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    • Lucas’s words fell on deaf ears. After being sent flying by the titanic blow from the wolf’s arm, Lindow brought himself to a tumbling halt on his hands and knees. All he could do is wheeze and gasp for air as blood from his busted bottom lip stained grass. That single hit felt as if he had been standing in front of a cannon, and it took him a long moment to raise to his feet once more.  The Thunder Chosen finally managed to rejoin the battle by the time Ryia barreled into Lucaus to send them both reeling off the top of an earthen wall. Closing in on the fallen lycan with all the speed his battered body could muster, Lindow lashed out with a double handed slash from the Cleaver just as Lucas was about to regain his footing. The unwieldily blade dug deep into the other man’s right forearm this time, though the pain wasn’t enough to keep the lycan from shoving Lindow several paces backwards with his good hand. Despite the pain, Lindow resolved to keep up pressure. Immediately plucking a throwing blade from his bandolier and tossing it into the wolf’s hide before darting right back into melee range. Every second he could buy Keres was preciouses, meaning that he no longer was afforded the luxury of hit and run tactics. Meeting Lucas with a horizontal slash, Lindow grinned when he saw the wolf dodge backwards to avoid having his face cut. “It’s not over!” The Thunder Chosen barked whilst he ripped his longsword from its scabbard, dragging the blade from Lucas’s hip to shoulder in a flash of crimson. Though something was wrong. The moment his attack ended, Lindow was suddenly filled with dread. He knew this feeling well... it was him who had fallen for the trap! Ignoring the new gash across his body, Lucas snarled before lunging down with his mouth opened wide to snap down on the other man's head. Feeling the wind around him begin to stir, Lindow could do nothing but put his faith in Pan by pivoting to the right and allowing himself to be carried by the familiar gust of magic. The combination of his speed and Pan's spell was enough to barely avoid being devoured, but with the sudden nature of the maneuver meant that Lindow found himself thrown out of melee range yet again. Refusing to halt his assault for even a moment, Lindow brought himself to a sliding halt before closing in again, though this time he planned to release a Discharge the moment he got into range. 
    • Nikolaos ran after the departing trio before they could get very far. “Hey! Wait up!” He stopped when he caught up to them and smiled. “You guys said you’re staying at Hotel Atlantica, right?” “Yeah,” Isaac replied with a smile. “What’s up?” "I'll try to send a message to the front desk for you when the professor finally gets here. Just in case you want to come back. It's only like an 8 minute trip if you hurry. The professor is a good guy. He wouldn't stand us up, I promise." Isaac cast him a look. “Man, I’ll be real with you. At this point, I don’t want anything to do with the professor. He can keep his reward. Thanks anyway, though.” The others nodded their agreement. “Ah, yeah,” Nik pushed his soaking hair back out of his face. “I don’t blame you. This rain really is something else, and, uh…” he looked back at the girl from Borya Town who was currently trying to bash the door down with her freaking mind. “Things are starting to get kind of crazy here.” Nik gave a farewell salute. “Was nice meeting you all! Order some avgolemono soup from the kitchen when you get back to your room. It’ll chase the chill out of your bones faster than a Fire-type.” “Yeeeah,” Isaac drawled the word out. “Not sure I want to stick around for that. I’ll try it though, thanks for the recommendation. Hope I see you around!” He waved before continuing to walk back. Reina gave one last glance at Selini and shook her head before leaving as well. Qadir just turned and left. Nikolaos shouldered his carrying case and walked back toward the waiting group. Most of his attention was on the girl from Borya Town he had spoken with before, who had not mentioned in their conversation she was apparently a PSYCHIC. Which to be honest he thought was fair. It wasn’t exactly something he would tell just anyone if he had been born a psychic. A lot of superstition surrounded the whole thing and people tended to treat psychics differently once they learned about them. Hey. Heeyyyyy. HEY! Can you hear this? Are you reading my mind? Helloooo! I’m wearing pink boxers with moons and little howling Woofes on them right now! Nikolaos watched the girl closely to see if she reacted, but if she had been reading his mind, she was a great actor. She continued to mentally rail against the warehouse door.  The frame was giving way though. It was bending, and then, just as it was about to give way, Nik heard a familiar voice shouting.  “Anna?” Nik spun around just in time to see the cotton-candy haired girl slam into the boy from Galar he had been talking with earlier, sending them both tumbling to the ground. Behind him he distantly heard the sound of the warehouse door slamming into the ground. The whole situation was rapidly devolving into chaos. It only got worse once the street magician from Kalos helped the girl up and the two quickly came to the conclusion that—”You’re gonna blame me?!” Flabbergasted was not a word that Nik used lightly. Mostly because he thought it was a very silly word, and he couldn’t say it with a straight face, but also because it was not an emotional state that came over him with any frequency. His day-to-day life was usually a very predictable thing. Nik was utterly flabbergasted. He was so shocked that when his hair fell past his bandana into his face and became a soggy red curtain that blocked his vision, he barely noticed. “What did I do?” His experience traveling with Anna had been confusing from start to finish. She had stopped them both to chat with wild Pokémon no less than three separate times. “I started running when the rain started and then when I looked back, you had disappeared! I thought—” Nikolaos shook his head like a wet dog and sent tiny drops of water scattering in every direction. “That isn’t important right now. Are you okay man?” Nik walked over and crouched down to offer Shawn his hand, his expression kind and concerned. “Here, take my hand. That was a nasty fall.”  
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