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    • Team JAA/AJA/AAJ "I like your enthusiasm Anneliese, but we got fishing rods to fish with! Maybe we can try using our bare hands later though, I haven't tried that before either." "Goodness bare hands? Do you mean there are people who cannot even afford to get a fishing rod and must do it with their hands?" She began to imagine someone trying to grapple with an Octillery and began to giggle before being interrupted by a sneeze. "Oh my, it's a bit chilly isn't it?" Anneliese said, paying no mind to the fact that she was currently wet. She did however wring out her hat before checking to see what the others were doing. The two of them were some distance apart and they couldn't look any different. Anima was relaxed and still while Jacklyn was rather animated. Neither of them had yet caught anything so Anneliese looked between them and wondered which one might be doing it correctly. She thought to ask Anima but as she started that way she stopped herself. There was something about Anima's face that prevented Anneliese from interrupting her. It reminded her of when her mother would sit in the study and listen to music. Anneliese knew that wasn't a face that wanted to be talked to at the moment. So she turned to Jacklyn but stopped as well. She was moving around so much that Anneliese wondered if she wouldn't fall in if distracted. So after some consideration Anneliese moved somewhere between them and cast a line. Or tried to, anyway, as she ended up getting it caught on the pier at first. Once she managed to actually get it into the water she found herself soon growing antsy. Not quite in the way that Jacklyn was but still she felt like she should be doing something. Still not wanting to get in the way of the others she sent out her newly caught Rookidee. "Good day to you, do you know how to fish?" She asked it, filling the silence with her own voice. Eleanora looked at Anneliese for a moment then turned their beak away. However soon after she gave a short nod and Annelise clapped her hands together, almost dropping the rod as she forgot it was there, "oh truly? How delightful. Perhaps you can help me catch something then!" As the trio fished they might eventually start to feel something. As if someone was watching them from a distance. Team BQN The Malamar was suddenly buffeted from one side and then the other. With wind and water both. The two hits came at different times so as soon as it was about to react to the first the latter struck it. It let out an angry cry as the bubbles splashed over its body. Something strange happened then. The bubbles seemed to cling to the Malamar despite most having popped which would normally indicate that perhaps its secondary effect was slowing it down but when it moved next it was faster than before. The Malamar targeted Cassiopeia with another Hypnosis attempt before Arthur managed to bite down and chomp on it. Much like before Arthur clung onto the Malamar and also much like before it went for a Tackle attack. However this time it went for Peat instead. With or without Arthur still attached the Pokemon flung itself swiftly at the water bear Pokemon.  
    • If you do end up getting this going, I think I’ll use a Rose Dragon/Plant deck. Been using Akiza a lot recently in Duel Links and I honestly love their designs.
    • Anthem (or The Anthem) 9/10 whoa I really liked that, ngl the screams felt out of place though.
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