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    • He would've grabbed the water to nurse on it...but it was still clutched by the girl. Luckily, he was able to prevent it falling...thank goodness for that. Once it was prevented, Trevor started to nurse on it... "That woman again...she keeps coming here to try and 'interview' Tegur. Apparently she thinks that him and Miss Mauvache...Why am I telling you this? Hey if you're friends with that woman tell her to lay off...if you're not friends tell her too. But less nicely. Unless...you didn't tell her anything that could be used against him right? You know you're the one who asked for the drink it isn't his fault you're like this." "F-Fret not..." he groaned, shaking his head slightly while he kept nursing on the water. "Tegur wasn't brought up in our conversations...simply just myself...and unfortunately, I believe the way I happened to find myself now...would be used against myself. So, that'll need some explaining to do." Trevor continued to sip the water, understanding the general desire that this waitress had to protect her employer. It was noble for sure. "Nevertheless, I'll probably finish this...and once I'm not as inebriated...I'll take my leave. Thank you." he said with a weak smile. It was a few hours...few long hours to be exact...but Trevor eventually felt good to go. A little buzzed, but not like he once was. He was able to make his way back to the home base, about the time the others eventually arrived. The young sorcerer walked in through the door a bit after Melissa, taking a long drawn out sigh. "...I may need you all to remind me...if and when I decide to visit Tegur's bar again..." he said, rubbing the bridge of his nose with a groan. "...to not have him choose what drink I'll be having. When I tell you that dark mead will turn your world upside down...I do indeed mean it..."
    • 8.5/10 very cool and energetic nice voice too
    • As the two were beginning to walk back home, Fen started to ponder on Kelsey's question. "Hmm, well, I'd certainly say that I have um, plenty of people I'd like to get back to. I don't know if I've mentioned before but I work, mostly, full time in an adventurers guild. Er, um, I don't know if they have that where you're from but it's not too different from what we do here. So I have plenty of friends, or well at least acquaintances and the like, that I'm sure I'd like to get back to. And I'm sure there's at least a few that'd be concerned that I just up and disappeared but well..." As Fen remembered some of her more closer friends a troubled look then crossed her face, "oh, I uh, also helped out a lot with the clerical and housekeeping stuff...I hope they can manage without me there for awhile."  Remembering something from earlier the girl added then, "oh, but, well I've already seen someone else from my guild here - his name is Percival that is. And well, I hardly think that I'm the strongest fighter from my own guild so perhaps I won't have to wait to see the others too?" Fen spoke with a smile though she couldn't help but remember the things that bothered her about Percival's being here from before. All the same, wanting to get off the troubling topic Fen shifted it back to Kelsey as she said, "so, um, how about yourself? Do you have others back home to get back to?" Though she had largely repeated the same question to Kelsey she couldn't help but feel that there was something rude or insensitive about her asking someone like that. Not that she had minded answering for herself but she hardly had any idea what Kelsey's own situation was like back at her planet. "Uh, if that's fine, that is."    As she was getting things ready for dinner, the girl heard that someone else had entered into their apartment. "Oh, hello there Melissa. I was just getting things ready for dinner so if anything you're just in time." When asked about her day Fen added, "oh it was great. I uh, asked for Kelsey's help in exploring the city and she was a great tour guide. Did you know about this place called an aquarium, or the sport of boxing?"
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