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Status Updates posted by Ash

  1. Hey, that's Hell you're walking into.

    1. radio414
    2. Thar


      Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

    3. Cibryll


      I've been to worse.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  2. This is a @LordCowCow call out post.

    Bitch never gifts back in PokemonGO.

    1. Ash


      gimme ur code

    2. LordCowCow


      I barely get out ?

      And there's no nearby stops

    3. The Warden

      The Warden

      How very dare them.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. Microsoft Edge feels great now it runs off the chromium back end, was using firefox for a couple of years but just made the jump to edge and it feels great rn. Would recommend.

    1. yui


      blink twice if bill gates is holding you hostage

    2. Thar


      what are they paying you

    3. Ash


      I know, I know but honestly I'm liking it.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  4. This feels... appropriate?

    1. Ash


      Perhaps but I'M COOL ENOUGH

    2. Ash


      Actually this seems more appropriate.

    3. LordCowCow


      I can agree with the latter

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  5. My stand is Falling Pizza

  6. I've now setup daily database backups so all data is secure for every day. ?

    1. Thar


      In case our dear admin accidently disables the server and forgets about it cause he's too busy roleplaying in GTA.

    2. Ash


      I haven't done that in a good while tbf @Thar so we should be safe ?

    3. mido9


      nopixel soon(tm)

  7. fyi all there's a discord thing going around right now where someone messages you wanting to test their game, do not open it.

    Yes I opened it, yes I was trying to be polite, yes things were almost immediately charged to my account and yes I should've realized sooner.

    1. Thar


      oof, that's unfortunate

    2. Comrade Duck

      Comrade Duck

      Thanks for the headsup.

    3. norI worK

      norI worK

      hey wanna test my game

  8. TinyPic dying actually makes me feel old, and sad.

    1. Zai


      We are old and sad.

    2. Thar


      Imgur is better anyway.

    3. Ash


      It is and I've been using it exclusively for ages, it just was the go to for a lot of people back in the day.

  9. really random stretch of a question but does anyone know any pixel artists that I could ask a couple of questions too or if you have experience with pixel art even better.

    Trying to make it so animations aren't jittering about with micro difference using a set frame format, but making micro adjustments on every single frame each time doesn't seem like the smart way to do it?

    1. norI worK

      norI worK

      If you could get ahold of Poc from YCM he could maybe show ya. He's as old as I am. Pre 500 members. He popped in every now and then still on YCM. He's quite talented with pixels

    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      How long of an animation are we talking?

    3. Ash


      @ass I'll see if I can drop a dm or smthng ty


      @(TheOtherYuya) 54 in total but it's a sprite sheet so 4 frames per animation

  10. neocardmaker.com is still the best, most-well designed, efficient, responsive, and aesthetically pleasing yugioh card maker on the planet.

    1. UltimateIRS


      Well yes, most people come here just for cardmaker because it is better some others.

    2. Hina's Simp

      Hina's Simp

      fuck outta here ycm is better

    3. Thar


      School Days

  11. My PS4 broke and I can no longer play/complete kingdom hearts 3 

    just kill me

  12. I've been debating on doing a blog or something where I talk/play old abandonware PC titles. Curious if people would be interested at all, I've been downloading a bunch lately and think it could potentially be fun?

    1. radio414
    2. Horu


      You do you. I'd like to see you playing these old titles on youtube. But that's up to you.

    3. Comrade Duck
  13. You got a discord homie

    1. Ash


      Bumping this in case you missed it @Yemachu

    2. Yemachu


      Haven't really had time to reply yesterday due to a Christmas party with my colleagues. I will look into it during the weekend.

    3. Ash


      Sorry, just know you're a busy man so just making sure it wasn't missed.

      And awesome, I'm on discord on the daily so would be the best place for us to communicate (I mean I'm here as well but I like the real time nature of discord vs PMs and the like)

  14. Who gave this man an @everyone button ?

    1. MetalSonic


      The same madman that gave him a shield.

    2. Ash


      Is it a shield with a pointy bit.

    3. Thar


      More like a pointy bit with a shield.

  15. I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand.

    1. Thar


      Don't believe me, may god strike me down and turn me to glass.

    2. yui


      Poseidon quivers before him!

    3. MetalSonic


      I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

  16. Tomorrow is national Black Eagles day.

    1. LordCowCow
    2. Blake


      Down with deer, up with Black Eagles.

      granted, i think most people are gonna end up hating the eagles...

    3. Phantom Roxas

      Phantom Roxas

      Meanwhile I'm over here representing Blue Lions.

      Claude is also good, though.

  17. Happy birthday @Sleepy

    1. Nyx


      Happy Birthday, @Sleepy!


    2. LordCowCow


      Oooh so many birthdays happy birthday Sleepy!

    3. Sleepy


      aww thanks you guys n.n
      and that drawing's super cute.

  18. Had to restore to a backup of the database, if any significant content was lost please let me know and I'll see what I can do to restore it.

    1. yui


      my post in this RP thread went missing if it's not too much trouble

    2. radio414


      missing a post in this thread also

    3. Nyx


      Ohhhhh! That would explain why the reply to my thread was lost.

  19. Any Final Fantasy XIV players in the chat room.

    If yes which servers/data centres do you play on?

    1. UltimateIRS




    2. yui


      Gilgamesh gang!

    3. Ash


      Chaos - Ragnarok here rip, data center travel cannot come any sooner.

  20. 68cc7d12-46bb-4035-a744-5af1ce0ebf21.jpg


    Organized my game collection on to one bookcase (not perfectly sorted but it'll do)

    1. Thar


      gotta love that basic pre-owned cover art

      also, looks like some of those pieces are on backwards lol

    2. LordCowCow


      come back to me once you've filled all the shelves

    3. Nyx


      I miss my old game boxes....

  21. any potion sellers in chat

    1. radio414


      witches brew halloween GIF by Pusheen

      khajiit has wares if you have coin

    2. DragonSage


      Are you an inquisitor? You gotta tell me if you're an inquisitor.

    3. yui


      You don't know what you ask, traveler. My strongest potions would kill a dragon, let alone a man! You need a seller who sells weaker potions! Because my potions are too strong!

  22. Happy new year my children 🙂

    1. LordCowCow


      Hap new year uhhh big papa?

    2. Thar


      do you like it when we call you big papa?

    3. Ash
  23. yo if someone wants to run a competition/contest I'll give some points for a prize.



    1. yui


      imma host a contest called "who can donate the most points to yui"

    2. Ash


      hmm this seems like good idea

    3. yui
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