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LordCowCow last won the day on July 26

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About LordCowCow

  • User Group: Moderator

  • Member ID: 5

  • Title: One Thing

  • Post Count: 3,654

  • Post Ratio: 1.80

  • Total Rep: 864

  • Member Of The Days Won: 231

  • Joined: 01/03/2019

  • Been With Us For: 2032 Days

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  • Age: 30


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  1. No, it's polls. As in people nominate Pokemon and I set up polls where the forum votes on their favorites.
  2. Debating seperating the part of the Poll Tournament directory where I link finished tournaments into spoilers based on year the tournament started since its starting to get kinda lengthy.

    Unsure if it should be the date of the first thread or the nomination thread.

    ....Also Pokemon Poll tournament nominations is up

  3. Aaaand its that time again! For the annual Pokemon polls tournament! Rules Nominations (0/64?)
  4. Maybe I'm an idiot but I can't really tell a difference in this "version"? Either way 8.5/10 of course its good
  5. Being totally honest Chomper was doing better than Shawn had expected. Usually by about now he'd think the lazy Pokemon would have given up and either take a nap or return to his Pokeball. Perhaps it was due to just how many people there were. Or maybe he felt like he couldn't stop when the other Pokemon was also fighting hard. Either way Shawn didn't think he could keep it up much longer without some help. Which is when he heard what Anna had said. Starter Pokemon was it? "Only three? Were you gonna have that whole crowd fight to the death for one of em or somethin?" Shawn couldn't help but snark at the obvious oversight. One of the Pokemon-less had already made their way over to take one of them. Shawn was sure the other guy wouldn't have much trouble getting to it, after all he had been the one that was going for them in the first place, which just left.... "Hey, Useless." He said towards Chigusa, using the word she had used before. "Those Pokemon are probably better in a fight. So get over there and take one already." He figured out pretty quickly that she would struggle to reach them. Especially if the Crowdent began to swarm her. "Ya know what, c'mere." He said. Shawn reached down to grab her hand but paused and switched to grabbing her sleeve instead. He then proceeded to half drag her in the direction of the Starters. "Chomper, over ere'." He said, calling his Pokemon back towards them to keep the Crowdent away. "Use Leer!" While the move mostly served to lower defense he hoped that it would keep the wimpier Pokemon from attacking. If they did still attack he'd have Chomper hit them with a Scratch. It would be enough to keep them away until he got Chigusa over to the other Pokemon. "This had better be worth it!" Shawn called out towards Anna. "If these Pokemon are a buncha wimps I swear I'm abandoning your arses!"
  6. As Trevor's lightning attack cut across the air towards Morgan she directed the, still burning, remains of the canopy to move out in front of her. The roots exploded from the impact and the force of it made her move backwards with her broom and grab onto her hat to keep it from flying off. However she was still otherwise unharmed. Still, she looked upset. Perhaps it was her skeleton's untimely demise. Or maybe the taunting from both Melissa and Trevor. Whatever the case she was frowning deeply and looking at the trio with narrowed eyes. "Fine then!" She said, tossing her hands in the air. "I guess I'll have to teach you all a lesson. Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true!" BGM Morgan kept one of her hands up in the air and above her several more flaming skulls appeared. And then several more. Ten. Twenty. Thirty. Forty. Fifty of the things appeared in a wide screen above her head. "Bow down before the true master of magic!" She shouted. "You haven't even scratched the surface yet!" She raised her other hand and the scattered bones of the skeleton giant got up. They didn't form together like before but instead they began to approach the trio on their own. The skull floated, clacking its teeth, towards Fen. The hands, feet, arms, and leg bones began hopping their way in Trevor's direction. And the scattered ribs and various sharp bits launched themselves at Melissa and her angel. And then the ground rumbled and six roots, much thicker than the others, burst from the ground and moved to encircle them all. "Let's see if you can avoid this!" She sneered as she began to rain flaming skulls on them.
  7. Not exactly a song so not sure how to rate but it was amusing and unexpected
  8. If I had to go I suppose exploding in my chair would be only fitting. But really its fascinating how much I don't know about things that I use so often I would never have even considered this.
  9. 8.5/10 I feel the end wasn't as strong but still overall pretty sick
