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    • "So now ya see. There are a large portion of the locals that are... off. Not all of them, mind, but many of them seem that way. Didn't always seem that way either..." Zeru turned to the window once more, their voice barely a whisper, "Wonder if I'll end up like that..." After clearing their throat, they stepped away from the window, motioning to the others to come along. "Y'all're probably hungry, right? I can show ya some good restaurants around here, since y'all don't have much to trade right now." Heading outside, they began to explain to the trio the things they knew about the world. The cities, currencies and lack thereof, general info about the residents. Information about how the wilds warp around those who travel them, how that both makes it easier and harder depending. Zeru took them to a food truck manned by a red-and-white haired person who looked to be in their 20s, and got some... questionable wraps from them. Staying in the spot, Zeru waved theirs about absentmindedly like a baton while the others ate. "Sometimes odd things like dragons or monsters show up. They don't, y'know, exist here, but they seem to show up around Sojourners. It's how many of ya end up being lost. At least, that's a standing theory." "You really believe that bullshit? I thought you of all people would know better." Zeru turned towards the grinning vendor, who had since turned to address the Sojourners. "You guys look new, so don't let ol' Zeru here fill your head with weird ideas. I think they just tell you newbies that to scare you!" With a soft sigh, Zeru motioned to the vendor as the latter adjusted their skeevy shades, "This is Deneb-" "Yo." "-Despite their demeanor, they are... reliable as a source of information. The food is edible, but I mostly come to them because they're in the loop. In fact, they're the ones who will direct us to where we're going today. Deneb, these are Mr. Laurent, Sakura, and Jet. They've been here about a week. Don't tease them." "No promises!" "... Don't tease them too much?" "I'll see what I can do," Deneb snickered, before leaning forward on their cart, "As you can see, I'm not exactly busy with how people around here are, so I need entertainment. Tell you what- You three tell me something about where you come from, and I'll cough up the info Zeru here wants. Deal?"
    • ye, I clicked on the thread at midnight that day, saw what the song was and the length and was like "I'll listen to this tomorrow gotta go to bed" and forgot At first I felt it was almost TOO faithful of a cover but then he got a bit soul with it Its not his fault that's the song but a bit too many "yeah" and instrument breaks for my personal taste But overall 8/10 he did a great job
    • just checking, did i already post my entry before this time?
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