chris." Ziun exhaled slowly, dusting himself off with the skeleton dust now. His illusion did drop just in the nick of time, but regardless, he was thankful at the young man for the assist. "...that one seemed a bit more handsy than most of the women I play for..." he attempted to make light of the situation, but regardless, he grabbed Chris' hand and was helped up. Shame, what a terrible display of my abilities... "Not as almost done as you might think.Look up." "We should hurry to the exit. Assuming the Dungeon itself is the source of this spell it could indefinitely reanimate our foes. Not that I know if it can reconstruct them." "I believe she's 100% correct. So let's move on as quickly as possible!" Ziun nodded, starting to follow in Lana's footsteps and make it towards the door. "I can at least cover our tracks somewhat and make sure the skeletons aren't just bothering us." It was a long shot attempt, but he did what he could with what short timing and planning he had here. Within moments, a series of illusions were cast behind the party of...well...themselves. Ziun's plan entailed that the real party would make it towards the door while any skeletons behind them would end up just having to deal with the illusions before them. There would've been an issue with the skeletons in front of the door, but Lana had already taken care of that. "Ladies and gentleman, I believe we take this moment to make haste towards the exit and our goal!" he said with quite a bit of urgency in his voice.
  19. "You made it to the next floor! Congrats! That means you all are one floor closer to the end. Keep up the good work, okay? Oh, I almost forgot! Be careful... You're not alone." Part of him wasn't surprised...but part of him was. Another floor, another challenge... The room Marv and company found themselves in had a total of three Cleffa, two Staryu and a strange looking cracked boulder. Marv racked his brain to figure out what it was for a moment, while the others continued to battle the other Pokémon present. Star shaped...but not a Staryu or Starmie...so what else could it be? he thought, silently groaning before finally thinking of something... "Did you see the reveal trailer for the new games, Sun and Moon?" "I did. Honestly, seems like the island region may end up doing well. What was the Pokémon in the reveal you enjoyed seeing?" "Loved seeing Golisopod...just the general design it has is just too cool. What about yours?" "Mine? Well...it's definitely Mi-..." "..-nior..." Marv muttered, trying to figure out where that little conversation even came from. Who was he talking to? Questions for another, perhaps, but now it made sense. Minior...a meteor Pokémon. The Pokémon was identified to his remembrance, but what was it's gimmick...that was something he was still fuzzy on. "Star and space themed Pokémon...honestly, makes sense but this don't look like Mt. Moon to me, so makes even less sense." he muttered, before noticing something on the ground. Before him and now at this moment the Clobbopus, who moved in front of him, was a plate with a green arrow on it. If Marv was correct, that might've been a sort of stat boosting plate, if this worked like how he remembered those Mystery Dungeon games played. "Worth a shot..." he shrugged, before making a mad dash towards it, swerving around the Clobbopus. "'scuse me for a moment!" With that, his feet landed on the plate and...nothing. Marv waited a few more moments...still nothing. "...Arceus damnit again..." Marv groaned before calling to the others. "Just a heads up, this plate isn't a stat boosting one..." He glanced over, seeing the Noibat fighting against a Staryu, but he knew this song and dance, especially with himself having the Type Advantage. With it also being distracted by the Flying Type...it would be a back stabbing attack. "Let's get rid of this one real quick...Leafage!!" he said, using Leafage again as the leaves struck at the back of the Staryu before causing the Pokémon to faint and be defeated. "Alright, one down..." Once the attack concluded, he hopped off the plate, still disappointed that nothing happened there. Though another thought lingered: ...why did he shout out the attack name...?
