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    • Ziun was pressing in and getting aggressive with his magic. Chris hoped he had the wherewithal to get out of the way when necessary, but maybe that was just a conflict in styles. He wondered why Ziun didn’t have his sword to at least block with. Then again, maybe it was a magic thing? Estellise had had a weapon -- she had her bow -- but that had been a magic bow. Magic magic magic. There was magic acid on both of the wrapped creatures now, but they were both still moving. Maybe what they needed was a sword after all. That said, Chris still remembered how tough these things were to cut through. He quickly pocketed his magic string. He needed both hands if he was going to be able to do more than leave a cut behind. There was also a mental component. He couldn’t fall back like he did with the spindle in his hands. Chris was getting into a fight with the intention of staying in it. All of his attention was in front of him. In a moment, Chris judged that he wasn’t able to get in the way of the assault one of the creatures was already unleashing, but he could at least cut the other one’s attack out from under it. He didn’t need to rush, so his movements were measured. He tried to slow his breath despite running around for the entire battle and took each step one at a time, sword held at the ready. When he was just outside the creature’s reach, Chris raised his sword over his shoulder, and with one more step, cut diagonally through the creature’s leg. Even with all that work, it still took an extra swing to get all the way through. It felt weird. Chris hated it. He wanted to just be running around. But despite the acid and the cutting, there were still two creatures that needed returning to their graves. “We should reunite with Lana,” Chris said. “At least, we should be sticking together more than we are right now.”
    • Sibyl whistled as she entered the giant, exclaiming, "damn, what a freak show Caesar made!" Laughing a little at this, she was certainly in awe of the strange fleshy interior that even functioned as a traversable interior at all. On an instinctual level when punching the creature she wasn't sure if it was man or machine, and now that she was properly inside of consciously she was even less certain of which. Well, either way didn't particularly matter to her. What did matter was that she was now inside the creature, which made her both curious about what she could find to break to make it stop. The girl briefly lost her footing as there was a sudden tremor from within, feeling as though the creature on the outside was briefly falling. This passed, however, only for the girl to see something strange in the strange cavity she had found herself in.  Steam coalesced into a figure mediating over a hole as well as another figure that she couldn't help but feel bared a strong resemblance to that winged guy she had seen a little while ago. "First shapeshifting goo and now shapeshifting steam, you guys really got everything here don't you!" The winged figure decided to launch feathers at her and while they were still made of steam, on instinct Sibyl swung her arm out to deflect them as if they were more than just hot air. Her instincts seemed to be right on the money as well, as though the feathers had dissipated like steam the force behind them was anything but. "So that's how it is huh? Well then, let's see how strong those fake wings of yours are."  While Sibyl was raring to go, she couldn't help but feel that each of her steps were becoming slowly more labored. No, it wasn't that it was getting harder to walk, rather it was more like the floor was trying to both swallow her and keep her from moving. Sibyl couldn't help but feel something vaguely familiar about this, though instead just dug her secondary claws into the ground. As the winged figure shot yet another volley of feathers at her, Sibyl propelled herself forward, dodging the feathers and raising her arm up at the same time before stretching it forward and slamming it into the man.  The steam winged man shielded the attack with his wings, though was smashed into the wall. However, the wall seemed to cushion his landing rather than make it worse. With a grin the girl said, "solid like smoke huh? It's like a best hits in here!" At the same moment, Sibyl started to lose her balance once again as the giant shook his head around, likely due to something outside again. Launching both of her secondary arms into the wall, keeping herself steady, the girl decided to keep up the pressure while ignoring the shaking altogether. Leaping backwards, she then pulled herself forward with her arms, slingshotting herself towards the meditating figure feet first.  With her, now, hooves smashing into the steam it disappeared in an instant. The floor suddenly returned to normal, no longer trying to fight against her, before steam poured out of the hole the figure was previously over. With the figure she had just destroyed now reappearing, Sibyl furrowed her brow. "Nothing can stay down when it's hit hard enough eh?" Her glee was slowly turning to annoyance as the heat of the room was starting to rise to sauna levels, causing her to start sweating more than usual. This, in turn, fouled her mood and told her that there was no point in simply attacking these steam things any longer. No, instead, she wanted to figure out what better way to actually kill this thing now that she was inside. And so, with an annoyed, "out of my way!" the girl punched the newly formed steam figure, leaping down the hole it had come from and coiling the other shadow arms around herself to protect from any oncoming steam. 
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