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    • The behemoth of a wolf had been struck with several blows that would prove fatal to most creatures yet still he stood. Normally with him being wounded as he was one would think Lindow's block would have been enough to put a stop to his attack. And it was true that he was able to, with great effort, push the claw away from its intended path. However the wounded beast let out a pained snarl and twisted to swing his other arm back at Lindow. In doing so the wounds Lindow had delivered opened up more but it didn't stop Lucas. The lycan hit Lindow with his arm, unable to easily reach with his claw due to closeness, and sent the Chosen back several feet and into the ground. With some of his organs pierced, a large wound in his abdomen and back, and other various lighter wounds it was almost impossible that he should still be fighting. And yet there he stood. "Pathetic." His distorted voice came from his muzzle. "Do you really think you can stop me? I am a Lycan! We are born to hunt. Born to kill! We exist to fight beings you humans weren't able to! I won't be put down by a pathetic race that could not even fight their own battles!" This gave Keres pause. She knew the stories, rumors some might say, and the things Lucas was saying sounded awfully similar to some things that had been written about the history of the world. She wanted to know more...yet it was far past that. There was no time to try and get more information out of him. And he wouldn't stop until he was dead. When Lindow had said what he did Keres had snapped out of her uncertainty and immediately merged with Flux. Even with the powers of a Chosen she could tell that she was pushing herself. This entire journey into the forest she hadn't felt she had truly been able to rest but she wasn't going to let that stop her. Not here when it was most important. She had to be ready for a final push. Similarly Cym was pushing herself as well. Pushing herself up off the ground by planting her sword into it. She was dazed, yes, but she could still stand. And if she could stand she could move. And if she could move she could fight...At least that's what she hoped. Lucas seemed to sense that Keres was up to something and, after letting loose a chilling howl, he made the decision to take her out first. He wasn't ignoring the others, and in fact when he began to move he headed towards Ryia first, but he quickly changed course and began moving faster than before towards the young mage.  
    • "Didn't think you knew how to the sneaky..." Lindow smirked at Ryia's ingenuity as he dashed forward the moment Lucas's attention was split by the clever use of her spirit's magic. It was his turn to show off his spirit's gifts. Gripping his right wrist tightly with his left hand, the familiar chirping of thunder magic danced around him whilst he reached out towards his target.  "Third Blade!" Lindow's voiced rang with power. The Third Blade's cyan light appeared in an instant, racing forward in jagged arcs before finally stabilizing into a blade of magic that pierced cleanly through Lucas's torso. "Tsk," Lindow's gaze narrowed as he locked eyes with his foes once more. He was sure his attack and hit something vital, but it seemed it still wasn't enough to put the other man down... How much longer could the could keep fighting with such a wound though? Lucas let out a viscous snarl even as blood began dripping from his maw. Lindow snarled right back, gripping his wrist to begin dragging the Third Blade up through the Lycan's massive torso towards the heart. He found himself unable to make a serious progress however, with Lucas flexing his monstrous physique to halt the blade's advance as he begun slowly trudging forward towards Lindow despite further impaling himself.  "What are you waiting for, little Keres!?" With Lucas closing the distance, Lindow could only spare a second to glance the Water Chosen's direction. "Show me that same power that stopped the Fire Elemental." Drawing his Cleaver, Lindow shifted his the Third Blade to an underhanded position before running forward to meet Lucas in the middle. As he approached with the Bandit Cleaver over his shoulder his senses scanned feverishly any signs of Lucas's next move. The window would be brief but with all the compounded injuries and the Third Blade hindering his foe's movement, Lindow was betting he could manage a counter this time. His opportunity came the moment the pair were at arm's lengths. In an instant a massive hand appeared inches from his face, forcing Lindow to veer to the left to avoid having his head palmed like an apple. Lucas's claw grazed his cheek as he retracted the Third Blade and quickly shifted its shape to a cutting edge before aligning it with the Bandit Cleaver. With another roar, the Thunder Chosen sprang forward with all the speed he could muster, slicing into the lycan's abdomen with blades of steel and magic on the pass.   There was no moment of reprieve, however. Responding was outstanding quickness, Lucas turned and swiped at the Thunder Chosen's back despite the attack he just suffered. Lindow responded instinctively, stepping away whilst hastily positioning the Bandit Cleaver's flat side over his back cover himself and divert the werewolf's attack towards the ground. 
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