  20. "Which one you gentlemen want, the big guy or its friends?" Both Jeremy and Ibuz took notice at the young woman who made an appearance near them. By the pressure that was felt...that and the quite obvious tally marks on her face...four from what Jeremy could count...this woman was a Fount, more accurately Number 4. "Honestly, while I'm fairly certain Ibuz here can attempt to take care of the big guy..." "You know how it is, m'boy, phenomenal cosmic power is what we Djinn possess!" Ibuz let out a hearty laugh. "...and an ego to match..." he muttered, before returning his attention to the young woman. "In any case, our priority is to help the rest evacuate from this rampaging kaiju wannabe." Jeremy paused, adjusting his glasses as he looked towards the 'friends' as the woman put it. "That said, we'll most likely be taking it's friends...attempt to mitigate the already large amount of damage..." He moved his right hand, pointing his thumb in the direction of Leo. "...namely from that fella over there. But if we can at least be rid of the minions and mitigate the destruction going on while also helping the others evacuate..." Ibuz crossed his arms, nodding. "A simple strategy. Take out the pawns...THEN deal with the king." "Exactly." Jeremy nodded, shifting his stance and began to move forward, heading in the direction of a few of the vehicle creatures. "By the way, Jeremy Shelby, pleasure to meet you!" He held up his left hand, showing the imprint of "92" being in his palm as he waved towards the woman. "Feel free to join in and help evacuate people if you feel inclined to!" Arabian Wind Turning his attention back towards a motorcycle that seemed to take it's turn and began to head directly towards him and Djinn beside him. Jeremy exhaled slowly, moving his hands slowly around him as currents of air began to circle around him. "Windswept Blast!" he declared, thrusting his arms forward as a strong current of wind began to push the motorcycle back and even upwards in something resembling a mini-cyclone. "Ibuz!" "As you wish, master!" Ibuz smirked, now taking the mini-cyclone and grabbing the bottom of it like it was a completely solid object, now twirling the mini-cyclone in the air and proceeded to launch the motorcycle creature in the direction of a few other creatures in quite the manner. The motorcycle crashed into it's allies and made it seem like it was being used as a bowling ball. "And I'd call that a strike." "Seems that way." Jeremy nodded, making his way towards a few civilians taking cover nearby. "It's definitely not safe here...get to the station and stay low. I'll get you over there...Ibuz, we're going to need you to play interference for us." "Once again, your wish is my command!" Ibuz laughed, throwing balls of concentrated wind in the direction of the creatures, while Jeremy escorted the civilians to safety.
  21. This wasn't the exact thing he was expecting to find today...not in the slightest...it was more like he was expecting a normal trip away from the store and home then just go back, but no. No such luck, especially for him. If he knew that earlier... EARLIER Jeremy Shelby stood at the terminal for the magtrain, casually sipping his morning mocha, earbud in one ear and his bag slung over his left shoulder. He had swung by the 6th District to pick up a few antique items from a couple near here that they were just really wanting to get rid of. Of course, he had no problem taking the items they gave him, after all he could just sell it once he cleaned them up. Taking a sip of his mocha, the rich taste of it gracing his lips and mouth...that was until he nearly choked on it after hearing something pop into his earbud. GOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING MEGAOPOLIIIIIIIIIIIS! Coming to live from within the backpack of Megaopolis' very own Jeremy Shelby...straight from the lamp...it's the Djinn Round-Up!!! Jeremy groaned, still coughing up some of his mocha as he forcefully rustled his bag, making sure something in there definitely was rustling and being thrown about. "...you do this right when I'm enjoying the peace and quiet, Ibuz...why?" he groaned, before hearing the voice again in his earbud laughing. "To keep you on your toes, m'boy!" the voice belonging to Jeremy's Djinn companion, Ibuz, simply chuckled. "Besides, right now it just makes it seem like your having a conversation with someone on your device and not outright to a magical entity. Plus: it was a perfect opportunity to cause a bit of mischief today." "Been quiet all day..." he grumbled, taking the last few sips of his mocha before disposing of the cup afterwards. "Fairly certain Kaede doesn't have something like this going on with her Library of Alexandria..." "Aw, master, you've hurt my feelings...my insides and outsides as well with your words. But alas, that would be the case. Especially since the library isn't as sentient as I...once again, you were the lucky one." Jeremy rolled his eyes some, adjusting his