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    • As Sibyl had landed in the new chambers through the pipe she had taken to reach here, she looked around to see that she ended up in some kind of strange mutli-tubed, steam beating, metallic box of a room. Sibyl wasn't a particularly smart individual but she knew enough to know this place was important, with the large electric tower in the center giving that away. While this girl was ready to destroy this metallic machine heart, she could here and see the steam that she had tried to avoid before coming down a tube into the room she was currently in. Already hot as it was the girl wasn't ready to become Steamed Sibyl, and so she stretched her arms to the nearest opening, grabbing on either end of the entryway and pulled herself into the room. With the steam having missed her, she was now alone with just the metal tower, and with a grin on her face said, "this looks important. So I bet Caesar would mind a lot if I busted you up!"  The girl sent a punch towards the tower, only for the shimmering wall around it to shudder a little and deflect her fist backwards. Before the girl could send another punch, though, two more guests made of steam entered the room. One was the smoke cape from earlier today, Censer, with another muscular guy who she could only promptly ask, "who the hell are you?" All the same with her four limbs she sent two towards Censer, one to the man and one to the tower. Unfortunately for her Censer had summoned up a wall of smoke - or steam in this case - to block her attacks. The man as well had deflected her attack, meeting fist with fist. However as the two collided Sibyl was suddenly swept off her feet, a giant gust of wind being blown out from his hand that knocked her off her feet.  Pulling her hands that were dealing with Censer back to her, and pushing off the ground with those Sibyl got back to standing upright. Annoyance was starting to be clear on her face, the sauna like heat of the room she was in only making her irritation grow. "A dead man is what you are then." With a low growl, the girl grew two more shadow tentacles out of her back before going into a sprint towards the man. Since she figured his punches were the source of his power, all she had to do was keep him from using them.  As she stretched out her various appendages to restrain his arms, the steam man simply struck the ground to leap into the air, continuing to fire off air blasts to maneuver in the air away from her. "Get back here!" Though the girl had shouted towards the man, her attention seemed split between her various objectives. Sending two arms to the control tower, with two others going to attempt to clap the man in mid air, both of which failed. The tower punches had been stopped by Censer turning into a cloud of steam smoke themselves, and restraining her arms, while the man above had made another punch to propel himself away from Sibyl's hands. However, as he was now with his arms extended, he could not evade the tentacles from Sibyl's back wrapping around his legs. Dragging him back to the earth, slamming him on the metal plated ground underneath. With her hands already above him, the girl clasped them together before bringing them down and slamming the man below, causing him to discorporate into hot steam that harmlessly dispersed.  Looking at the steam wall in between her and the tower, the girl growled again as she brought back her hands that were pinned back towards her, only to bring the steam cloud with them. The steam cloud soon transformed back into Censer's original body form, their foot coming straight towards Sibyl's body. With all of her appendages at her side, rather than bring them up Sibyl instead opted to face the problem head on. A horn of shadow grew out of her forehead, only to then headbutt the foot straight on. Steam Censer discorporate back into steam, passing through Sibyl before grabbing her by the neck and dragging her to the ground. Practically snarling at this point, Sibyl shifted the tentacles on her back into mantis blades, scything them backwards and grabbing hold of Censer to bring them back to the ground too. Shifting two of her arms to tendrils, the girl then reached back with them and wrapped around Steam Censer's neck squeezing so tight as to crush it before the steam exploded harmlessly.  Picking herself back up, her breath growing heavier from the heat around her, the girl looked at the tower. As the shadows began to form around her, growing out from her appendages to cover more of her torso, she said, "alright. Time for round two."   
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