  10. They were victorious. Though looking around you might not think so. Reinaan was propped up against a tree. Unconscious and only barely a step away from critical condition. As he was he could be felled by tripping and falling. Damien too was still unconscious and the only sign of life from him was the way that he gripped his sword tightly. The two elves both were exhausted and battered to the point that they could barely prop themselves up to survey the scene. Madeline had collapsed down onto her knees the second that Lindow had finished off the lycan leader. It was clear she wanted to say some sort of snarky remark but she was even too worn out to do that. Keres was still standing but that only lasted a moment. She attempted to step towards the others and simply toppled to the side and landed on the ground with a thud. "Ow." She winced. "I...do not believe...I can move." She said. Keres felt her eyelids grow heavy and knew that she wouldn't be able to fight it off for long. Before she slipped into slumber she said a simple phrase that, despite her usual tone, managed to convey some emotion after all. "We...did well, didn't we?" Only Lindow and Ryia were still standing but for both of them it was a struggle. The bodies of the lycans remained around them and the fire that they had set had burned down to cinders so the entire clearing was shrouded in shadows and soon they would not be able to even see where their companions lay. Still, they had to keep going. At least to gather everyone close together and remove the corpses before some sort of carrion beast decided to come in to finish them off for the easy meal. Only Lucas's head, which had yet to revert back to human form, was kept nearby as they still needed it if they were to enter the elven city. Despite their weariness the Chosen would feel a strength surge in them as the spirits collected the energy from the powerful foe. There would be no watch that night. Only the hope that the intense struggle scared off any other would be predators. This battle was over but they still had work to do. But, for now, these remaining warriors had to lay themselves to rest. If only for a moment. The Demon Gate still waited.
  11. I really had no idea what to do for the numbers. I think I saw another slime token thing that had those stats and went with it? If could get away with 500 LP then that sounds fun too. The rare times I think of card ideas I probably think of them very differently from most because I basically am 95% theme and 5% viability lol I like the idea of making cards that aren't necessarily gonna be used outside of casual for fun play. Not to say I don't like suggestions and such.
  12. At first was like "it's okay" then he popped off, 8/10
  13. With the lights on Thessa could see the full, incredibly amusing, picture. The non-combatants as it were were huddled in the corner and Caesar and Dvno were planted up against the ceiling. She felt the effects of the gravity on her body but it wasn't strong enough to make enough of a difference. She went over towards a table and threw it up in Caesar's direction. The moment it left her hand she began towards the duo and leapt up to where Dvno was. As she had suspected Dvno dealt with the table quickly, giving a "LEFT" command and launching it to the side. However it was too late to stop Thessa herself and she thrust her palm upwards and into their face. With enough force to break the helmet. She grabbed both of them and pulled them back to the ground. But when she let go they immediately began floating back up towards the ceiling. Somewhat amused by this she let Dvno float back up but grabbed onto Caesar's wrist as he moved upwards. Holding him as if she would hold a balloon. "Get your hands off of me!" Caesar said, trying his best to exert his power in the face of his defeat. "I'll go with you if you insist but at least give me the dignity of not being dragged." Thessa considered this for a moment but countered with, "well you can't go with me if you're stuck to the ceiling ya know." "I can walk. I can walk, see?" He took a step on the ceiling as if to demonstrate this fact. "I'm sure Dvno's power will fade over time like Ebony's did, too." "Well, okay, then let's get going. Oh and if you try anything I won't hold back. SOMETHING on you will break. Like this." She slammed her fist the nearest table and broke it in half to demonstrate. Caesar nodded meekly, eyeing the new broken table, and then suddenly he fell to the floor. Thessa snorted. "Oh hey, it's 'over time' already!" She then finally remembered the controller and went to go pick it up, The controller was smoking at this point. There was residue on the ground where it was lying from the casing melting. It looked like it would catch fire if you looked at it wrong. "Huh, is it supposed to do that?" That seemed to qualify as looking at it wrong because it did in fact catch fire. "We tried to warn him," one of the scientists said. "It's trying to send too much information, and it can't regulate itself. A cascade like this was always going to happen." "Guess I don't hafta bring that with, then, looks like it'll break itself before long." She probably could have carried the flaming thing out but she also didn't feel any particular desire to. So with a shrug she looked at Caesar and sad, "Well buddy, there's lots of people who want to have a chat with you. Let's not keep them waiting. Maybe if your giant monster thing is still standing I can go take care of that too." As they went to leave the room she smirked and said, "oh yeah, I almost forgot why I came here first. Keeping me waiting. Underestimating me. If you wanna be the boss of a whole gang you really should learn how to recognize those better than you."
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