glasses slightly as he approached the area to wait for the train. "Regardless, next time give me a warning before you do something like that, alright?" he simply asked, tapping his foot while waiting for the train. However, the train would come and it wouldn't stop...and the young man wouldn't be remaining there standing for it. His gaze shot up from looking at his watch and began to survey the area around them. The ground was shaking...it seemed like the feeling of steps being taken. "...Ibuz, I assume you feel that?" "The constant, massive shaking like that of footsteps? If that, then yes...unless that's just you jostling the bag." "You would like that to be the case, wouldn't you..." Jeremy admitted, before moving away from the train platform to look outside. That's when he saw it, plain as day...Samsara Tower...and it was...moving...like a giant kaiju. "...of course it's a kaiju...Japanese built city...makes sense as anything else." he sighed, before moving his bag off his shoulder and digging into it. Before long he pulled out an antique lamp, clipping it onto his belt loops on his pants for a bit. "Guess we'll be heading home later then, Ibuz..." "HAHAHAHAHA!!! Excellent m'boy! Let's see if we can minimize some causalities out there, shall we?" the voice now emanated from the lamp on his side. "Like we got a choice?" Jeremy backed away from the railing, before taking a running leap over the side. He proceeded to fall over the side, but his fall was soon slowed down to the point of a simple feather floating in the air until his feet touched the ground. There was already a large amount of damage being done...and from what he could see, some yahoo with a baseball bat was doing something to...well it was obvious that he was Fount with the power set he was displaying, but it was also obvious he was not caring in the slightest about the situation going on around him. "The hell is that guy thinking?" "Seems like he's...attempting to...oh! He just used that motorcycle as a baseball, intriguing. Seems like one interesting fellow..." Jeremy knocked on the side of the lamp and grumbled. "Now isn't the time for us to be dazzled by the nutjob with the bat...who seems to be doing more harm than good." he said, moving in the direction of where most of the damage was. "Ibuz, c'mon out and make yourself useful. We need to make sure there's not any casualties and make sure everyone takes cover..." he quickly rubbed the side of the antique lamp, before watching smoke and wind pour out from it... The Djinn made his debut beside his master with a firm nod. "Naturally, master. Would this be a wish you request?" "No...I didn't say the words...you aren't getting me like that again." Jeremy shot a small smirk towards the blue creature, before summoning up quite a bit of wind to blow away the dust and debris out of the way in order for them to make sure people were safe.
  22. How did the bard find himself in such a predicament as this? If this was one of his adoring fans or perhaps a jilted lover, it would be one thing...but it was neither. It was an undead skeleton with no legs with it's bony fingers trying to grasp at his throat. Honestly...this would make for quite the story... Ziun thought for a moment, before violently shaking his head to bring himself back to this current moment. NOT THE TIME, CASTIR!!! Focus!! You have an undead creature attempting to go for the jugular and end your existence before your name and music reaches the farthest lands and land in the court of royalty!! It was this thought, along with reaching the further floors to uncover secrets and ancient verses that could be hiding within these dungeon walls, that gave Ziun the passion and the desire to keep moving forward. The question became now: how? He couldn't just grab his rapier and dispatch of this skeleton in his current position on the ground with half a skeleton on top of him. He couldn't exactly use his music to quell the temperament of this foul creature either...again, he was in a moment of not being able to do so. That left his only option: illusions. They did what they could at first when he distracted the bulk of them in order to attack...but he had to plan something else now...the question was, what could he accomplish in this moment? Hmmm...would the skeleton stop if he saw one of his own that he was on top of? Ziun thought, before exhaling slowly. Not like there's any other option at this point...alright. He did what he could to distract the skeleton long enough for him to work his magic (literally) and have the visage of a skeleton. Ziun needed to really act the part, so swift and erratic movements were done, since skeletons and the undead really couldn't speak. With any luck, he could make the creature pause in his movements, and give Ziun the opportunity to either mount a counter attack or distract him long enough for another to attack... ...of course this had Ziun's full attention at present...not the fog wall and the most obvious door there was...
