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Everything posted by radio414

  1. It's going to take me a bit to get used to the non-Halloween logo

    1. Summer Darj

      Summer Darj

      @Tormented Christmas logo?! yesh! will it have lights too?

    2. Ash


      I dunno yet I haven't thought ahead that far.

    3. Thar


      No excuse for the "O" not to be a wreath, just saying.

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  2. I wanted to post this as Larry but there was no way I was justifying Larry knowing about Ken Ashcorp
  3. >Saying Larry's game "kind of died" >as if it was ever really alive to begin with >greentext on the wrong website, idiot Like Larry said, I don't mind; yours kind of stole the spotlight anyway, so the fact that people engaged at all with some silly pictures I pulled off of Google is good enough for me.
  4. I'm no good at greetings... Qwerty? Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ. -1 Peter 5:14 (NIV) I was Larry the Cucumber. Surprise! Except not a surprise, I'm sure, given that I play a similar character in the Yugioh Skies RP so I'm sure my fellow RPers figured it out right away. They're both Christians and they both get the long posts. It probably didn't take long. Yeah, basically the idea was, hey, I've got experience playing Christian characters, I was raised pretty hard as a Lutheran (up to and including, like, a decade of an Outdoorsy Bible-y Summer Camp (it wasn't an indoctrination. I'm fine. I'm fine)), and most importantly, I'm long-winded enough online to at least look like I know what I'm talking about when people inevitably ask "the tough questions" in the inevitable Larry AMA. And all that worked! And what didn't (specifically: the game thread and maybe the second half of "Rescuing Larry"), I can pretty easily identify where it happened and if anything needs fixed for next time. But I had a lot of fun finding silly things and answering questions and wondering if vegetables have souls (they don't, according to Veggietales' creators. Weak Source But Still A Source Larry wouldn't lie about that) and generally being cheery and upbeat. It was difficult when schoolwork got in the way but I tried to keep myself to one status post, one update to the game thread, and one Miscellaneous post a day. As long as I did that (and managed to keep my AMA running when people asked something), I'd be fine. I probably could have interacted with other monsters more. Sorry about that! Those that were posting seemed like they were doing pretty great. So about those specifics: The game thread was kind of cobbled together at the last minute, like "Oh, I have all these points and nothing to use them on, what do?" so the fact that people engaged at all was gratifying to me. I'm not going to promise that I'll try harder in that regard next time, but everyone else did a lot of things that I'll take into consideration. By the way, the last day didn't get an image (it was probably going to be the "Allow us to introduce ourselves" template) because I was... otherwise engaged. I didn't mean for Larry to get posessed. I was brainstorming status ideas and remembered that Cowcow had given Larry the Necronomicon, and I figured I'd engage with that. People seemed to respond pretty well, so I did a follow-up that night which blossomed into the first Miscellaneous post a few hours later (I may be blurring the timeline a bit but :shrug emoji:). That also got a good response and I noticed Kurumi engaging with it, so Yui and I got together on Discord to form the cryptograms. I think it overall went pretty well, though I did have to laugh when Mr Spaz commented something like "I was raised Catholic and I like cryptograms." My only weakness! There was an engagement dropoff in the final meta-puzzle, which I'm not super sure how I could have handled better. The first hints, in retrospect, were probably kind of garbage, but the last one also felt too obvious? If there's anything I'd like feedback on, it's probably that. A couple final remarks. First: I see this, and I agree with you. If you want my opinion, there should probably be a rule against using Zalgo in post titles? Like, not in the bodies of posts, but I can see how it could get out of hand if more people did it. Second, because I insist on citing sources for these things, the first cryptogram was Matthew 6:9-13 (NIV), the second was Luke 4:34-35 (NIV), and the last was Psalm 23:4 (NIV). Larry's first "posessed" post came from Caleb's dying speech at the climax of The VVitch (written and directed by Robert Eggers), and his second was, as pointed out, most of the final paragraph from Thomas De Quincy's Levana and Our Ladies of Sorrow, which you can read here if you're curious. It's not too long. Anyway, I've probably rambled on long enough. Glad you all seemed to enjoy it, and if you didn't, well, I still love you.
  5. “But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.” -Matthew 12:36 (NIV) Gabriela laughed and called Melissa funny. Which was odd because she wasn’t trying to be. Like, funny how? At the risk of derailing her train of thought, funny how? Like a clown? Was she just meant to play the fool, acting for Gabriela’s amusement? That itself was a weird thought, one that broke through Melissa’s barriers because it was probably true, wasn’t it? Why wouldn’t it be? But before Melissa could ask Gabriela about it, Gabriela was already somewhere else, declaring her inevitable dominance over everyone in the entire school (which seemed a bit excessive) before whipping around and challenging Melissa. “Perhaps we could have a duel sometime. I would like to see which of us is faster.” As if that helped. Didn’t she just say that she didn’t often? That she tried to get them over with as quickly as possible? This was a trap, and Melissa had fallen right into- “Oho? Well, you have a long way to climb to reach his throne, o princess of darkness.” Oh, Jes- NO Had Jun been there the whole time? Melissa tried to run through everything she’d said, wondering what Jun had overheard and what Melissa had only said in her head. The line blurred real quick, which only made Melissa more nervous. There was a duel happening in the background. Melissa didn’t care. More specifically, she didn’t care about that one, but now that Jun was here… ”Nothing says true friendship like a friendly duel between friends. Friendly,” Jun said. She did a little motion with her arms but her sleeves obscured most of it. What was that supposed to mean? Melissa imagined word getting out. She imagined word spreading all over campus and then all of a sudden she was thrust into a spotlight she was in no way ready for, and branching off from there was an endless array of possibilities. Most of them were bad. But on the other hand? If she said no? Word would probably get out anyway, and while “Melissa the Coward” or whatever unfortunate label the greater high school consciousness deigned to give her wasn’t by itself worse than the occasional “weird nun girl” she already got, the additional infamy was not something she wanted to deal with. Not with her (worryingly) increasingly growing list of acquaintances who were infinitely more sociable than her and who Melissa wasn’t entirely positive they wouldn’t gossip. Ashley Rendleman knew who she was! And… And also Gabriela would probably be disappointed. And Melissa would be disappointed in herself. Past all the fear and worrying, Melissa did want to spend more time with her without the hubbub of a dance. Something on her terms. “I guess…” Melissa said, her voice still hedging a bit even if her mind was as close to made up as it was going to get. “But, um, not at an arena or anything like that. Maybe at CoffeeCards? Or at one of our dorms?” She looked back. “Also, hi, Jun. Enjoying the show?”
  6. I don't mean to be a rules lawyer, but I've gotta spend this first post somehow. I'm willing to let the issue die pretty quick in any case. To clarify, British Soul's post after your first announcement counted for the "last post of the day" rule and not Darj's Also, is the penalty for breaking rule 1 still one life? (Paging @Uncle Death)
  7. 10 Tempting televised televangelists trippingly trounced tackly trusting tourists, taxing tensions
  8. 8 Eleven ecstatic emissaries -- elevating evangelicalism -- ended everyone's ennui
  9. Madame Blueberry A singular episode of want versus need
  10. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Blueberry @British Soul
  11. (that's a shard of glass, in case it's not clear) edit: rip
  12. Alright, here's what I've found so far. Found these in her AMA, her About Me page, her Zombie Hunt game, and this thread. I'm thinking they link up (that's why the one image), but if they don't, at least that progress.
  13. If you were a piece of French toast, would you say that life was... pain?
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