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About LordCowCow

  • User Group: Moderator

  • Member ID: 5

  • Title: One Thing

  • Post Count: 3,740

  • Post Ratio: 1.80

  • Total Rep: 877

  • Member Of The Days Won: 238

  • Joined: 01/03/2019

  • Been With Us For: 2080 Days

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  • Age: 31


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  1. You can form a team using one pokemon from each battle types in Unite what you rocking with? https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/pokemon/
  2. All this sneaking made Sabrina feel itchy. She wanted to break the silence and just charge in so bad that she was visibly shaking. She had never liked these kind of segments in games. Never saw the point when it was much more fun to fail and get to beat up the bad guys. But she held it in for the rest of them. She hoped they understood the great struggle she was going through. When they stopped by a building she thought that this was the time that they'd be able to stop skulking around but no, Marshall used the universal "shut your trap" sign and she had to stop herself from sighing. She got closer to listen in as well but couldn't hear much more than shuffling about. So she decided to inch her way towards the old wooden door nearby and listen from there. “no no no filthy - dusty - unacceptable. I must - this must be perfect. No no when did that - ah the king will never…” The shuffling stopped at mention of a king and then a bit later picked up again as did the rambling which sounded like more of the same. The actual words didn't shock her nearly as much as the fact...that they were using words at all. In her shock she forgot all pretense of stealth and quickly opened the door and burst into the room. It was a small, somewhat rundown, looking home. Furnished with a few chairs, a table, and some shelves. Another door was at the opposite end of the small building. Near the table, fidgeting with some candles, was a buffalo man. He wore ratty clothing, no armor, and didn't look armed. The creature gave a look of alarm and fright and let out a snorting sort of shout at her entrance. She wanted to say something cool and heroic but instead she just pointed at him and blurted out "You can talk!?" BGM “Ah! So they’ve finally come - you’ve come for me I see! Well I’ll - I won’t,” he grabbed a nearby candle holder and pointed at Sabrina menacingly. “I won’t have a hairless heretic get the best of me!” The makeshift weapon hardly registered to hr. Neither did the strange claim that she had come here for her. What really got her attention was something in the latter half. Pouting, Sabrina put her hands on her hips and said, "I am NOT hairless. I have just enough hair thank you very much!" The buffalo was hyperventilating for a few moments before his breathing began to slow and he sized Sabrina up with his eyes. "...So you do...." then a look of realization hit him as he shouted, “y-you speak!?” "That's what I'm saying!" She replied. "Can you all speak? All this time?" “Of course I can - I haven’t lost my mind yet - no no I am quite sane. More than the traitors - the heretics the,” he started to breathe heavier and angrier before slowing down and looking at Sabrina more curiously, “does that mean some yet still live? The blood of royals still exists after all, ahaha,” his rage turned to elation as he began to laugh, and then looked at her again. “Though you seem awfully lacking as one of Storm’s descendants.” While this buffalo could talk he was very clearly bad at manners. And had poor taste to boot. "Lacking? I don't lack anything! I'm the legendary hero Dracona! The one who will save the entire world! Maybe your eyesight is lacking did you think of that?" “Legend? Legend…I have heard of no such Dracona before…” the man mulled this over, and then glanced at Sabrina. And then really squinted, looking side to side at her head. “My eyesight is quite fine! I see now, Storms blessing yes…you have four ears.” "That's right I....huh?" Four ears? She moved her hands up to her normal ears and then began to feel around for any other ears that might have popped up. Then she looked behind her to see if any of the others had followed and could confirm that she only had two ears. It seemed that she had completely forgotten that they were still in enemy territory.
  3. Definitely want to do at least one more Poll Tournament before end of year. Likely another video game one. Probably 3DS, PS4, Xbox 360, or SNES

  4. 7.5/10 was very good but got a liiiittle samey
  5. It was a wild ride, a lot of close matches and only a few blowouts, the 6th annual Pokemon Poll tournament is over! In 4th place a newer comer, Fuecoco! In 3rd place, and old timer, Slowbro! In 2nd place, my personal favorite, made it within 1 vote of first, Tapu Lele! But the grand champion, the 6th winner and the final of the "canon" NCM Team, Whimsicott! Art by bluekomadori
  6. The Pokemon polls final (and 3rd place) match is up!

  7. The rest of the night passed uneventfully and they were able to get a night's rest without being disturbed. Which brought with it the next morning and something rather surprising. Though before then if any of them were to check the news feed that would automatically pop up on their watches in the morning they would find that the big news story of the day was "Plants In Pants concert delayed due to security being turned into pumpkins". At first, beyond that odd headline, everything seemed normal that day. That is until one of them were to go downstairs. Once they did they would find something in the hallway. Laying in the middle of the hallway near the front door, curled up in a ball, was a girl. At first glance she seemed mostly human. However a second look would reveal a long lizard-like tail. A third look and one might notice the patches of scales that were all over her body. These were clearly visible as the girl did not have anything on to cover her body. She wasn't doing anything but laying there and appeared to be fast asleep without a care in the world.
  8. The group had some time to catch their breath but it wouldn't be long before they felt compelled to leave this room and go through the door which had unlocked and had started to open when the final enemy had fallen. Once again they found themselves on a familiar staircase heading farther down into the depths of the dungeon. The door at the other end opened up into a tunnel. The floors were entirely dirt, and in many areas quite mucky, and now and then they could see stone slabs that looked to be grave markers along each side of the tunnel. It was wide enough that six people could walk side by side down it and it stretched quite a ways ahead. Off in the distance they could see the doorway. Unlike other floors this one didn't have a door in it at all and was completely open. The ceiling was only seven to eight feet high, close enough to fairly easily touch if they wanted, and seemed to be dirt as well. As though they had just walked into a tunnel dug out under the ground. Beyond that they could see....nothing. No enemies were in sight. Beyond being a distance away there didn't seem to be anything to stop them from going straight across and through the opening to the next floor. At least that is what it seemed as they stood in the entrance and looked into the room.
  9. Semifinals of the Pokemon polls are up, top 4!

  10. That was a journey, 8/10 That was technically music, lmao, 5.5/10
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