  23. Another bite of the delectable food that was given...once again, the rich flavor of apple, like the type of filling one would find in a freshly baked apple pie...it would explain the hint of cinnamon he found. Regardless, the flavor found it's way right into his mouth. Truly a magical creation here by the fish and the ice princess. For the most part, he would've been lost in this blissful moment of breakfast if the conversation didn't continue and he being invested in this... "I guess what I'm saying is that we need to know each other more before we have anything to say, from the heart or otherwise. Oh right, talking points! Or uh, I mean, something to give reporters and stuff. Apparently all of the groups like ours have team names and a team leader. So that's something we can figure out to give them. And, if we're keeping uh, them. I guess a name for them too?" "PDS-1 It's short for Prana Defense Squad One. And we should name the creature Tiberius. That's what I would call him, anyway. Tiberius can be our leader, since it would never give away team secrets because it seems like it can't speak." “But I would name it Bartleby if it were up to me. We can make some schedules for feeding and things like that later. Team name -- or squad name -- doesn’t matter much to me as long as it’s something I’m comfortable saying. I don’t know, that definitely seems like something for the press and nobody else. Maybe that will change over time. Do you all have plans for what you’re doing before training? We got separated last time, so I never got to know more than, you know, everyone’s fashion choices.” Trevor lulled the ideas in his mind, before nodding. He figured he'd go down the line on this. Starting with Fen. "I anticipated this, actually. The time we get to know one another while also speaking from the heart could truly be beneficial. It can really, truly strengthen the bond between us all. As I stated prior...the heart is a powerful weapon that each one of us..." he said, pausing at Morgan, before chuckling. "...even some that may be classified as undead, have. If you're living, then by that logic, you have a heart...and a powerful one at that." With his little speech done, he continued. "PDS-1 could be a start for a team name, however...I'm unsure if we're team number one at this point in time." Trevor said, his attention now towards Morgan. "As Fen stated, other groups like ours have names and leaders, so it's not a far stretch of the imagination to assume one of those was and is the first team, therefore...number one. But, I'd like to say we could keep that in our mind for the time being." Then that left the discussion of the creature. Morgan suggested 'Tiberius', while Melissa suggested 'Bartleby'... "Honestly, I'd suggest a name similar to my master's master's animal companion...twas an owl by the name of Archimedes. But alas, I'm sure that wouldn't befit a creature such as that...however, I have a few on a similar path: Plato...oh perhaps Alexander, Alex for short." Trevor gave quite the pleased look on his face. Now there was the plans of what to do before training. "Honestly, I haven't had much to think about what to do until our training. But perhaps, what you lot decide...I may end up joining you in your endeavors. After all, I got the answers I sought from Mauvache the other day."
  24. "And I am Luca! Chief of Aersinn! And you are all in Aersinn, the one and only town of Aerstroff! Land of Thunder and Fang!" "oh, you have Thunder where you're from too? Well, that certainly makes one part easier to explain, but pay no mind to it. It is like the wind in how common an occurrence and noise it is and easily as harmless on most occasions." "Oh, uh yeah..." Gene nodded, rubbing the back of his head. "I figure everyone has some sort of thunder wherever their from...but Land of Thunder and Fang? That's...that's honestly a pretty sweet name." He had to admit, the Land of Thunder and Fang sounded like an amazing name for a location...it beat any other name of a state or country he had heard of. But even still, with more of the thunder... "that's not thunder." "Wait...it's...not?" he asked, before seeing Luca run off...more like a full on sprint in the direction. Gene stood there in quite the disbelief, but at the same time, what could be awaiting them at this point? If it's not 'thunder', then what the hell is it? he thought, before hearing Rumian speak up. "oh this can't be good. Um, excuse me, Exalted. You, well, uh I know you all just got here and all but she might be in trouble but well I - if you, if you could make sure she's alright? Please?" Gene stood there for a good long moment, obviously a bit shaken by what was possibly taking place. Even so, something stirred in him and he began to take a step...and then another. "Don't worry. We'll make sure she's alright." he said, giving Rumian a firm nod and shooting a bit of a smile in the beastkin's direction. After that, he started to make his way after Luca. But why? Why was he going this far to help these people...these creatures? The simple answer: his dreams. Try as he might, this was what he kept dwelling on...and before him yet again was that image of who he truly wanted to be...that heroic soul wielding his trusty sword and protecting those in need from whatever danger would come. ...is that why I'm feeling more...free? Is that why...? Gene thought, trying his best to go after Luca.
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