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  • Recent Status Updates

    • Nico

      Well I've never been athletic but ZZZ's style is just so... damn... good. Making a hook rack out of a skateboard? Making a BENCH out of them? I adore that. 

      1. LordCowCow

        I can't take the time to play another Hoyo game but I looove how ZZZ looks visually

      2. Nico

        There's something kinda funny about that for me. I shouldn't really have the time to play another game in general, but I was playing Hi3 before, yet stopped because I heavily wanted to watch/read certain supplementary things and holy 🐮 there are a lot of them. Then I prioritized other things I was watching and reading and what do you know, I technically have one less Hoyo game that I'm doing anything with. But now I'm watching/reading far less because this interested me so much, and here we are. Hope to have the time for it now.

      3. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

        I don't own a 📱 Smart Phone so I really couldn't tell you how good the game is...

        Also I despise 📱 Smart Phones, Mobile Games and anything to do with Mobile Gaming it just seems like a Giant Cash Grab 🤑 to me plus I know alot of people would waste alot of their hard earned Money instead of saving it on important stuff they are tying to pull a 5 Star Waifu from Genshin Impact wasting a couple hundred or thousands of dollars just to pull a hot character and you could always end up spending more money than you would like to just trying to reroll until you get the character you want that is how they make money.

        Yes Yes I know its an unpopular opinion to have but please please 🔥Flame me the game does look nice though.

      4. yui

        i think it's a great game, but element stat hell and substat hell both still existing is kind of a big turnoff imo

    • Cibryll

      Well, here's to hoping our weather doesn't result in a missing roof or something--

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    • Ash

      Fixed width variants of each theme have been added, you can change it at the usual place. This is previous design with the width remaining as it was.

      1. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

        Cool now all that has to be done is to fix Villian's theme with its padding though I think I already talked your ear off about that again sorry.

    • Supreme Slayer

      I was told that this forum was devoid of AI, but the discord linked at the top has a bot for creating AI images.

      1. Show previous replies  2 more
      2. Ash

        Discord link has been removed, also no idea what that is.

      3. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

        @Ash look at this wikipedia artcile https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastodon_(social_network)

        Also I thought this site had a Discord or YCM no?

      4. Ash

        See my previous comment RE discord, it exists but essentially has no bearing on this site anymore and is pretty dead.

        I'm really not sure what purpose that would serve given the current size of the community.

      5. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

        Also I forgot to copy the link of the Discord I don't have a Discord but Discord still let's you preview servers could you still pass me the link?

      6. View All Replies
    • UltimateIRS

      USA!! USA!! USA!!

      1. This update has no replies.
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